The online racing simulator
[request to devs] Make a public to-do list
(40 posts, closed, started )

Poll : Do you want a to-do list?

wow talk about pathetic. Everyone is like

"they don't give us enough info we wanna know more!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111"

and then when someone comes up with a simple but brilliant idea they are like "omg what a noobzor teh devs don't want us to know stuff stop being an idiot"

Honestly people are pathetic
Quote from JPeace :If you want people to take you seriously, prehaps try to explain to them your plans rather than insulting them. To be honest I agree - even if 90% + of community says yes, it will make no difference. Leave the devs alone to do their own work.

I am not insulting anyone, not sure where you are reading that I'm just replying to them the same way they replied to me. And my idea is simple and well explained in my post, if someone doesn't get it they need learn to read.

And I repeat, it was a simple question for the community, im not begging or anything.

P.S: LuKe.S is totally right.
I votes yes, but I know it will not happend, simply because that is not the way the developers want to work.

I think basically what helps is beeing more active on the forum. If the developers tok 2 minutes each day to just post and repond around, I think it would help, making the devs look somewhat more alive. Even if there is nothing to report, please just give us some sort of feedback, or take join in a discussion, show your faces to the crowd because we like it

And one other thing, why does most of the people in this topic act like twats? I know it's internet, but come on, he just asked a question. There really is no need for going as far as many of you have done. And saying "NO" is not an answer, give a REASON for why you said no. And if you say YES, then bloody hell aswell do that. Please, for love of the discussions try to keep it contrustive, and fair-play commenting!
(peterules) DELETED by peterules
Quote from The Very End :I votes yes, but I know it will not happend, simply because that is not the way the developers want to work.

I think basically what helps is beeing more active on the forum. If the developers tok 2 minutes each day to just post and repond around, I think it would help, making the devs look somewhat more alive. Even if there is nothing to report, please just give us some sort of feedback, or take join in a discussion, show your faces to the crowd because we like it

And one other thing, why does most of the people in this topic act like twats? I know it's internet, but come on, he just asked a question. There really is no need for going as far as many of you have done. And saying "NO" is not an answer, give a REASON for why you said no. And if you say YES, then bloody hell aswell do that. Please, for love of the discussions try to keep it contrustive, and fair-play commenting!

because it is killing surprises
No it's not A surprise is like.. well on kart meeting, surprise buttsex (ask Franky about that one) ..

Well, I just think it's much more fun having a propper discussion, that's all I want to be able giving replies and imputs on other thoughts, and I want them to write them constructive. If you are positive or neagtive to LFS and it's development - it does not matter, what's matters is the way you are saying it and giving it propper arguments and veiws.

That's at least my opinion about it all.
simple answer is no because it's more work for the devs/mods and it will make people bitch even more or people keep wanting more info on whats being done.
I disagree on that. There will allways be moaning, no matter what. People are different, and everyone will never be pleased. What's important is to ignore the ones that obviously are trolling, and try listening on the people that actually have something to say.

Sure, there would be some drama when things planned does not see the light in the final version, but it's better than just beeing sillent about it. Most people here accepts that, and will continue on. We canot have it the way that the whining kids destroy the communication between the trustfull followers and the developers. Just look on the Rallypack and LX8, sure, we moaned, but the forum did not whent apeshit and people commiting suicide for the sake of those goodies.

It will continue on as usual, but please do us a favour and trust your community more, share your thoughts with us, even if things does not reach the final version
And on top of that this is the worst idea I have read in a long time.
#35 - aoun
People talk about whining on this forum. I see more whining about the people whining.

Take it easy guys. Have a cry, get a tissue, come back on the forum and give the bloke a decent answer.

But at the same time, this is the internet! Why should i have a cry about others having a cry about having a cry.
Quote from aoun :People talk about whining on this forum. I see more whining about the people whining.

Take it easy guys. Have a cry, get a tissue, come back on the forum and give the bloke a decent answer.

But at the same time, this is the internet! Why should i have a cry about others having a cry about having a cry.

Amen to this
You shouldn't need, but even if it's internet moderators and other can do what they can to try acting civilized and normal. There are many, many forums where you are forced to act like you would normally, or else - permban. Wouldn't mind some ban on those normal people that just throws insults all the times tbh.
#38 - aoun
I would just hate starting up a thread with an opinion/idea/suggestion, only to have half the people in it saying "OMG WORST THREAD EVER" as if they are the comicbook guy from the simpsons.

Thats what i see when i read these stupid comments and "this thread sucks" pictures.

Cant help but think to them, "good on ya mate, youve told off someone on the internet. have a cookie."

Get a life!

(and no one use the excuse that its repetitive suggestions and the devs dont want it etc, ive been around here long enough to understand that!) (i dont agree with the idea either just for the record, cant help a fan for trying..)
Would be cool for us users but guess what: It will never ever happen!

At least not in this life...
I think we've got the idea by now.
This thread is closed

[request to devs] Make a public to-do list
(40 posts, closed, started )