The online racing simulator
#1 - Navid
question about power/weight, speed and accelerate
Hi friends
Imagine we have two cars with same power/weight ratio, every other situations are same too ( torque, airdynamic,... are same ) the only diffrent is weight!! one car is heavier but more power too ( power/weight is equal ), so in this situations which car has more top speed? and which one more accelerate? why?
car with more power has higher top speed

if weight/power ratio is the same they accelerate the same (if we ignore air resistance, but if not then car with more power will have higher acceleration also)

why? ... becuase of physics
Top speed is basically drag against power.

Drag is aero drag plus tyre rolling resistance. Tyre rolling resistance only increases slightly with weight, so increasing weight and power only has a small change in drag. So higher top speed.