The online racing simulator

Poll : What do you think about demo racers? ANSWER HONESTLY

Yes - Welcome the demo racers
No - They cannot cut it
I also think that it's a little unfair to bag on demo racers, since I expect most registered users were demo users at one time.

/prepares for the hate

I'm sadly still stuck with the demo version, simply because I can't afford the full version (although I'm planning on getting it in a couple of weeks.
I'm also a keyboard player, so I guess that makes me the scum of the universe. Getting wheel at the same time as game, so don't worry!

However, I love a hard fought, fair race, irrelevant of who it's against. I think the demo racers just get a bad name because of a few idiots, same thing that happens with all games.

Please give us a break
we do give demo people breaks (no pun for bans intended lol)

i just hate the demo people that complain, thats the worst, especially the ones that want more .. stuff
Quote from XCNuse :we do give demo people breaks (no pun for bans intended lol)

i just hate the demo people that complain, thats the worst, especially the ones that want more .. stuff

are you complaining!

Ban 11111!!!!
I didn't even vote. This is the stupidest (is that a word?) poll I've seen in a while. There are loads of demo users who post questions on this forum and get loads of help. Some are regular post'ers who join in the many discussions. Just don't complain that you want this and that for free, or post questions or screenshots of S2 stuff. If they actually do have a "friend who owns" S2, then he should post the questions. Else, they look like a cracker and usually show no proof otherwise.

At the end of patch P/Q, I spent probably 2-3 months in the demo servers racing with them along with many other S2 drivers. I and the others gave plenty of help to demo users. Most of the good demo guys didn't even need help, they were better than we were, LOL.
Quote from XCNuse :all i have to say is that first impressions take a major role with demo people cause they usually dont stick around as demo people (going either away or with S2) but hey.. theres always a bad pea in a pod.. or.. a bad egg in a lay.. or.. a broken tool in the shed... uhhh okay thats enough lol

*COUGH*iDi Clan!!!*COUGH*
I don't mind demo racers at all. We too were all in that position at one point, weren't we?

Some people wish to buy the game right away, some save up their cash, and so on. As long as they can support the developers by buying the game if they have the ability to do so, then good. Because it is a great game that nobody should pass up or think twice about buying. And regarding crackers... the ONLY reason why I dislike those specific demo racers, is because they are leeches and feeding off our resources which are for people who really bought the game. Sure they want to be "a part of the community", but it's just not the same when you didn't buy the game.

The Demo Racing scene in general too is like the 'ghetto' of LFS anyways. What was once a great place to race (even if you were licensed), is now quickly becoming a real mad house. Wreckers, some with bad attitudes, horrible driving skills, etc... no wonder they (or others) don't buy the game. It is just sad that the demo racers will resort to spoiling something so good, and also attempting to gain access for free material left and right.

The the majority of us here are S2 licensed, and it is obvious that being a part of the community really requires Step #1 to be completed... buy the game!! Something to not regret.
9.5 / 10!!!!!!!!!

i didnt like the strange noises though
it would be nice if the demo and s2 server's merged ( so people with demo could play on blackwood with the first 3 cars and the rest could select any of the others that are allowed , that would prolly make people more envious and buy the game *yes i am a sadistic **** and i like to torture people :P*
Quote from guybrush :it would be nice if the demo and s2 server's merged ( so people with demo could play on blackwood with the first 3 cars and the rest could select any of the others that are allowed , that would prolly make people more envious and buy the game *yes i am a sadistic **** and i like to torture people :P*

110% agreement here.
Quote from guybrush :it would be nice if the demo and s2 server's merged ( so people with demo could play on blackwood with the first 3 cars and the rest could select any of the others that are allowed , that would prolly make people more envious and buy the game *yes i am a sadistic **** and i like to torture people :P*

i would like to see this!!!

but make people envious... could make people angry and make them crash on s2 licensed players
Quote from bo-kristiansen :well... demo racers are welcome.

...remember that we were ALL demo racers when we started.

I know that's easy to say, but actually, no, we weren't ALL demo users, I was but some just bought S1/S2 off in the first place, but being "Noobs" to LFS with no experience, they may as well have been demo players!
I have to agree with the general opinion that demo servers seem to be populated with utter morons, but I have been lucky and found a couple of servers with good, fair racers on them.
Unfortunately I've never managed to find the same one twice!

But there is hope out there for the demo community!
Quote from guybrush :it would be nice if the demo and s2 server's merged ( so people with demo could play on blackwood with the first 3 cars and the rest could select any of the others that are allowed ,

I also agree a lot - I have been thinking why the devs havent done this as well

to all those who say this is a stupid poll , ok you probably have your reasons, but I have read some s2 licenced people be less than friendly towards demo racers yet have never seen any demo racer be rude back (yet) and just wish to see what the lfs community (notice I selected who voted what would display so its annoymus) to cast the honest and confidential view upon those demo racers out there
Quote from S14 DRIFT :...I have read some s2 licenced people be less than friendly towards demo racers yet have never seen any demo racer be rude back (yet)...

Just my 2p worth here, but I reckon that's probably because the moron wreckers don't bother with the forums. Or can't read
It could be fun to have a demo and s2 compo, where you would have demo users in gtt and others in rb4 fxo
Quote from guybrush :It could be fun to have a demo and s2 compo, where you would have demo users in gtt and others in rb4 fxo

wow de ja vue...

it could be cracked, allowing demo users to drive the S2 licensed cars
Quote from Spudster :wow de ja vue...

it could be cracked, allowing demo users to drive the S2 licensed cars

nope since it would still have the same s2 username and status check, i dont think that would be cracked that easily
he's right, it can be cracked that way. but you would have to hack the server and would land you in jail. so i dont think any one would, but that would make than want the game more.... seeing the FXO blow them out on the stright and the RB4 show them what the word "grip" means. all tho..... i know some demo races that on BLGP would blow out most of you guys... so i dont know if you would beat them
well, im going to get the LFS in full version. i just wanna say, that there should be the S1 back, because it makes easier to the demo racers to have it. plus it could be cheaper, because i could get only 3 pounds in a month! the childs cannot pay it. anyway is that good, if i send the money in a letter?
I am quite suprised at the results of this poll, as i look at them now.
TBH, there are more people who voted for the "ZOMG Demo racers crack..blahblahblah" - At over 10%, is much more than I would have imaged. Now I know this isn't the ENTIRE population, but if there were 54,300 licenced racers, or something like that, that means over 5430 believe demo racers crack lfs and a small minority of about 4% believ demo racers cannont handle the S2 level. So, overall, around 15% of people have something against demo racers. So a quick calculator later, if 54,300 licences have been sold, 8,145 people believe demo racers either are crackers or cant handle it.
I'll speculate that a fair proportion of those votes were "donkey votes", i.e. votes that were not cast in all possible seriousness and honesty. Hell, when you put "ZOMG" as an option, people are going to choose it because they like to say "ZOMG", regardless of whether that option reflects their opinion. I'd take any LFS poll results with a large grain of salt if I were you
Welcome them.

Anyway, what's the point of cracking to S2 if you can't join online servers? "Woohoo, look at me, I'm beating the AI"? illepall
demo have only 3 slow cars, with crack u can see what u get when u buy license, this works for me