I tried all the cars and here is the results

FZR : 1.35.09
XRR : 1.35.15
FXR : 1.35.50

Good time here is 1.35
#27 - Fege
Quote from theodinho29 :I tried all the cars and here is the results

FZR : 1.35.09
XRR : 1.35.15
FXR : 1.35.50

Good time here is 1.35

Nice, are theese laps done with qualify setup or race?
These times were done with quali setup
Quote from Timo1992 :fxr qualy set with 23 % restriction and two fzr sets (20 %)

Thank you sir , but the two fzr sets (end +spr) seem to be the same ? or my mistake?
Or is this deliberate ?
I have practice to do to be on the pace tomorrow. Is R2/R3 commonplace here for the FZR?

NOTE: Excuse my noobishness, you know me!
for Sirius yes ! For Earth citizen...no
Btw, what server we're using?
Quote from Hahmo :Btw, what server we're using?


Password will be PMed to team managers of waiting teams later tonight.

For other teams, it'll be the regular season password.
Quote from Wilko868 :I have practice to do to be on the pace tomorrow. Is R2/R3 commonplace here for the FZR?

LOL! good luck wilko

Better get your rocket boots on.
Quote from xtraction :LOL! good luck wilko

Better get your rocket boots on.

Theres a rocketboot shop just around the corner!
You sure it isn't Grad-Touring-Alien-League for this race :P?
will someone upload mpr from race?
heh, the aliens weren't as scary as I thought.... mostly b/c they were either 1/2 a lap ahead or 1/2 a lap behind for most of the race...

oh, I did find your 2 stop strategy quite interesting, Seb.
Congrats to Rudy Van Buren, also J. Peace.
S. Hutchinson, it's very pity that your startegy to use r2s didn't go well, despite it you were very fast.
Good race.
Grats to podium.
Really good race, despite of the big number of my offtrack laps
Good race. This was the first time for our team driving in event like this, and i think we did pretty well few mistakes only
That was epic for me. I've missed GTAL so much this season, shame I can't run the rest of the season
Quote from Wilko868 :That was epic for me. I've missed GTAL so much this season, shame I can't run the rest of the season

haha yeah nice position chris, but why cant you race GTAL ?

i think tiger express would be very pleased to see you racing for us
Quote from Timo1992 :haha yeah nice position chris, but why cant you race GTAL ?

i think tiger express would be very pleased to see you racing for us

Well someone's gotta run the broadcast innit? Anyway, I don't know who I'd run with. Ellis? :doh:

If there wasn't a cast I'd be running around headlessly looking for a drive, but I can't really abandon it.
well ok thats an argument, but maybe someone else can commentate

anyway next season is comin' soon
Quote from Timo1992 :well ok thats an argument, but maybe someone else can commentate

anyway next season is comin' soon

Yeah spose it is! If anyone wants me to drive for/with them and can talk D into letting me race, I'd be more than happy to.

I wish you luck!
Quote from MuderGO[LT] :Congrats to Rudy Van Buren, also J. Peace.
S. Hutchinson, it's very pity that your startegy to use r2s didn't go well, despite it you were very fast.
Good race.

Thanks, grats on podium
I'll make it work

Quote from BlackRider :oh, I did find your 2 stop strategy quite interesting, Seb.

Yeah, the first stint didn't go well. I found myself texting and eating chips in that
Quote from Seb66 :Yeah, the first stint didn't go well. I found myself texting and eating chips in that

On SC i received a pizza, was struggling to feed myself and drive :eye-poppi
Quote from xtraction :On SC i received a pizza, was struggling to feed myself and drive :eye-poppi

you also got banned to for 999 days right? :P