The online racing simulator
stop the wreckers?
(19 posts, started )
#1 - Gizz
stop the wreckers?
i was thinking today (yes it did hurt ) about this problem with the wreckers and this is what i have come up with...

a mandatory vote system

ok this is the idea (clears throte)

at the end of every race before a restart can take place a vote screen comes up with all the drivers that took part in the race (no matter if they did one lap or completed the race) by the side of every name you have 3 voting option,

1. good
2. neutral
3. bad

you vote for all the drivers that took part in the race, once thats done its buisness as usual...

now for a "good" vote a player would recive 2 points...
for a "neutral" vote a player would get 1 point....
for a "bad" vote a player would have 3 points deducted...

these points would be kept and saved with your online record, now for the next bit..

in the server set section you can specify how many point a driver needs to enter the server, so just for the sake of it..

extremeservers#1 may set a point score rule of 20 points, meaning anydriver that wants to join must have at least 20 (good behaviour) points if not the server refuses the connection...

now if this was to be implemented all drivers start out with a a iven number of drivers points lets just say 50 points? so on the first day most servers set to say 40/50 points that means anyone can join in the "first race" as we all have 50 points, but lets just say i join a server with 10 drivers in and im a wrecker or stupid fool (if there is a difference) at the end of the race lets say 8 drivers give me a bad vote i LOOSE a whoping "24 points" if i get 8 good votes and 2 neutral votes i recive 18 points, for being a good boy ....

then if the devs would put a gragh on LFS world to show the points of drivers admins would have a scale to by on the amount of points to run there servers on...

so if the EVERAGE points for drivers was say 200pts and the top end was 300pts admins who wanted a good racing server with GOOD drivers could run there server on a 250 point system, so only drvers with 250 points can connect.

this means that if your a good driver you have nothing to worry about the fools will be fighting to find a server and will be racing with other trogs of the same mentalitly, we could even go as (if posible) that in the server setup options you have a option bar that goes from "complete jerks" to "good racers" i you set the bar half way between the 2 it auto checks the lfs servers to find out what the points is for that...

so lets say the lowest everage for points -100pts the the mid average is 400pts and the top average is 800pts setting the bar in the server admin panel to around half way would check the server and if the values were as above would set the points needed to enter that server to around 400pts

this just means that once set the server would constantly be checking for the new values and admins would not have to change the points every day to keep up with the good behavior gragh....

just a thought....
The idea could be misused, some examples:

1. a driver who normally is a nice (don't like to use good as it could mean his speed) driver is being pushed in T1 from behind at start of a race. He could loose control and in result it would be bowling at T1, so a great deal of the cars would be cleaned of the track. This example happens a lot of times, so we see it's not always the fault of the one that make a major crash. What would happen? After the race all people with some exeptions think this player is a crasher and give him bad votations.

2. There's always poeple that would give a bad votation cause they're frustrated or what else.

3. The wreckers would probably also give bad votations.

Don't get me wrong, i always thought that some kind of classification for behaviour is a good thing. But to make it right so it can't be misused is the problem.
Good and Bad should not be used but "Clean" and "Dirty" instead.

A driver can be bad and still clean and I would rather shrae my server with someone who is bad and is a clean driver than someone who is good but is a dirty driver.

Apart from that it's a good idea
Mm but who wants to sit there voting for 20 odd people after each race :S maybe if lfsworld just kept a record of how many times an individual got kicked or banned would do the trick and a server option "if banned more than 300 times do not let in" LOL that would keep the wreckers out anyway :P
ya i go 4 netin had race just now on Aston wit 2 guys who were screwing me around the whole time.They even banned me from the servers. Its attitudes like theres that need to be resolved for us to have clean fun racing.
Good idea Gizz!
ok then, maybe an optional voting system. As the results appear at the top right, 3 small, (1 letter buttons) appear next to each name. (C) [Clean], (A) [Average], (D) [Dirty]. Then, if you don't want to vote then you don't have to, it doesn't slow down actions on the server and it still allows for the system to be in place.
I don't like the idea at all.

I've yet to have a problem with wreckers in the ~2 years I've been playing. They must never visit the servers I use (I rarely go for busy servers), or not be online when I am.

If there's a lack of clean driving going on, switch servers.

Also a lot of servers seem to run as many cars as possible, which means if the server gets busy cars get jerky, so this ruins the fun anyway.
#8 - AJ259
my 2cents hehe maybe figure out some kind of point system that is aoutomatic then do the points thing on the servers. nascar 2003 had a system like that/

i dont think the voting thing will work
Quote from Bob Smith :Don't like the idea at all.

maybe you could expand on that so that everyone can understand why and possibly help us to imrpove the idea?
actually we have 3 threads active and posted in in the last 2 or 3 hours about exactly the same topic right now - and this idea and all of the objections were already part in one of the 2 others.. maybe it would help to merge at least 2 (maybe all 3) of them together

number one (and the oldest one and the rating/voting system is suggested there)

number two (the NR2003 system is mentioned there)

and this one
Man this thread is post crazy.
Quote from snewham :maybe you could expand on that so that everyone can understand why and possibly help us to imrpove the idea?

Why? Because almost everything I can think about it is bad, it's not really needed, and any system can easily be abused. It's like copy protection, ways will be found to go around it so long as people are motivated enough to do so.

LFS is an excellent example - it's not expensive, certainly worth the money, and people are happy to pay. People see the latest £500 software suite from a big software company and think "ooh, that looks really good .... where can I get it for a sensible price?"

(sorry for getting a bit off topic)
k well im not sure where to post this but it was suggested that i post the account name sof the people i have problems with on track. There link2097 and ren068. Kind of thing was just no braking hit u off the road kind of thing. Wrong way goin into pits when ure cumin out.I eventually gotted banned off the servers by them. This kind of driving is fun, iv done it before....but on an empty track just to screw around, never messed around when other people are doing there racing. Thats inconciderate and pathetic!
i can see this feature being missused easily.. i can see a bunch of "wreckers" .. fools.. going around voting everyone as a dirty driver
ya u saying that makes me think that will happen for sure!!!!
I also think this is a bad idea. It would take too much time and is too easily abused.

I still think the best way to get rid of intentional wreckers is to keep a master list of these people and allow server admins to automatically update their ban list every night.
You get dirty drivers in every single online racing game. They're a fact of life, and will never be halted on public servers. Some are just people who struggle to race, some of them are new to the game, others do it on purpose.

The best thing to do, is race in a private server with your mates or just switch to a different server if you can't put up with the dirty drivers.
The idea itself is good, but I think it would complicate the whole thing. The main point that makes me disagree to this idea: Wreckers don't care about anything and would give EVERY player on the server a bad vote.
But what I think what could be very helpful is a statistic that lists all kicks and bans of a player. Also the possibility to set a maximum value of kicks and bans a player is allowed to have to join a server.

ermm sorry!!

ahh yes....

must agree during my short time in lfs i have experienced some idiots online, people blocking chicanes, driving wrong way, braking late when they are behind you :bump:ohh and it goes like to see something that would highlight a user as a wrecker but the idea you put forward just isnt feasible. I think a simple kick and ban works... what would maybe be nice is if the game kept the track of how many times a person has been banned or kicked so when he/she joins a server it would show the information to the rest of the people on the server and then they can se that if some one with 50 kicks is probbaly a wrecker...

but again this would cause problems as people kick people from servers for just being too fast or maybe too slow without actually wrecking or just being silly in chat....

think the best way to get around this is just by picking descent servers to race on... like Bob said, busy servers often provide fun only if all the races are experienced and the server is fast enough otherwise its always mayhem on the track exp when people start joining mid race.

think this is a problem every race sim suffers from and one that wont ever go away so just live with it, pick good servers, and have a blast :eclipseeh

I, and you all, have read countless threads like this one and they seem to boil down to the same thing: unattended publics suck!
If you go on servers such as dSRC or DMR and probably looooads of others you'll get nothing but good racing. So only join servers that have admins in attendance and have voting disallowed. This would prevent malicious banning and kicking. Also wreckers would be dealt with without a lot of kerfuffle. I suggest admins should be marked out with an (A) suffix, just look at the player list to see. Yes I do see that idiots will stick an (A) on their name, but nothing's perfect. The people we're trying to sort out probably don't read this forum so maybe they won't........ Who am I kidding!

Something to kick around anyway.

stop the wreckers?
(19 posts, started )