The online racing simulator
Quote from anttt69 :Is there a way of managing my team? for instance: I need to remove two members of the team before the grids go up tomorrow.

How can i do this?

Normally you would email [email protected] however his email is not working at the moment, so please PM him here on the forum.

First post updated with details of some recent fixes.
Good work Tim.

What circumstances would we need to switch from first sector lap counting to end of lap counting?
(out of interest)
Quote from russraine :Good work Tim.


Quote from russraine :What circumstances would we need to switch from first sector lap counting to end of lap counting?
(out of interest)

In the normal run of things, probably we wouldn't, however, I did not want to remove the feature in case we needed it for a skill event or if (and it is a very big "if") I ever release it for other people to use.

Tim, the quali system seems to be down atm.

Never mind its running again, great job
Tim the qualification system seems to be down
We are aware of it and we are working on it.

It's back up and running now in a totally new country on a super fast and stable internet connection.
Hi Tim,

Thought I'd some some requests - not sure if all are possible or not but worth a shot.

While Quali-ing I would like the following:

In the shift+I menu, and option to see the grid so far. Could be tricky with 100 racers but LFS may have a scroll system in place if there is lots of text - there is in the menu system.

The lap time counter that pops up in the middle of the screen to turn green when quali time has improved - red if it hasn't. Similar to the one in the top right corner but bigger.

Quote from russraine :Hi Tim,

Thought I'd some some requests - not sure if all are possible or not but worth a shot.

While Quali-ing I would like the following:

In the shift+I menu, and option to see the grid so far. Could be tricky with 100 racers but LFS may have a scroll system in place if there is lots of text - there is in the menu system.

The lap time counter that pops up in the middle of the screen to turn green when quali time has improved - red if it hasn't. Similar to the one in the top right corner but bigger.


Hmm, I had thought of these, and I could go mad on features. Ideally, I want the app as small and as single minded as possible. To this end, I don't really want to add this type of functionality in - KISS! (Keep It Simple, Stupid!) For example, I have started another app (in VB.NET 2010 Express) which tracks your time around a certain area of track (so you can practice a certain corner or series of corners and it can tell you if you were faster or slower than last time and help to improve a little section of track at a time). This will not be added into LFSQual, ever.

Well I agree with your reasoning. It's working ok as is and introducing something new is always risky.
Quali server down

The OLFSL Qualifying server is down.

- Gerrit
Yep, 500servers are down so our servers are down.

I expected some downtime the other week (as posted on the website) but it never came. I don't think this is the "scheduled" downtime.

Please bear with us, as soon as they are back, the server will be up and running (unless its IP address changes, and then I need to change the insim app first).

This isn't a scheduled downtime indeed. You most likely received a mail of this kind:

Quote :
Dear Yann Laprevotte

Unfortunately this e-mail bares some bad news.

As most of you are aware, the 500servers Control Panel for games has been offline for 3 days now, You may also be aware that any users with server with ip: are currently offline, and have been for 3 days also, Thirdly you may be aware that as of 11:40AM BST this morning, all users on the machine with IP: are also now offline.
Their is a reason for this, and i will try to explain in the Q&A format below.

1. Why are any remaining servers on the ip: currently offline?
- Recently 500servers have been moving services over to new and improved machines. Many users from this machine have already been moved and, although the control panel is offline, Their servers remain functional. The reason that the servers are offline for those who had not been fully moved yet is because the old macine (IP: has been shut down as our co-location contract has now expired for that server. Rest assured however that all the remaining userfiles have been moved, and as soon as the Control panel is operational again, your servers will be back online with it.

2. Why is the 500servers Gaming Control Panel offline?
- The control panel server has NOT yet been upgraded, It has been plagued with downtime due to various issues, And has once again failed on us this week. I was made aware of this being offline yesterday afternoon, I asked for the problem to be diagnosed for me by the on-site engineers, who told me that the O/S was corrupt. Once i had found this out i submitted a request for the O/S to be installed. This was due to be done this morning, However as you will see in the next question, A mistake was made.

3. Why are all services form the machine with ip: offline?
- To try and cut the long story short, There was a case of human-error (AKA: mess up) this morning with the requested O/S reload for the control panel machine. Instead of the requested reload happening to the Control panel machine, The Operating System was reloaded on this machine (Drive formatted, and operating system reinstalled). This has now left us with a worst case scenario. The backup for this machine was on the Control Panel machine. And the most recent backup for the control panel, was on this machine. This means that ALL DATA on this machine has been lost.

4. What are 500servers going to do about all of this?
- We will now re-install the Control panel onto a new machine hosted by a 3rd party server provider. this will take betweein 24 - 48 hours to complete. We have been unfortunate enough to have had to do this once already i nthe last 4 months, and have atleast worked out a better way to get it done.
Once the Control panel has been fully reinstalled, and your user-account(s) added. We will re-store all services that were on the ip to the control panel (note your ip will have changed to: All data for these uses will be intact and ready to go. We will then reinstall servers for all users who were on the ip: (Note: your ip will change to:, your server ports may also have changed). Unfortunately due to the issue explained in section 3 NO DATA will be available and you will need to setup your server(s) as fresh.

5. What will be done to safe-guard against such issues in the future?
- Although some users will laugh at me and just ignore what is said here, I do not take any joy from giving users downtime. We have had a bad 1 1/2 years mainly due to lack of finances to improve our servers. Thankfully we have been given some more back-bone to our finances for this year, so that we can spend money to improve the service and get back on track, For those of you that stick around, you should enjoy it. So with the upgrades that are happening right now, and the redundancy that will take place in the near future, you will be able to sleep easy knowing things will be covered.

6. Compensation?
- Every 500servers customer is going to receive the equivilent of 1 month service in the form of GPB credit on the billing system if you are a monthly or quarterly customer, Every customer who is a semi-annual or annual customer will receive the equivilent of 2 months credit. So if you have a monthly service that you pay £5 per month for, you will receive £5 credit on your account. If you have a yearly service that you pay for example £50 per year, you will receive £8.33 credit (£50 divided by 12, time 2). All compensation hand-outs will be made AFTER services are back up and running.

7. Where can i submit a request for support whilst the Control panel is down?
- You can open a support ticket in our billing system ( Please only use this if you cannot find the information you need in this e-mail.

Honestly I do not know if they will manage to recover everything before Sunday, so if I were you I would be looking for back-up servers for next events...

Not to mention the problem with pre-quali...

E: Just read the chatbox on the website, nevermind.
Qualifying for Event 2 is now back online

Hi all,

Qualifying is now back up and running on a new 500servers server. Big thanks to Dean (franky500) for getting us back up and running again.

The other servers will follow, but I am confident we will be ready for Sunday's race.

Good luck all!

The qualifying server is down. Some driver still have to qualify. Any suggestions?
Quali is back on line now. This one isn't dependant upon 500servers, but that doesn't look good for the race this weekend

#44 - Wobo
"Connecting to host...
ClientConnect: connect failed / Connect timed out"

I cant join server
(Jettascuba) DELETED by Jettascuba
OLFSL Web SIte down?
The OLFSL Web Site is down, missing, well, it is parked... ??