The online racing simulator
Quote from GP4Flo :One of the servers is now running in S1 mode.

Thanks Flo and Mr.Kimi for the S1 support!

Quote from GP4Flo :Edit: I've tested the server and played with two other S1 players, but no one else from S2 joined. Maybe it would be better to remove the "S1" beside the name in the serverlist so S2 players don't hesitate to join that host.

I think one important reason is that most people don't have the latest test patch. People with older versions of LFS (most people) can't see the S1 games yet.
[dSRC] Battle Grounds #5 is up and running in S1 mode. We've already had a couple of S1 drivers drop in.

Thanks :up:

It's nice that there are 5 public S1 hosts up and running now. So there will be somewhere for the S1 racers to go when we announce the S1 improvements to them.
#29 - SamH
In addition to that, it's my plan to move the STCC server over to S1 once patch V goes live. The car group (TBO) is based entirely on S1 cars and there will be no reason to run it as an S2-only server. I just need to hold off changing it to S1 for the moment, because I don't want to make it a requirement that anyone run a test patch in the series (God forbid we get handed another excuse to drive like crap! )

Anyone else who is running TBO might consider doing the same!
The connections limit prohibits me from making the STCC server an S1 host. I would actually strongly recommend not burning your bridges too soon Scawen, and hold off on the mail shot until S1 compatability is better integrated, unless you where looking for an Xmas payrise that is...
#31 - SamH
Aww bugger, I forgot about that bit. Tracks too! I was only thinking on the car front! I'll just sit quietly! :-x
Agreed, number of connections limit is a problem, but I can't change that in a compatible version. Tracks limit is sort of a problem though not so bad as the S1 tracks are quite good for the S1 cars.

I don't really know what you mean about burning bridges, Becky. This is really to let the S1 racers just have a chance to have a little fun with their old license, in the S2 version. They never really had that. We failed to predict that 99% of licensed servers would be started up in S2 mode from day 1!

We thought the changeover would be more gradual but we were wrong and so we soon got complaints from people buying the "useless" S1 license. That was not our intention, and by enabling skin downloads and allowing S1 to be visible from S2 list of games, we have just make S1 that little bit better. And there are more than 9000 S1 racers out there, somewhere...
What I meant Scawen, was that you get at most one chance to bring back your S1 userbase so it would be better to change the connection limit before sending out your mailshot. My advise/recommendation would not be to continually update S1 content, but to get the new change right and then publicise it. A token gesture may not do the job. (A quick check of S1 hosts earlier suggests the new change hasn't resulted in active S1 servers yet).

Regarding upgrades, I used to play Everquest where they released new addons every 3 months - the moment they where released old content died immediately. In fact it's the reason I quit playing (add on content cost to monthly fee and it was very expensive). Your active community will always seek out the latest fad, the new toys, the latest features. Your casual players are the ones who stayed with S1 and got shafted in the process.

When you launch S3 the same pattern will almost certainly occur, it's a delicate balance between securing the new upgrade sales and treading on your old users.
#34 - SamH
I don't think Scawen's plan is to introduce chargeable content, but to smooth the process of introducing patches, publicizing them and getting folks to update their LFS install (with all the headaches that involves being managed by the software - overwriting existing scripts etc for example). Many S1 users probably have never reinstalled LFS since S2 was released, firmly under the mistaken impression that being S1 users, they naturally wouldn't be able to reap the benefits of S2 physics etc (they're S1.. what's in it for them, right?).

If I understand the mission correctly, it's really to get the S1 members back into LFS by correcting an unforeseen cultural consequence of S2's release. Of course, if that leads to some S2 licence sales, smashing.. but they'll not be forced or obligated in that regard. The plan offers nothing but good things for S1 users, and I applaud it.
i will host for as long as you want on an S1 server if you buy me a DFP

i have £25 to pay for a DFP but..... anymore than just to play a game is pointless really.....
Is there any way of finding out how many people use my S1 server each day/week/month etc...? I know at least a few people do, because the track & laps are being changed around, but i don't have a clue if they are actually S1 people or S2 and it woud be nice to know?
Quote from Mr.Kimi :Is there any way of finding out how many people use my S1 server each day/week/month etc...? I know at least a few people do, because the track & laps are being changed around, but i don't have a clue if they are actually S1 people or S2 and it woud be nice to know?

I don't log those stats here. One way to do it is to turn on logging, and you'll see in the log file who has joined.
Before you run the host, edit the cfg.txt and find the line :

Log Messages 0 <-- set this to 1

Then everything is logged in deb.log file.

Be careful, if you restart the host, deb.log with be deleted and starts fresh.

I shall go stalk some innocent people now.
Along with the release of patch V opened a S1 server.

The status of the servers can be monitored here.