New Test Patch (not VWS or S3)
(235 posts, closed, started )
I love the idea of having to put heat into your tyres, that's part of the fun I'd like rolling laps too
Curious as to the tyre temperatures at the beginning of a race in a class which bans tyre warmers. I'm assuming the tyres would not be stone cold, so will there be some approximate temperature chosen which is close to what the tyre would have reached through the warm up lap, or do you intend to give players/hosts the option to drive the warm up lap as well, starting with tyres at the air temperature?
Good question.
Quote from sinbad :Curious as to the tyre temperatures at the beginning of a race in a class which bans tyre warmers. I'm assuming the tyres would not be stone cold, so will there be some approximate temperature chosen which is close to what the tyre would have reached through the warm up lap, or do you intend to give players/hosts the option to drive the warm up lap as well, starting with tyres at the air temperature?

I suggest warm up lap
Quote from Scawen :Good question.


I'd give hosts the option personally. Being able to do a warm-up lap would be immense for the open-wheel cars.
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :I suggest warm up lap

Which is useless for the usual 5 lap sprint races most of the servers run. However it would be a nice feature for all those leagues out there and add to the immersion quite a bit.

+1 For optional server setting, but I guess that patch is still a few more months away.
Quote from PMD9409 :Cheeky..

I'd give hosts the option personally. Being able to do a warm-up lap would be immense for the open-wheel cars.

Wouldn't that require manual gridding for standing starts?

That is unless everyone just does a lap and gets placed back on the grid automatically with their tires at the same wear and temperature.
Quote from Forbin :Wouldn't that require manual gridding for standing starts?

That is unless everyone just does a lap and gets placed back on the grid automatically with their tires at the same wear and temperature.

There's an insim app that already does it. You have your outlap, and then you have to park back where you started. Then the admin gets an indicator that all cars are parked in the correct spots, hits "go", and virtual lights come up like F1 and off goes the race.

However building this into LFS, because the insim app I speak of can be very laggy and only works 1 out of 3 times, would be very beneficial for leagues like LFSCART and OWRL F1.

Basically aslong as something comes up on the screen that tells you where to park, and can check it properly, then it'll work just fine.
Quote from bunder9999 :And I keep saying all you need is proper moderation (from _active_ moderators)... Why are you making things so hard on yourself? Is that so hard to understand?

In the meantime, I'm going to sit here and have a beer.

This thread is closed

New Test Patch (not VWS or S3)
(235 posts, closed, started )