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Need help with a VIRUS!
(14 posts, started )
Need help with a VIRUS!
Hey, im posting here for advice if anyone has got any on a virus my friend has.

A couple of months ago my friends mobile phone contract bill started going through the roof £20-£30 more than it should be, vodafone say he's been ringing numbers and they have records of this, but he hardly ever uses it, his call log is empty!

It has been traced back to a virus, his mobile number is being used by a virus which is ringing numbers externally(?) and costing him a boat load of money.

The virus is found on all his virus programs and its called 'Coulomb Ltd. Content Access plugin' but no softwear can get rid of it and he cant do it manually(cant find file etc etc).

I would appreciate any help or advice on the virus off anyone who has had past experience of this or anyone with a solution.

I suggested police but for personal reasons that wasn't the best of ideas ^_^


Hang on.. his PC is using his mobile number to make *outgoing* calls.....?

Or is the virus on the phone?
yes, ofc we tried google, we aren't stupid.
Umm, yeah as far as we can tell.
Google comes up with loads of other people having the same issue, search through them and there's bound to be a fix.
Quote from jakeeatworld :yes, ofc we tried google, we aren't stupid.
Umm, yeah as far as we can tell.

How on earth does it do that?

Unless you keep the phone connected to the PC all the time?
We don't have a clue, we've been through all the steps on deleting it, but its still there.
Yeah, we're going to download RootAlyzer soon, see if that helps us mucho
Any luck?
Jake, We have the number for the FBI, Anytime you want to ring them again, Just message me.
Haha Jordan, It's your turn this time, I'll stick to Pizza Hut.
Sadly no luck yet, but we have yet to try other solutions that we have researched.
Turn the PCs ability to send data outwards off, etc, wifi, 3G if its a laptop or something. Just so it can't send the calls.
Quote from jakeeatworld :Haha Jordan, It's your turn this time, I'll stick to Pizza Hut.
Sadly no luck yet, but we have yet to try other solutions that we have researched.

Maybe we ring Coulomb Ltd? Try that later?

Need help with a VIRUS!
(14 posts, started )