The online racing simulator
LFS meets DX10
(195 posts, started )
Quote from cpachmann :By then, a game that scratches perfection not only in a graphical manner but also in its physical attitudes.
Could that be the future or only a dream?
What do think about it? What capabilities could the game have?

Verry funny that you mention that, because LFS hasn't met DX9 Yet
Another useless thread i think
Quote from R1K89 : Verry funny that you mention that, because LFS hasn't met DX9 Yet
Another useless thread i think

Well..don´t think so. We have discussed a lot in this thread...Not as usless as many other threads!!
Quote :Verry funny that you mention that, because LFS hasn't met DX9 Yet
Another useless thread i think

That's like saying you gotta develop for DX1 through DX7 before moving onto DX8. That just doesn't make sense. By the time S3 is in the works, DX10 will most likely be the logical choice to concentrate graphics development.
They shouldn't change to DX10 ... I'm sure, they would lose lots of users with this announcement. Because many people won't install Vista and so they have no DX 10. At the moment, DX8 is absolutely enaugh ... maybe later with rain und day-change, a change to DX9 will be the better way ...
I admit I'm struggling to see the improvement in graphics that DX10 will bring over DX9. When you can't be sure which screens are DX10 and which are DX9, when you have to be told (look at Crysis, which ran on DX9 for months and still impressed) then maybe there's no really substantial graphical leap there at all. But DX10 will bring performance benefits as well, and it's not just about graphics. What may end up happening is that LFS gets coded for DX9 primarily and then there are a few fancy DX10 effects which are available to those with Vista, like heat haze, or depth of feild blurring in replays. Purely cosmetic stuff which doesn't effect or enhance gameplay, but is still nice for those that can turn it on. Don't know. I've no intention of getting a DX10 card anytime soon, nor Vista, but maybe one day I will, and it would be nice to have the choice. In some ways, I can't imagine why a game 5 years or so in development wouldn't want to take advantage of current technology. When we start to see what DX10 can really do, maybe DX9 will begin to look rather archaic. It would be a shame to see LFS finally finished, but running on by then an outdated technology.. Besides, Scawen is already coding with Vista in mind, as the last 2 patches testify.
Quote from RSchumacher :I'm sure, they would lose lots of users with this announcement. Because many people won't install Vista and so they have no DX 10. At the moment, DX8 is absolutely enaugh ...

Nah when XP was announced and launched on the market, lots of poeple told they won´t change to it (lots of Bugs, security issues, Mickey Mouse UI etc...) . Even a lot of poeple I know didn´t want to change and what happened? After they bought a complete system they automatically had it installed, or at the end they installed it for whatsoever reason. As I see it there is no reason why Vista shouldn´t go the same way.
DRM and Trusted Computing maybe?
Quote from RSchumacher :They shouldn't change to DX10 ... I'm sure, they would lose lots of users with this announcement. Because many people won't install Vista and so they have no DX 10. At the moment, DX8 is absolutely enaugh ... maybe later with rain und day-change, a change to DX9 will be the better way ...

Agree , let's first see what they can get out of DX8 and maybe later DX9 if they want more effects. Probally many people won't buy Vista because their pc's aren't ready for it yet.

Quote from Electrik Kar :That's like saying you gotta develop for DX1 through DX7 before moving onto DX8. That just doesn't make sense. By the time S3 is in the works, DX10 will most likely be the logical choice to concentrate graphics development.

See above, i only wanted to say that many people are not ready for DX10, and not even all Graphic Cards can have DX10.
There was once one wise man who said:

"Don´t give me problems, give me solutions!"
or was it like that...
"Don't give me problems, give me dx9L!"
Here you are!

Perhaps now LFS will meet DX10...
#186 - Woz
The site where I obtained the link warned that the Inquirer may have got it wrong (they don't have a good reputation for getting their facts straight). That's why I said 'potential'. Well, we did end up getting some kind of twist...
Quote from Woz :Actually, news has changed and 9.0L is DX9 for Vista

BTW. For those that have not heard yet the latest on Vista. You can only upgrade your hardware ONCE with Vista then your licence is no longer valid.

So buy a new machine, have a Mobo fail and that is one licence gone and if that mobo turns out bad you have to purchase Vista again. Thats nice of MS.

Well... Different sources say different things... I was told (by Microsoft) that this would apply to OEM licenses only (which would be 1 more install than what we have for XP). What does apply to regular licenses is that you can only (re)sell a Vista license once. So if you buy a Vista license from another user, you cannot sell it again.
My colleague, who's in actual sales, was told your story (also by Microsoft, on the same frikkin day)...
I'm guessing the licensing model for Vista is shrouded in mystery for now.
Do they still have all the activation rubbish in Vista? It's bad enough in XP, my house mate has a legal copy but is usually having to use an illegitimate serial since he reinstalls so often (and is forever buying new parts) since he's used up all his activations for his keys (yes, he keeps phoning Microsoft to get new serials, but they stopped after the 5th). Waste of everybody's time IMO.
#190 - Woz
Quote from Bob Smith :Do they still have all the activation rubbish in Vista? It's bad enough in XP, my house mate has a legal copy but is usually having to use an illegitimate serial since he reinstalls so often (and is forever buying new parts) since he's used up all his activations for his keys (yes, he keeps phoning Microsoft to get new serials, but they stopped after the 5th). Waste of everybody's time IMO.

Yep, you ativate or you can only use the browser for 1 hour a day along with loads of other restrictions. Vista copy protection will make XP look tame from where I stand.

They also have an "improved" version of the Windows Genuine Advantage spyware product that will unregister your Vista copy if they feel it is no longer valid.

Volume licence keys are gone as well now. Oh how I would love to roll out 1000 installs of Vista through a company and active each one. MS have said they have tools that will help but will increase the workload for IT departments.

At least my download of Ubuntu has just about finished. I will keep an XP configuration for games and then Ubuntu for everything else.
Quote from Woz :Yep, you ativate or you can only use the browser for 1 hour a day along with loads of other restrictions. Vista copy protection will make XP look tame from where I stand.

They also have an "improved" version of the Windows Genuine Advantage spyware product that will unregister your Vista copy if they feel it is no longer valid.

Volume licence keys are gone as well now. Oh how I would love to roll out 1000 installs of Vista through a company and active each one. MS have said they have tools that will help but will increase the workload for IT departments.

At least my download of Ubuntu has just about finished. I will keep an XP configuration for games and then Ubuntu for everything else.

which for me leads to the conclusion that the only way to use windows anymore is with cracked copies even though you have a perfectly legal version sitting somewhere in your cd stash
How ironic...
Just a vote from me: next year I'll definitely upgrade to 64 bit PC, but will never install Vista. I've already switched to Mandriva and run a pirated XP only for LFS, RoR and X-Plane (planning to switch it to Linux too).
All this Vista / DX10 BS is really starting to get to me. Microshaft is getting WAY out of hand (err, more so) IMHO. I think I'll be having an XP/DX9 machine for a seriously long time the way things appear to be shaping up.
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :All this Vista / DX10 BS is really starting to get to me. Microshaft is getting WAY out of hand (err, more so) IMHO. I think I'll be having an XP/DX9 machine for a seriously long time the way things appear to be shaping up.

There WILL be a DX10 for XP... Just not from MS...
The Wine dev team has already started porting it to XP (and are so far saying it's not too hard to do).

LFS meets DX10
(195 posts, started )