my 2c (I admit I did several tests to validate my points, but I am not an expert in Drag racing) :
* tires : putting the highest pressure on the front is good. I tend to have better result with the lowest pressure at the back, and not 1.7bar as you use. Using camber at 0° at the back is good, as it offers more contact for the driving wheels, but at the front it is not good to use 0° : you do not need grip there => prefer maximum negative camber available
* ride height : put the maximum ride height at the front => there is no penalty in the top end speed (I think...) and it will give more weight to the back (what you want on a RWD to start quickly). Having a high ride height at the back seems a bit better for grip than too low ... I tend to have good results with seeting it at the maximum
* rebound : use the lowest value for the front, not the maximum one => as for the ride height, it will help to transfer the weight to the back, giving more grip when starting
* damping : at the back, you may have some better results while not using the maximum value, it tends to limit a bit the traction, but anyway there is less to earn on this setting than the others I mention
For those who have some skills in drag racing, do not hesitate to test and provide your feedback on those points

, I find this interesting. That is bad we do not have a hotlap chart on this, but maybe having the physics at 1kHz is needed to have the ms taken into account in aim to differentiate the experts in gear change