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Jesus Statue in Ohio Burns down after being struck by lightning (Seriously)
So, about 25 minutes up the expressway from me, is a statue of Jesus officially called "King of Kings Statue" but more commonly known as "Touchdown Jesus" or "Big Butter Jesus" was struck by lightning during severe storms through the area last night and burned.

Story linkage:

Comedian Heywood Banks made a song about it calling it "Big Butter Jesus" - here's a clip of the song:

Wikepedia about the statue / chruch:

Basically, it's the butt of many jokes now. Nearby to where it's at is a Hustler (Hustler, for those who don't know, is -as wikipedia puts it, "pornographic heterosexual men's magazine" - indeed NSFW) store. Joke I heard today was "Hmmm, so Lightning strikes a jesus stature, but a Hustler store across the street left unharmed"

Also, reports indicate now that the score is Zeus 7 - 0 Jesus (Reference to a football [Handegg] Referee's raised arms signal used after a sucessful touchdown or extra point kick )

Thought you'd all like to see what silly things happen here :o
Sorry mate.
There's only one king of kings:

why was it made of styrofoam and fibreglass? wouldn't have happened if it was made of concrete.
or it's the beginning of the rapture for you christians (switched from Islam to atheism....)
ugh not twitter feeds again....
God hates his own son.
That'll teach Jesus. Naughty boy was popping over to the Hustler when no-one was about. Daddy no likee the rude.
That made me lol at the office, good way to start the day, thanks for the news!
I drove past that statue during a nasty storm Saturday night on the way home from Cincinnati. I always assumed it was concrete.
These large statue/installation artists rarely bother with lightning conductors, its not like lightning is a new phenomenon or anything.

I wonder if in 2004 when built, if they did any risk assesments

I think it's a sign. Is it 2012 yet?

Quote from Danke :I drove past that statue during a nasty storm Saturday night on the way home from Cincinnati. I always assumed it was concrete.

Why in the world were you in Cincinnati, Ohio on Saturday night ? And what part of Cincy were you in ?

And I had $5 on Jesus to score first I'm getting a refund.

I love the inherent irony involved in it. Two sources of shame escape (Hustler store and Notre Dame university. Listen guys you might have got the wrong statue here.. Rumors of Charlie Weiss involvement unfounded), yet a Jesus statue roasts. It'd be ironic if Notre Dame was hit next.

Also, that Heywood Banks song was genius.
Quote from :I think it's a sign. Is it 2012 yet?


Put on your tinfoil hats!
#19 - Uke
Please stop the whole word is ending in 2012 thing. I'm quite annoyed with those things..
Quote from dekojester :Why in the world were you in Cincinnati, Ohio on Saturday night ? And what part of Cincy were you in ?

It was for my nephew's birthday party in the northern 'burbs. I don't go to Cinci on purpose, although the Newport Aquarium is nice.