Why do LFS cars fly like ball?
(65 posts, closed, started )
Why do LFS cars fly like ball?
Hi racers !!

i wonder that why lfs cars fliing?

when someone hits another,both cars becomes like balls and gets shooted other directions.sometimes when a car crashes to a wall, it flies at least 10 seconds.There is no doubt cars dont behave like that in real life.i have never seen or heard a car shooted to a hill by another car.

My question is this : is this a phsics problem that will be improved with the coming patches? Or this is nothing to care for lfs racers ?
Quote from TyresHot :Hi racers !!

i wonder that why lfs cars fliing?

when someone hits another,both cars becomes like balls and gets shooted other directions.sometimes when a car crashes to a wall, it flies at least 10 seconds.There is no doubt cars dont behave like that in real life.i have never seen or heard a car shooted to a hill by another car.

My question is this : is this a phsics problem that will be improved with the coming patches? Or this is nothing to care for lfs racers ?

I've seen this plenty of times on my daily drive to work, perhapse you have only seen very heavy cars, lined with lead and stuff?

Often on my journeys, i get clipped and spend the next 35 miles in the air, saves on fuel though!!
OMG LFS is too realistic,honesty lfs racers may mix real life and lfs!! i hope i understood right and succeed to describe.
combination of lag and the collision detection system i would say. Offline im fairly sure car to car explosions with the AI are rare. Could be wrong havent raced them for awhile
its the colision detection system, i dont know when it will be fixed but it will be, maybe by the time S2 is finally released then it may be sorted.
It's caused by a not yet finished collision detection. Also this subject has been brought up about a million times. :sleep1:
Lag cant be blamed for this.Collision detection system? i dunno what is this.
AFAIK the collision detection works by looking how far two object overlap so it knows the forces involved (or something like that) but if you introduce lag into this the cars could overlap alot while one player is lagging then when the next packet of data for the car theres a large overlap so the cars get thrown apart.
the system that detects wether cars touch each other or not.
theres no crumple zones (yet) to help absorb the energy of a collision.
When Crashing the energy isnt absorbed by the chassis like IRL, and so the crash-energy shoots the cars in the orbit.
Quote from Greboth :AFAIK the collision detection works by looking how far two object overlap so it knows the forces involved (or something like that) but if you introduce lag into this the cars could overlap alot while one player is lagging then when the next packet of data for the car theres a large overlap so the cars get thrown apart.

Each cars position are calculated at a given frequency think its 100 hz.
When two cars come close, in one calculation there are "spare room" but the next calculation the cars are within each others "space" and booom... sky-high.. A litle bit of lag/latency between the two players adds up to this..

I would be very surprised if this is not fixed in S2 Full

Edit: Whohaa.. lots of reply's :-)
its already surprising for me that is hasnt fixed yet.because its a big bug.
Am I the only one that sees this in day to day driving?!
Quote from Robster230 :Am I the only one that sees this in day to day driving?!

Nope, bikes bounce off cars quite well

Now I want to find that Grand Prix Legends replay where a car spins on it's nose for about a minute. Cool looking crashes are a plus in my opinion.
Quote :It's not a big bug - the point of racing is NOT to hit each other.

Even in NASCAR?
Quote :Thus if you are a good racer you'll never experience it

Racers shouldn't lock up the wheels either during braking, but how much development time has gone into trying to model flat spotting and hot spots? (IMO, I never thought it was needed, especially since the implementation involves comprimises like segmenting a tire).
Quote from JeffR :Even in NASCAR?Racers shouldn't lock up the wheels either during braking, but how much development time has gone into trying to model flat spotting and hot spots? (IMO, I never thought it was needed, especially since the implementation involves comprimises like segmenting a tire).

You're kidding right?.

1) This aint bloody NASCAR

2) Contact is actually against the rules in most motorsports where as locking up the brakes is not, and its something that happens with huge regularity on the circuit.

BTT: It's not a LFS related BUG, it's an Online Racing Game bug, where collisions take part. There is actually NO way to totally prevend that, except allowing the cars to dive into each other a bit. Every Racing Sim has that, that in a short LAG and both cars heading towards same position, they might appear to be inside the other car then. And a proper physics calculation of collisions will then reverb the force, which would be realistically needed to "dive" that much into the other car onto both cars in the reversed direction. With some physics understanding, you'll see, that the momentum put on the cars then is quite big. That'll leap them anywhere. This happened to me in every other sim too once or twice. It's just a matter of LAG.
Was anyone else on the Redline Racing 3 server last night when some bloke called Proof was wrecking all over the place? Sure I saw the biggest air i've ever seen in lfs, it was so funny (not the wrecking) I nearly coughed my dinner up.
Quote from JeffR :Even in NASCAR?Racers shouldn't lock up the wheels either during braking, but how much development time has gone into trying to model flat spotting and hot spots? (IMO, I never thought it was needed, especially since the implementation involves comprimises like segmenting a tire).

You need to work on your understanding of irony and sarcasm mate. It's not the first time you've been caught out, and whilst your nationality goes some way to explain your inability, it's been long enough.

Even in NASCAR hitting each other isn't permitted. Rubbing maybe, and this is fine in LFS except in the laggiest situations, but not hitting.

And no, we aren't meant to flatspot tyres etc, but locking a wheel is a somewhat smaller mistake. And what compromise of splitting it into segments. It works, it has no downsides, and will be adaptable for any wheeled vehicle. It might even be 'easy' to make it have 1000 segments when PC's are powerful enough.

Really Jeff, pay attention.
Quote from TyresHot :ok,agreed,

i only wanted to get help from people and help people.it was my exciting did that.i will try to post rarely.i will talk lfs on msn with my buddies.

I think more what people are trying to say is that when thinking of something or a bug, for instance this crashing, use the search.

You will most probably find something mentioned before in the forum somewhere, have a read through and if needed post your new idea's and get that topic running again. And if you dont find anything then your welcome to start a new topic with your help.

We are a community here and are not wishing to push racers out of it, we just rather ask posters to be check before creating a new topic.
Quote from tristancliffe :Even in NASCAR hitting each other isn't permitted. Rubbing maybe..

What was all that fuss in last year's season about bump-drafting? Quite a speed advantage, I was led to believe especially for the big tracks like Talla, and they specially reinforced the cars to withstand a little 'jostling in the pack' without falling apart. A few of the Nascar old timers got hot about how potentially dangerous this practice was but if they didn't follow suit they would no longer have a chance of being competitive. I think thats how it went anyway. i'm not up-to-speed on the current season so maybe they have introduced some rules to now discourage the practice.
Quote from Vykos69 :BTT: It's not a LFS related BUG, it's an Online Racing Game bug, where collisions take part. There is actually NO way to totally prevend that, except allowing the cars to dive into each other a bit. Every Racing Sim has that, that in a short LAG and both cars heading towards same position, they might appear to be inside the other car then. And a proper physics calculation of collisions will then reverb the force, which would be realistically needed to "dive" that much into the other car onto both cars in the reversed direction. With some physics understanding, you'll see, that the momentum put on the cars then is quite big. That'll leap them anywhere. This happened to me in every other sim too once or twice. It's just a matter of LAG.

Pardon me if I hijack the thread for a little bit, but I don't really agree with the above; especially the part that "with some physics understanding, you'll see, that the momentup put on the cars then is quite big."

Seems to me that all this applies only when you have inelastic collisions... then the energy represented by the overlap goes directly into reactive force (generating large momentum). But, cars are not inelastic -- they crumple -- thus a vast portion of that energy should really dissapate into the bodywork, suspension, etc and only a little bit go into the reactive force.

Even though LFS does not today have a fully implemented damage model, seems like it could at least pull out that part of the energy and apply only a small portion of the remaining energy toward the change in momentum. Of course, until you have a complete damage model, you'll need to estimate the dissapated energy instead of calculate it... but you get the idea.
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Why do LFS cars fly like ball?
(65 posts, closed, started )