The online racing simulator
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(34 posts, started )
Username not found
I cant activate my acount again...i couldnt play the game even when it was activated. Help anyone??
Are you putting in the Username: "Stufflus" ?? with a capital "S"?
Yes i am
#5 - SamH
Where do you see that message? I have a feeling I know what's happened.
when im trying to log on to online play. And now when im trying to activate my acount.
#7 - SamH
Yep.. it's only a guess, but I think your account is toast. You were reported to the Wrecker Barricade for wrecking, so my guess is that you've also been banned enough times from enough servers to trigger LFS's new automatic account suspension. Check the email account that LFS has on record. I'd expect a warning email and probably a suspension notice.

If you want to see the replay that was reported to the Barricade, let me know and I'll PM you a link.

[edit] for information, being banned from the Barricaded servers won't automatically result in account suspension. The account suspension system is (afaik) based only on LIVE banning - i.e. banned from a server you're currently racing on. What I'm saying is that if you've been behaving in the manner you were reported for, on OTHER servers, it's a fairly safe bet that you've been live-banned from anywhere else you've tried it.
hm..not that ive noticed. I havent been banned a single time from any servers. Wierd
#9 - SamH
Quote from Stufflus :hm..not that ive noticed. I havent been banned a single time from any servers. Wierd

Yeah ya have. I was there, and I was the one that banned you.
what?? hmm...damn someone has used my acount!!! argh!!! do i get unbanned?
This could be interesting...

(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
what was the playername when u banned me?
The more the merrier! :munching_
#14 - SamH
Quote from Stufflus :what?? hmm...damn someone has used my acount!!! argh!!! do i get unbanned?

Well, it's two-staged.

Firstly, you've been banned from LFS itself. Whether you can get unbanned there is entirely between you and the Devs.

Secondly, since you've not taken me up on the offer of a replay (which is the first thing innocent people want to see, in my extensive experience), I've concluded that you already know what the likely content of that replay is. So, from MY servers you haven't a hope of getting unbanned until (according to our server ban file) November 2009.

The best advice I can give you, now, is to go to
I havent broken any rules on any servers ever! show me replay and the playing name that was used!
#16 - SamH
Quote from Stufflus :what was the playername when u banned me?

Oh.. apparently it's a team name that is a forbidden word on the LFS forum.
#17 - SamH
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Maybe the devs banned accidentally wrong player

ive never called me that!! My playing name is "TeamAylar|Stuffie"

BTW..i cant watch the replay!! Because i just got the DEMO!!!!!!
#20 - SamH
If your account has been compromised (perhaps poor choice of game password etc), then that's something you will have to resolve with the Devs. Once you've satisfied their criteria regarding account security (and established with them that the use of your account was from a different location and not with your permission - if you can do that), and taken all steps and measures to successfully gain an unban from them, I WILL be willing to reconsider our server's ban. Nothing short of that, though.
what a bloody mess! its impossible for me to prove that it was'nt me! no one is ever gona belive me *sadface*

so it was just the team name that was the crime??

could you send the team name on pm to me? so i can see what it was???
#22 - SamH
Quote from Stufflus :what a bloody mess! its impossible for me to prove that it was'nt me! no one is ever gona belive me *sadface*

I really *don't* know what information the Devs collect and keep about LFS users in multiplayer. The best thing to do is contact them, let them know where you're at in the great scheme of things, and perhaps they'll be willing to look into it.

If it wasn't you, and your account HAS been stolen, then you do have my sympathy. Before you do anything else, go and change your web and game passwords. I can't arbitrarily unban you from any of the servers you've been banned from, except the few that I've control over, but that's irrelevent at the moment anyway because you've been banned by a much higher authority than the Wrecker Barricade.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
dont take colour of text that was my issue leave it green i was changing it to black because i was seeing my username in black
so its a chance hopefully... and im not a "racer" im a thats why i havent completed any of them!!
Do you guys believe him?

Just read the first post again and think about it - the indirect way he is talking, and that "I cant activate my account again" shows quite obviously that he knows that his account has been deactivated / banned.
I dont believe a lic he says tbh, but I may be wrong of course.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken

Username not found
(34 posts, started )