The online racing simulator

Poll : Vote for the best

Closed since :
#1 - delis
LFS Photomode Competition Round 96 Voting: Sunset/Sunrise With Pictures Provided

This competition theme was... "Sunrise/Sunset with pictures provided"

Voting rules:
*You have one vote that you can use.
*You can vote for anyone, but not yourself. (The votes where people vote for themselves will not be counted, but deleted at the end of the voting.)
*Getting more votes in an unfair way (asking others to vote four your picture etc.) is NOT allowed. (If I find out, you won't be able to participate in the competition anymore for some time and also your image will be deleted from the voting.)

The winner will be the person with the most votes.

Voting Closes at 18:00 GMT on Sunday 8th, February 2015

The entrants were:


High Res


High Res


High Res


High Res

P.S. Litro's image does not goes into voting because he did not specify it as the final image as it was stated in rules for the image to count as an entry.
All very nice!
#3 - delis
Not much of a voting activity, huh?
#4 - delis
The results
So the first competition since year 2013 is over. And the winner is... delis! Congratulations!

I'd like to thank to everyone who gave their votes for me and for other competitors for taking part this round. Keep up the good work and hope to see your works in other competitions.

As for the organization side of this competition I'm a little bit disappointed because this was a very easy theme and I kinda hoped that there would be more people willing to participate. Even the voting was kinda slow as there weren't many people even voting. So let's see how the other competitions turns out and if there is any point continuing this thing. Wait for the new theme and new round tomorrow.
grats Smile

There was too much other stuff happening Smile
To me the theme was a bit so-so, not so much creative things could be done and so the pictures look similiar too. Compare to these themes: "Advertising poster" or "radio controlled cars"..every picture is different and allows more interssting ideas:
#6 - delis