The online racing simulator
sending or receiving setup during a race
Hi I am sure this has been asked before but I have not been able to find the answer by my self. How do I send a setup but better still how do i find a setup and use one sent to me during a race?

thanks for your help

What a fantastic race game this is if only I could drive
Press the 'n' button until you see the connection list. SS is for send setup and an 's' will turn green when you receive a setup. Click the green 's' and you can name and save it.
- Press "N" until you see the Connection list on the lower right of your screen.
- Click the "ss" button next to the Racer you want to send the setup.

When someone sends you a setup you see the "ss" button is flashing. Click it to accept the set.
#4 - Davo
Press the 'n' button until you see the connection list. SS is for send setup and an 's' will turn green when you receive a setup. Click the green 's' and you can name and save it.
/takes Christmas hat off.:arge:
Am I alone in being peeved by people arriving in the middle of a race and demanding (yes, usually it's a demand) a setup? Wait till the race is over for god's sake!
/puts Christmas hat back on.:lovies3d:
Quote from Doorman :/takes Christmas hat off.:arge:
Am I alone in being peeved by people arriving in the middle of a race and demanding (yes, usually it's a demand) a setup? Wait till the race is over for god's sake!
/puts Christmas hat back on.:lovies3d:

No mate, it's not just you that gets pissed off with that. I will make people say please as well. For example, 'Blaeza, send setup now!' 'A please would be nice...' 'OK, PLEASE send setup now' 'No...' and then I get vote banned. LOL
If theres no "please" in the question, I never send a setup, even if its from Inferno.
Quote from Doorman :/takes Christmas hat off.:arge:
Am I alone in being peeved by people arriving in the middle of a race and demanding (yes, usually it's a demand) a setup? Wait till the race is over for god's sake!
/puts Christmas hat back on.:lovies3d:

No you aren't alone. Just last night, I saw 3 or 4 folks yell "I need set!" or something equivilent in the chat while the race was going on. I ignored. After one race, someone asked me "NightHawk: can I try your set?" I don't think he said please, but he asked instead of "demanding" AND he waited until after the race was finished. I promptly sent him my set, and told him to turn my ridiculous braking force down before he tried it as well. I think another racer asked nicely in chat after a race and I sent it to him as well. The folks who came in and immediately yelled "send set" didn't even get a thought from me of sending a set.
Quote from Doorman :/takes Christmas hat off.:arge:
Am I alone in being peeved by people arriving in the middle of a race and demanding (yes, usually it's a demand) a setup? Wait till the race is over for god's sake!
/puts Christmas hat back on.:lovies3d:

I did not demand a setup I was given one but was unable to save it .
Quote from toffee39 :Hi I am sure this has been asked before but I have not been able to find the answer by my self. How do I send a setup but better still how do i find a setup and use one sent to me during a race?

thanks for your help

What a fantastic race game this is if only I could drive

Quote from sil3ntwar :Press the 'n' button until you see the connection list. SS is for send setup and an 's' will turn green when you receive a setup. Click the green 's' and you can name and save it.

Quote from Highsider9 :- Press "N" until you see the Connection list on the lower right of your screen.
- Click the "ss" button next to the Racer you want to send the setup.

When someone sends you a setup you see the "ss" button is flashing. Click it to accept the set.

Quote from Davo :Press the 'n' button until you see the connection list. SS is for send setup and an 's' will turn green when you receive a setup. Click the green 's' and you can name and save it.

How do you do it again??

On one server for some weird reason I was the fastest; some dink kept demanding my set, so I pitted, chose "Default" and sent it to them.
might be a good idea to sugest that they ass a server side feature to only allow setups to be sent between races, if it hasnt already been sugested
i have a bind for mid race "vote restarts". i think i will mod it so it can work with setup requests too. "please wait until the race is over" what makes me laugh are the drivers who ask for a setup mid race, then get a setup (usually when someone is on a straight)and seconds later they leave.