The online racing simulator
You all are going to like this one : No Artist - Audio Track 04
Quote from MataGyula :You all are going to like this one : No Artist - Audio Track 04

It's quite good yeah, but I dig the melody in 'Unknown Artist - Track 10'

Now listening to some Foos
I'm listening to Cars.

<---- By that dude.
#82 - VoiD
ORBITAL <- my head
Nightwish- Ghost Love Score owesome track ...
#85 - Jakg
Muse - Map Of Your Head
DJ Irish - Escape Velocity
Construction site - let's use that heavy machinery
(can't wait to go home )

Edit: Now I'm at home and Cock Sparrer - Working is playing (what an irony... lol)
Quote from Madman_CZ :Nightwish- Ghost Love Score owesome track ...

So it is... and I hear ding dong... which means you're at my front door...
I'm a sucker for the old acoustic guitar, so currently playing when I'm online is a bit of Jack Johnson and Ryan Adams.
lola, the kinks. (i love that song)
Suspekt -Evig Tilfredsstillelse
Danish Rap
#92 - CSU1
Enya - Rock Da' House.
'Leh-'nerd 'Skin-'nerd :bannana_g
Metallica - Anesthesia

then Metallica - To Live is to Die
Quote :'Leh-'nerd 'Skin-'nerd

Backyard Babies - Total 13

Long live scandinavian rock!
Kiss - Detroit rock city
#98 - CSU1
electric six - Gay Bar.
Limp Bizkit - Creamer (Radio is dead)

WUHUW post nr. 100
Quote from CSU1 :electric six - Gay Bar.

No idea what kind of music that even is but I don't want to hear that.
This thread is closed

The what music are you listening to now thread
(16853 posts, closed, started )