The online racing simulator
What does it cost? (little game thing)
(22 posts, started )
#1 - JTbo
What does it cost? (little game thing)
Little game here, it goes like this:
One names a product for example Coca Cola can and others from different countries will tell what is price of that in their country. As we have people around world this might come interesting

Try to keep money unit as euros or US dollars, just to make comparision easy, also let's try to call out common products that are found everywhere, so no mämmi for example

Also it might be good idea to call out new product not more frequently than one in a day.

Convert your currency here

So reply and call out for first product
I paid £187 for mine, so 366.664 USD or 278.350 EUR
2,600.00 HRK = 353.996 EURillepall

Edit: This is in Croatia, btw
€ 299,99 - $395.172
#5 - Davo
409.00 AUD = 245.041 EUR
G25 is €210,- here

8,113.00 Rub = 307.835 Usd = 234.053 Eur
I've found one in UK for 230.019 EUR including postage.
Got mine for 349.90 CHF (225.74 €uro Incl. MWSt/TVA/IVA)
I got mine for 270.00 USD (204.580 EUR)
#12 - Pig

List price is 299.99€ in Greece, but searching around i got it 249.90€, delivered at work in 3 hours

Only thing left now is to actually use it correctly. Too many missed gears

Got my G25 for $430 here in Australia
430.00 AUD = 338.970 USD = 256.893 EUR
Alright, new day, new thing.

A Big Mac from McDonalds. Here it's (IIRC) 4.90€
#16 - JTbo
Big mac (only burger, no drink) 3,75€ Finland
#17 - JTbo
Let's call out next product then.

Toyota Avensis 2.0 D-4D 126 Linea Sol Technical 4door sedan model code AD2504STM
35 000€ here that equals to 46 200$
216.557,00 Hrk = 29.4739,00 € = 38.9176,00 Usd
Tube of pringles (170g). Mostly 1.99€ here
#20 - Davo
Big Mac
3.25 AUD = 1.94267 EUR

Haven't had maccas in a while so could be more now.
got my g25 for :
2,053.00 NOK
Norway Kroner = 249.885 EUR
Price for G25 in Slovenia: 257,02 €

What does it cost? (little game thing)
(22 posts, started )