Simple Question
(17 posts, started )
Simple Question
Ok, I downloaded the CMX Viewer the other night, and I've been working on the outside of the car. Well last night I moved the CMX camera to the interior, and the first thing I noticed was the shine on the shift knob and the steering wheel. The shifter looked like stainless steel. I noticed it right away... How it was reflective. What I was wanting to know though... Was if that was just a extra in the CMX viewer or if it can be like that in-game as well. I looked at all the graphic options in game and there was nothing about shine. I know it's just 'eye candy' but, ya know how it is.

Thanks for any answers -Slider
Attached images
It is like that in the game. Things are reflective and shiny like that. What you see in the CMX viewer (with shine turned on) is how it will look ingame mostly.... but it also depends on the sky and time of day you choose.

Just look at the screenshots, you can see the cars have shine. The shift knob just looks really really shiny because it is a small round area and showing lots of reflection from the sky in one area. As for the 'metallic' look you might be looking for... well that isn't really metallic, it is just the lighting. In dark situations, LFS looks nice sometimes, but generally you can just try the demo and see for yourself
Right, right... In-game on the outside of the car I can see reflections. But when I switch to the inside view, there is no reflections what so ever. I tried all the different times of day. But the two things I noticed that were really shiny on CMX(The center of the steering wheel and the shift knob) were just plain colors in-game. In the CMX viewer there is a option to turn OFF the shine, after clicking that, thats what the interior of my car looks like. Heres a picture of my car in-game, you'll see what I'm talking about when comparing it to the picture in my first post. I've also looked at tons of other pictures that people have posted of the interior of they're car, and never do I see any reflective shine on the knob ot wheel. Only in the CMX viewer.
Quote from BLJKslider :Ok, I downloaded the CMX Viewer the other night, and I've been working on the outside of the car. Well last night I moved the CMX camera to the interior, and the first thing I noticed was the shine on the shift knob and the steering wheel. The shifter looked like stainless steel. I noticed it right away... How it was reflective. What I was wanting to know though... Was if that was just a extra in the CMX viewer or if it can be like that in-game as well. I looked at all the graphic options in game and there was nothing about shine. I know it's just 'eye candy' but, ya know how it is.

Thanks for any answers -Slider

You can alter the shine and sun intensity in the cfg file
Oops, forgot to attach the picture...
Attached images
No Shine.JPG
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Quote from thisnameistaken :We're getting pyramid scheme spam in peoples sigs now?

MLM isn't pyramid selling as its legal, pyramid isn't however if you dont like it I'll gladly take it off its only been up there since xmas and your the first one thats noticed or commented though I thought if the moderators don't have a problem with it neither should anyone else? BTW haven't you got better things to post about? or is that how you bump your stats to over 2000 posts by waffling at anything and everything?
Moving directly back on topic (Amway/Avon they're all wierd no matter what the company) the shine on those surfaces is not in game on those surfaces if I recall (im at work and cant tell) - some interior elements have specular lighting (drive AS National in a GT car and you'll see what I meen) but i've not seen reflective lighting (which is actually faked by environment mapping).

It's either because of a small optimisation (environment mapping isn't exactly fast) on something easily sacrificed or an error in the 3d file format interpretation in either the CMX viewer or the game and an accidental ommission that hasn't been noticed because it's quite a small detail.
OMG, someone ELSE being taunted about the number of their posts

I think the reason you won't get complaints or comments is that very few people here will click on it, and even if they do it'll be through curiosity rather than financial reasons. I click on links in peoples skigs all the time, but a pointless 'modern business plan' doesn't interest me in the slightest. Hence I have no complain and no comment. Kevs comment wasn't just light hearted, and if you are going to burst into tears about moderators not having problems with it then I suggest you get slightly thicker skin - most of the people on this forum don't subscribe to the ridiculous 'be nice to everyone if they are a rude retarded biggot' political correctness making it's way around the world from the States, and we're quite likely to say things that you don't like. Tough.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Well, I have a sick fetish with small detail. Which is probably why I even noticed it in the first place. But in any case, your probably right about them just looking over it, but how can you look over the steering wheel and the shifter... They're the closes things to you when your drive.

But yeah, I've checked a retarded amount of pictures. Even screenshots from the creators on the main site, and none of the cars have a reflective shift knob or wheel. Just one more thing to figure out, why? Yet, damn them for dangling something shiny in my face and keeping it just out of my reach. What am I? A friggin' monkey?
Mildly evolved, but basically yes.
Quote from thisnameistaken :Nah it wasn't. People spamming links to affiliate schemes in forums actually do piss me off.

Quote from Becky Rose :some interior elements have specular lighting but i've not seen reflective lighting (which is actually faked by environment mapping)

Just for reference, the only lightning LFS has is per-polygon and ambient lightning. The car shine is, as Becky correclty said, environment mapping. Specular lightning or any other relatively advanced lightning techniques are not (yet) used in LFS.
The sub-objects don't yet have the shine in game. Although Eric has set them to be shiny and that's why you can see it in the CMX Viewer.

But I haven't yet coded the thing which can use the hardware meshes for subobjects. So they are using a different (very old) draw system. Simply put, they haven't yet been updated to the "new" method of drawing cars (although new is really not the right word for something that was added several years ago). It only became viable in the S2 stage in fact, now that we have transparent windows.

It's just a little complicated because I need to store special instances of these hardware meshes, for each of the subobjects, and I haven't thought it through fully yet, because there are some different things I can do with the subojects that don't move (bonnet clips), and those that do (steering wheel). So I need to make a few decisions and some programming. It will probably be a couple of days work at some point.
Ahhhh ok, thanks for the quick replys. After looking at numerous screenshots I figured it was something like that... Just one more thing to look forward to right?
Quote from thisnameistaken :Do I get to trade in my "stats" for ice cream at the end of the year ro something? illepall

And: Fine, keep spamming your lame pyramid scheme in every forum you visit. I'm surprised you didn't take this as an opportunity to tell me how I could make over $500,000 a day working from home part-time with no initial outlay (ideal for homemakers and the retired!), but whatever, your loss.

Nah it wasn't. People spamming links to affiliate schemes in forums actually do piss me off.

I dont spam it in any forum as this is the only one I use it in, and it was only for an experiment to see what ratio of clicks it generated to inform the ppl who suggested it that as i told them it don't work etc , I don't make anything out of this in any way I joined to use the products for my health and don't even have anyone signed up nor will I ever have it was purely an experiment which I will now end and if you get a free icecream or a hard one from yur stats it doesn't worry me stats like WR and all other bragging right mean jack in real life
Dude, can i please have a copy of that interior!? :eye-poppi
#17 - SamH
I'm not sure if this is off or on-topic at this stage. Probably off. Just wanted to point out that, in the global scheme of things, MLM is pyramid selling with the illegalities kicked out of it. More to the point, MLM is a response, or in fact even a DODGE of the specific laws that were put in place to make pyramid selling illegal. MLM is simply where pyramid selling was before the law caught up with it. But for the fact that the law is an ass for not moving fast enough to respond, MLM would also be illegal for the same reasons pyramid schemes are now. MLM will probably be replaced by non-linear structured marketing, or NLSM, when the law finally catches up.

Simple Question
(17 posts, started )