Pure Racing weekend event: TBO Endurance!
Hi Racers,

today the first event starts on Pure Racing! TBO Endurance!
Just to bring you some nostalgic feeling back behind your steering wheels (and mouses )

Just go on the PR Event server!
Its open from today 12 am (German Time) to Sunday 12pm. Check time differences here

See the attachment for more info:

Attached images
#2 - Sobis
Any restrictions?
Quote from Sobis :Any restrictions?

no, just follow the rules

Edit: the name is "pure racing", because i want to give you the essence of racing.... so no licence restriction so far ...just for events, but it has no sense to restrict with a licence when nearly noone got it at the beginning.
#4 - BURN
Nice, but that means also no intake restriction for the FXO?

PS thx anyway, because on cargame you "only" see UFR and BabyUFR ...
Quote from BURN :Nice, but that means also no intake restriction for the FXO?

Ooooops, give me a second.... done!
3% intake restriction for FXO, thanks for the info!
wrong section, but thanks for the info.
Quote from edge3147 :wrong section, but thanks for the info.

It's General LFS Discussion, topic is about LFS, so it's correct section. But thanks for the info.
Quote from edge3147 :wrong section, but thanks for the info.

Nah... It is not a classical league, it is more public racing... so ... when CTRA started I believe they also launched their first posts here in the General Discussion and later moved to a subsection.
i will be there
PW required? :|
the events section is where most ppl advertise their events, just saying.
#13 - troy
You're not the forum police, just saying...
i like organization =)
Interested and now I have sunday off I will try and remember in the morning to join, TBO <3
Quote from DeadWolfBones :PW required? :|

dunno what happened, maybe something wrong in my config.... ist open again now
Sunday evening and the server is empty...
Quote from Mysho :Sunday evening and the server is empty...

I think its just a hard time to launch such a big project, but i am pretty sure, that it will be successful some time
Totally forgot, and I got out of bed at 4pm

Sorry to hear was quiet, Maybe run a test race or 2 before starting the series, help build up some the attendance?
I joined Friday night and couldn't race, but it was kind of dead. A while back I posted here advertizing TBO racing on AS7R and I got around 6 or 7 drivers was all. I think it takes a while for a server to become established, and most people on LFS just join random servers which they trust and are full. You kind of need a committed group of regulars to acheive the status of a mostly full server though :|
Don't know whether this has any sway over attendance but I have never been able to find any of the pure racing servers in the server list.
search PR Road 1 etc
I think we have to get a couple of people on the server at one time, so people notice it more.