The online racing simulator
LFS is dead???
(223 posts, closed, started )
Quote from Hockquan :Why don't we just get Chuck to finish LFS?

It'll be complete by the end of the week (no offense devs, but you aren't Chuck Norris) and he'll of kicked all of our butts for even thinking about claiming there were any bugs in the progr.....

*slumps on to keyboard*

v b5u7v6 xcgv,'gj,l;;;................

This is Chuck Norris speaking...if any of you punks have anything bad to say about Live for Chuck Norris then I'll have kicked your a$$es already.



Who started those Norris jokes anyway? Don't tell me it was Norris...
Is this the 'flame LFS' thread ?
Are you guys send by the rF staff ?
Quote from GianniC :Is this the 'flame LFS' thread ?
Are you guys send by the rF staff ?

Just the first guy
LFS not dead yet but certainly asleep ....who will give kiss at ours princess "devs" to wake up they ?
No, no, it's not dead, it's uh ... it's resting.
#56 - SamH
Palin: It's not.. it's pining!

Cleese: PINING!?

Palin: Yeah, it's pining for the fjords!


.........gawd I love Monty Python!
heheheh - the ex-parrot sketch - dont make em like that anymore eh Sam?

its at this point i would like to express my state of emotion with a pic.

nuff said!
#58 - SamH
ROFL! An image of inevitibility, and blissful ignorance! Nice one!
That one legged dude looks like he's about to fall over. Needs to hold the bat more out to the right to maintain a neutral l/r CoG balance.
Quote from Bob Smith :That one legged dude looks like he's about to fall over. Needs to hold the bat more out to the right to maintain a neutral l/r CoG balance.

Or maybe he is just sitting on the manhole cover behind him...?
#61 - Davo
Or maybe the jokes on him. Irony

hmmm... I didn't notice the car in previous pic
oh god, take that pic down, it's awful!!
It's lovely

*do I feel a hillarious pic thread comming up here ?*
I can see where others are coming from. Playing LFS for a year now and i thought it would of been alot further along than it is. yea they where 30 test patches but most of them seem to correct bugs and trivial stuff. the fact that the devs don't really say what there working on there site dosent help. I guess most are just fustrated because they know LFS has alot of potencial and it dosent seem to be fulfilling it.
lalathesortofgood, test patches are meant to fix trivial things, I guess it's why they're called "test patches" Gunn made a good point before, when I suggested the same thing about informing visitors to the official site about test patch progress (which you would have seen if you'd read page 1 ):
Quote from Gunn :The test patches are deliberately not posted on the main site. They are for testing purposes and are not considered stable nor complete. Only stable and pre-tested patches are official. Imagine the chaos if every visitor to the main page assumed that the test patch was bug-free and final.

I'll also choose to play the old "3-man dev team" card in conjunction with the "other indie game communities wish they had half the developer involvement & contact that we have" spiel. We get more contact, more content and more updates than games with dev teams ten times the size of Scavier. I'll also happily argue that the quality of what we get and what we have in LFS so far, even in its current alpha stage, is far higher than what most larger studios release as complete products. I just don't understand why people expect things to happen so quickly

Besides, it's the holiday season and people are starting to wind down and chill out. Some of us LFS'ers should do the same
#67 - axus
Its all been said before.

Scawen's explained his motivation behind what he is doing now here.

Unless you have something new to add to that, please don't repeat all that, kthxbai. Firstly 95% of the time Scawen has spent on LFS since April has been pretty much must-do things. The Vista compatability was undeniably necessary. The auto-updater which is on its way is a good thing, the sound improvements too. Secondly, all the little compatible stuff HAS to be done at some point, so why not take a deep breath, get it done and in the remaining 5% of the time in-between the bigger stuff NOW, rather than being distracted by it when doing core development, get a solid compatible patch out there and get working on physics/sound/AI/whatever else?
Somebody lock this Thread

Saying the most popular Online Simulation is dead is bull
Quote from lalathegreat :I can see where others are coming from. Playing LFS for a year now and i thought it would of been alot further along than it is. yea they where 30 test patches but most of them seem to correct bugs and trivial stuff. the fact that the devs don't really say what there working on there site dosent help. I guess most are just fustrated because they know LFS has alot of potencial and it dosent seem to be fulfilling it.

how is vista compatibility and a new sound system trivial ?

and even in its current underdeveloped state lfs is the most complete sim with the most bang for each of those 24 bucks (which really isnt much compared to other sims)
and dont forget those 24 quid not only buy you lfs in its current state your also will get tons of fixes weather updated graphics etc further down the line

personally id start worrying about lfs if its starting to fall behind .... but currently its the clear leader of the pack and constantly pulling away
Why not give Scavier a break and let them do their thing? Why must these bloody threads keep popping up? This isn't a netKar-type situation FFS. The way I see it we're very well looked after. The product we have is a world-beater and leader in its genre, even as a WIP. Can we not just enjoy it and be a little patient - dare I say a little adult - about its progress? What's the damn hurry anyway? Not enough other games on the market?

Suggestion: In future, if any of you have a beef with how the devs are doing their work, PM them directly and quit polluting the forum over and over again with this bullshit. Please.
#71 - Nard
OMG, that picture...

something bothers me about it...


no, that's not it


mmm, not it

No no no no, you've missed it entirely ... there's grass growing in the gutters!
I like how in LFS forums people who even slightly question the way LFS is done are instantly labeled moaners and whiners. It looks like the people here on lfsforum are starting to think that nothing can beat LFS. Ever. There are some good stuff coming in near future. LFS is the best sim atm. but is it tomorrow? Is LFS so good because the others are so bad or is LFS so good itself?

After all, finding a new favourite sim may not take longer than the installation and creating new shortcuts takes
I'm not one-eyed about this game and I sure won't kid myself that it's perfect - I'm a long-time GPL fanboy, flaws and all - but I know how good LFS players have got it as far as dev contact and stuff goes. These threads rub me the wrong way and two of them just popped up within a couple of days of each other. I don't get what the hurry is, that's all GPL'ers have to wait 2 years or more between announcement of a mod and its completion and release. Tracks can take just as long. Maybe we in GPL-land have more patience than others

LFS is progressing nicely and that's all that matters imho. It might not be the best sim tomorrow, but who cares as long as you enjoy it? To many people, GPL passed its use-by date years ago, yet it continues to attract new players and people can't stop making tracks & mods for it (release of the Barcelona Montjuich circuit is imminent). I suppose I just want it explained to me why the devs should hurry up, or whatever it is people want them to do. Would you like it done quickly or done properly?
Chuck Norris Fact:

If so bothered, Chuck Norris could finish devlopment of Live For Speed in an hour.

Only Chuck Norris can use nitrous in LFS.

That slippery grass in Westhill? Chuck Norris's saliva watered that lawn.

If you are on a C n R server, and a cop has the licence plate "Norris", he will wreck not only your car, but your soul as well.

Victor was going to have all songs related to Chuck Norris, but Chuck graciously declined, the humble man god he is.

Scawen came up with the idea of Live For Speed after a non stop 60 hour viewing of 'Walker, Texas Ranger.'

The headlights of each of the cars were originally going to be Chuck Norris's eyes.

And finally!

Chuck Norris can do a lap of Blackwood in under one minute. In the UF1000. In reverse.
This thread is closed

LFS is dead???
(223 posts, closed, started )