Baltic Cup 2010: Round 4 LIVE - 19UTC 18th March
I'm glad to say you that Baltic Cup 2010 Round 4 is broadcasted. Broadcaster is Eimantas Kasperiunas and commentator Yann Lapprevotte. Stream will start 5-10 minutes before race start. (18:50 - 18:55UTC).

Stream link:
mms:// for Windows Media Player, etc.

Thank you, Eimantas and Yann.
We're live now
This makes MoE look like the official F1 coverage...
Quote from Wilko868 :This makes MoE look like the official F1 coverage...

Lol chris

MoE broadcast<33333333333
(dekojester) DELETED by dekojester : screw it, didn't mean it to be a bullying thing, but got taken that way. removed for cleanliness.
#5 - CSF
It's not buffering... yet... its a slideshow.
Ouu, interesting. Must check it out.
Smelled the fail, decided that I just couldn't be bothered to show up, did something more interresting instead
Quote from GreyBull [CHA] :Smelled the fail, decided that I just couldn't be bothered to show up, did something more interresting instead

All in all, a good decision.
Well, the screen is SO small, I cant see anything
Quote from manneF1 :Well, the screen is SO small, I cant see anything

The smaller the screen the better...
You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

These people are having a go. They may not be as good as NDR at doing this stuff but at least they are having a go.

Deko, you dissapoint me, I thought you were a nice guy. You and Chris should be encouraging these guys not publicly laughing at them.
Ahem, the quality, streaming etc. Sad.
Quote from menantoll :you guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

These people are having a go. They may not be as good as ndr at doing this stuff but at least they are having a go.

Deko, you dissapoint me, i thought you were a nice guy. You and chris should be encouraging these guys not publicly laughing at them.

Quote from menantoll :You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

These people are having a go. They may not be as good as NDR at doing this stuff but at least they are having a go.

Deko, you dissapoint me, I thought you were a nice guy. You and Chris should be encouraging these guys not publicly laughing at them.

I have spent several hours with different broadcasts supporting and in most cases ending up running broadcasts for Oldnavy, giving advice and support. When I have shown him how to run things and it turns into a stream like this one, I feel after every person in LFS and the next guy seems to slag MoE and IGTC off that I can at least have a little joke too.

I'd be just as dissapointed at someone slagging one of your broadcasts off. The fact that you have helped others does not give you the right to act like a 10 year old child. If you think it does then you have a lot of growing up to do.
Quote from menantoll :You guys should be ashamed of yourselves.

These people are having a go. They may not be as good as NDR at doing this stuff but at least they are having a go.

Deko, you dissapoint me, I thought you were a nice guy. You and Chris should be encouraging these guys not publicly laughing at them.

I mean no ill will, and I never seem to get anything too terribly positive when I tried to make videos before because of my piss-poor's why I don't make anything anymore because I always seem to get a "nice but...." with EVERYTHING I do media wise.

I was merely jesting. But I guess I can't.
Quote from Wilko868 :This makes MoE look like the official F1 coverage...

No, no it does not....

Quote from dekojester :This makes my videos look like stellar HQ

Same to you. It does not...

You NDR guys are really getting full of yourselves now. Sort it out guys!
Every time someone else tries to stream an event you are the first ones to bash them, 'cos they have entered "your territory".

You should really look back on your first streams and then judge others... For petes sake, even now you manage to fail miserably nearly every broadcast!

Pot calling kettle black!

I seriously think that if a team of guys would get together it wouldnt take much to pass you in terms of quality...

Only problem is, not a lot have the time needed. I respect and enjoy your broadcasts guys. The 24h ones are always great and I really appreciate for doing all of that. But come on, dont get so bloody arrogant...

Yes the stream is crap. But instead of bashing it on no purpose, how about giving them a few tips so they can improve in their next try...

E - Hmm. Feel free to ignore this post. Seems like Deko and Wilko were joking.
Quote from dekojester :I mean no ill will, and I never seem to get anything too terribly positive when I tried to make videos before because of my piss-poor's why I don't make anything anymore because I always seem to get a "nice but...." with EVERYTHING I do media wise.

I was merely jesting. But I guess I can't.

Then surely you know how it feels to be laughed at when you have put in a lot of effort.

There is a time and a place for jesting and when you are known to be heavily involved in some of the best broadcasting on lfs, any of this type of jesting just comes across as big headed bullying.

You'll also see that I am not the only one with this opinion.
#20 - CSF
You can say all you want about 'its disrespectful' but if you are going to advertise something in the LFS forums for people to watch, at least make sure it's watchable, or even ok to listen to. You can harp on all day about 'respect' but that was just a complete joke what was on my screen a little while ago. This could have easily been left as something for those in the baltic cup to watch after, theres no real need to tell everyone in LFS about it before it goes tits up. It's not the first time he has broadcasted something, and amazingly they keep getting worse. The first time even had an illegal mod with Ford Mustang's running across the screen for god sake.
"The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Hello all!
I wanna say sorry, if it wasnt watchable. I hope that i will get more experienced broadcaster for next round.
+1000 DevilDare
And just to make sure it's absolutley clear to all:

I am sorry for the attempt to jest at the quality. I know how hard it is to do a quality stream, and how long it takes, If the equipment allows, then all it takes is the time to set it up and get it done right. I don't know all of oldnavy's situation, so I can't say where the weak link in the production chain is.

Quote :Then surely you know how it feels to be laughed at when you have put in a lot of effort.

Yes we do.

I love how we're shown to be 'full of ourselves' and 'arrogant'. I remember when I first started broadcasting, I did the Experion IMA OWT. You can still watch it OD here. Lets be honest, it was awful. I had the complete mickey taken out of me for it, flamed, ranted at and was sent packing (by one Mr Ford ). So what did I do? I asked for advice from some of the best broadcasters in LFS, I asked for support from the46, and after alot of hard work and a bit of elbow grease, we were putting on some good quality shows such as the Murray Motorsport Cup and the end of the first TBO Challenge season.

But this is what gets on my back about this stream in perticular. Oldnavy has come to me and to my colleagues, he's asked for advice that we have very kindly provided. I have helped run and shown people streaming how to run the equipment, how to use tools such as TV Director and I'm also trying to get new commentators and broadcasters in, trying to use the rest of this TBOC season and next to draft some up and coming commentators in and see what they can do. But it's when I'm not avaliable or they decide to go on without support, and they seem to not have listened to a word I have said, a thing I have shown them. What could of been a good stream of some good racing has turned into mush because they haven't taken in the support I gave them. And don't you really think that makes me feel unbearably stupid that I've wasted hours of my time?

So then when MoE misses 20 minutes due to an error with MultiBC, that we have no control over, how is it fair that we get so much flack and flaming? You saw that when we put on a good show from the final round, you'll see it again (hopefully) on Saturday with the Kyoto 250. But why do we get all of the hassle when it's not our fault, yet when people don't listen to the advice and help we give them they just get a sympathy vote? OK, so I probably shouldn't have said the likes of "This makes MoE look like the official F1 coverage..." without putting a huge JOKE sticker on it obviously, but still...

I give in, I really do... *sigh*