The online racing simulator
Quote from deuschland2007 :Session ID: Session 1
mpr time or session time: 43:40
Lap of incident: 46 (for Car 3)
Your Car Number: 3
Other cars involved: 25
Brief description of incident: 25 gets on the apron, comes up into 3 and makes 3 slam into the wall causing significant damage

I did not think that the right rear damage on my car would make it turn the way it did, apologies.

Quote from deuscheland2007 :Session ID: Session 1
mpr time or session time: 2:59
Lap of incident: 3 (for Car 3)
Your Car Number: 3
Other cars involved: 25; 27; 94
Brief description of incident: 25 turns down on 27, 27 spins, then 25 spins up into 03 and 94

Look at the replay, cars were tangling ahead of me, i simply avoided and scraped wheels with you. The meh cars were the ones who started the whole mess with their eradical driving.

Quote from deustchland2007 :Session ID: Session 1
mpr time or session time: 20:00
Lap of incident: 20 (for Car 3)
Your Car Number: 3
Other cars involved: 21; 25; 88
Brief description of incident: After 3 and 88 hit each other and get away with it, 3 runs wide, 21 hits 3 which then gets hit by 25, all spinning cars then also collect 88

GETS HIT BY CAR 25 my foot. Your cut the 88 off and slammed into me. Your fault.

Stop frivously protesting, thinking that the admins will automatically assume its my fault.

Now if you are not blaming that last incident on me, then I understand. As english isn't your native language it may have been written differently than intended.
(Mustangman759) DELETED by Mustangman759 : what phil? :P
I think you should both get added sessions for spamming this thread instead of talking to yourselves since you both live in the same house.
Quote from PMD9409 :I think you should both get added sessions for spamming this thread instead of talking to yourselves since you both live in the same house.

not in this thread.
Quote from Bmxtwins :blablabla

You accuse me (and meh) of bad driving? Do you even realise what you and your brother managed together? Not even talking about all the bump drafting you did, even though it was clearly stated that it is forbidden before the session...
but i didnt. Just check throttle meter when I'm behind mustang.

I am not blaming anything on meh, simply stating that you guys swerved and then kapal swerved, and then i swerved and connected with the inex car.
oops haha