The online racing simulator
lol' I got payed in Cheese!
(71 posts, started )
#51 - CSU1
Quote from BlakjeKaas :^^ that can't be 3 kg.

when do you give me some? :P

I can't give out cheese when I'm at work ,
so I'll fix you yp with some later
Ok, I'll be waiting.. <3
#53 - CSU1
Ahahahaha! guess what those bloody kids are getting in their trick or treat bags later
Don't know...
[HINT]he only has 16.5kg[/HINT]
#55 - CSU1
Quote from LFSn00b :What? A 1000 Kg of cheese?

Well no, not that much m8 ffs ,
but I hope to see the cheese counter down to about 10kg by morning
(Blaeza) DELETED by Blaeza
Quote from CSU1 :Well no, not that much m8 ffs ,
but I hope to see the cheese counter down to about 10kg by morning

#57 - CSU1
@ Tristancliffe,
I know what your at trying to get me to fill that "Wrong Post" thread with cheese tut tut
I'm wide to you
and yes I got rid of quite a lot last night lol, chees on crackers, cheese on well....just about everything you can imagine lmao and I kept on sneaking little chunks in with the bars and sweets
are you working now?
Would I tempt you to go off topic by mentioning cheese? Me? Nah!

Have you tried funny things with cheese, like juggling, or skimming lumps on water.

#60 - CSU1
:doh: ffs not this bloody thread again
although you may be onto something there, but my house already stinks of cheese lol!
I think I'll try melt and mould it and make a sculpture of me and sell it for one milion jaffa's
how much is a jaffa worth?
Kaas means Cheese in English...
#62 - CSU1
Quote from BlakjeKaas :how much is a jaffa worth?

NO WAY M8! I sell you 10 gramms of cheese for one jaffa NO more?
Deal or no deal?:icon23:
How much cheese, by weight, can you fit in your mouth at once.


I can get more cheese here for less jaffa's...

lmfao, i wouldve taken cash instead.
Where'd all your cheese go?
#67 - CSU1
Stock check: I needed to take it from stock while I count everything up, update laters....
Edit: Count finished: Damn I knew I had more than I thought
#68 - CSU1
Quote from LFSn00b :Idea, sell the cheese to a store or somethind

No I'm building a virtual granary, and hope to do other work and store apples, meat, hops , wheat, ale, etc lol
Quote from BlakjeKaas :well...

I can get more cheese here for less jaffa's...

I found jaffa juice, had me laughing for a while, my gf was wondering what was going on. And in brand markets they don't sell jaffa over here, but in aldi's, the no brand stores, they do sell jaffa cakes. I was amazed
what are or is jaffa's?

lol' I got payed in Cheese!
(71 posts, started )