The online racing simulator

Poll : What kind of racing experiences you would like to have in future ?

Closed since :
Extreme racing - Rotating open wheel cars FBM/FOX/MRT/FO8/BF1 with rotating tracks on wkends, GTR+GT2+GTL on wkdays
Theme racing - Rotating open wheel cars FBM/FOX/MRT/FO8/BF1 with rotating tracks on wkends, GTI, TBO+LX4 or LRF on wkdays
Openwheel Racing - Rotating open wheel cars FBM/FOX/MRT/FO8/BF1 with rotating tracks
Weekend Formula Racing / Wkdays Close Racing - Rotating open wheel cars FBM/FOX/MRT/FO8/BF1 with rotating tracks on wkends, UF1+GTX on wkdays
Own suggestion, please answer your preferred option to this thread.
#1 - jkat
[WCL] World Class Lions Public Racing Servers
We have been running several public racing servers both in demo and S1/S2 mode and still do so but now we want to focus more on what community wants to see in future. After cg S2 was discontinued XFG/XRG racing server has gained good popularity and no less than with proper admin effort and decently working server configuration.

We would like to offer similar racing experience with some other track/car combinations and would like to know what would be your desired racing combination. In the poll there is couple of choices we have been thinking but future server configurations could be something else also.

So give a vote or max 2 choices what you would like to see or answer this thread with your suggestion.

The poll will run until Easter time and around that time we decide based on this poll and suggestions where we put our effort in coming months.
Definitely MRT! And LX would be nice too Smile
Extreme racing : - )

My opinion is that FO8 and BF1 take some time to get used to them and therefore are not that suitable for sprint races as you do not train for the combos in advance.
I suggest to use absolutely "new" cars from unofficial restrictioned car list on car list and to choose something never seen...

( I think you even might catch about what I am thinking, heheh)
extreme, but maybe gtr's for saturday and fz5 for sunday, this car is pretty fun to race
Nah, weekend for open wheels Smile
#9 - jsrk
Keep the votes coming, all votes count ! Thumbs up
There once was server "Head2Head" or similiar. Basically short tracks with 1v1 duels, similiar to "race of champions."
Think that would fill a niche that currently is empty..maybe with some system like "winner stays on track."
#11 - jkat
Thanks to all who voted.
This voting lost a bit of meaning when cargame servers came back in action and new Westhill testpatch and finally official version came out.

Nevertheless we got good information what the community is lacking and since in all ready made options there was openwheelers with track rotation we will start the new server with them and most probably only with new westhill track in rotation.
We will make a separate announcement when the server is configured with above cars+tracks for public use.