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The dreaded "NewYear's Resolutions" thread
(47 posts, started )
#26 - Osco
Survive 2010. Everything else is just an added bonus
Get into my first choice Uni
Get a job
Pass my driving test first time
#28 - wild
  • Sort out my personal life
  • Pass my Highers (Revision starts soon )
  • Try and pick a career which I'll enjoy and start planning for it
  • Pass my driving test + get a car
  • Get a Girlfriend? Not all too bothered if this does or does not happen, just would be nice if I did.
That's pretty much what I'd like to happen this year, if it does it's a boost and if it doesn't then there's always next year.
Well here is mine. I know in the previous thread I said I dont make them and just go by what happens, but... meh...

Simple list of what I would love to achieve:
  • Get my GF back. (Would probably mean visiting London more frequently)
  • Finish my current education well
  • Get into higher education and start off well
  • Get a car
  • Get a part time job
  • Get more fit + Gain weight
  • Win more fights (Kickboxing)
So many of you posting "I want a GF out of 2010". Have you tried actually talking to girls?

Personally I just ditched mine, but long ago I realised finding women isn't terribly difficult. You just have to accept you are going to get rejected - but usually we are scared of that because we 'love' someone too much to loose them, but what we love is the idea of them. That feeling of butterflies in your stomach, that's not love - that's nerves - and it's a wonderful fealing. The thrill of the chase! It's fantastic.

It's ok to be rejected, it's ok to run on adrenaline, and it's ok to be rejected. You tried, and that's so much better than fart arsing about for 3 years kicking yourself for waiting for the perfect opportunity that'll never arise because you're always looking for an excuse not to ask her out.

Just get over yourself, accept that getting it wrong is part of life, and start dating already.

I'm not beautiful, ask anyone who's been to the LFS meets, and i'm only out of love for as long as I want to be out of love. When I want a relationship i've found one within weeks.

It really is that simple.

You don't need chat up lines (although I personally love them, I love the intensity of the moment), you dont need guts. You just need to accept that she might not be the one.
#31 - wild
Quote from Becky Rose :So many of you posting "I want a GF out of 2010". Have you tried actually talking to girls?

Personally I just ditched mine, but long ago I realised finding women isn't terribly difficult. You just have to accept you are going to get rejected - but usually we are scared of that because we 'love' someone too much to loose them, but what we love is the idea of them. That feeling of butterflies in your stomach, that's not love - that's nerves - and it's a wonderful fealing. The thrill of the chase! It's fantastic.

It's ok to be rejected, it's ok to run on adrenaline, and it's ok to be rejected. You tried, and that's so much better than fart arsing about for 3 years kicking yourself for waiting for the perfect opportunity that'll never arise because you're always looking for an excuse not to ask her out.

Just get over yourself, accept that getting it wrong is part of life, and start dating already.

I'm not beautiful, ask anyone who's been to the LFS meets, and i'm only out of love for as long as I want to be out of love. When I want a relationship i've found one within weeks.

It really is that simple.

You don't need chat up lines (although I personally love them, I love the intensity of the moment), you dont need guts. You just need to accept that she might not be the one.

I understand what you mean and I have to say I agree with it, It's just I'm not the out and about every weekend getting drunk out my head stereotypical teenager. I prefer to stay in and have a good banter on LFS and with FM rather than getting so drunk that I cannot remember what I did the previous night. Which I've been there and done that, and really did not like it that much.

So that's why I firstly posted that I should sort out my personal life, new friends maybe? So I'll just have to see happens ...
Quote from wild :I understand what you mean and I have to say I agree with it, It's just I'm not the out and about every weekend getting drunk out my head stereotypical teenager. I prefer to stay in and have a good banter on LFS and with FM rather than getting so drunk that I cannot remember what I did the previous night. Which I've been there and done that, and really did not like it that much.

So that's why I firstly posted that I should sort out my personal life, new friends maybe? So I'll just have to see happens ...

When I was a teen I went to lots of youth clubs and things like that. It happened that I did like to get pissed up and off my face too but I've rarely ever pulled in a pub, mind you I rarely pulled at all when I was a teen, and i'm not exactly a machine now as I like to live my life at quite a slow pace (being a country girl an' all). My first post-school girlfriend worked at the local go kart track, which says it all about me...

Now that i'm older i'm much more constricted about finding a place to meet people, when you're young you can hang out down the park, goto youth clubs, and meet girls at school or whatever - if I did that now i'd get arrested! These days on the rare ocassions I go into a pub I usually get the attraction of men - and when it comes to men I never know 'why' they're looking at me, was it a quick checking out followed by "check out the minger", was it flirtateous, or are they just planning to beat the crap out of the weirdo... I never know!

With women most of the time they're straight or dating - but there's only one way to find out - and they usually let you know pretty quickly and without too much violence (although some lesbians are really quite aggressive and punch you faster than you can say "issues much") :P
watcha doin tonite beckay?
Quote from Drift1r :watcha doin tonite beckay?

Taking a black and decker power drill to somebodies patella, why?
Well, the first day of this year is nearly done and I'm already half way to my goal.. I'm done with the GF, so I can move in on the other girl.

Efficency FTW!
Quote from Becky Rose :Taking a black and decker power drill to somebodies patella, why?


want my help?
BAng 3 different girls in a month.
New Years resolution? what's one of them then?

Never have and never will.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Well, the first day of this year is nearly done and I'm already half way to my goal.. I'm done with the GF, so I can move in on the other girl.

Efficency FTW!

Way too go Dusty! Thats how real men do it.

About the whole GF thing - I aint looking for another one, I want my ex back. We broke up 'cos we started arguing over stupid things, one of the main reasons was that we didnt meet enough. We live around 50 miles away from each other, and it is kind of diffcult to meet often.... Especially since we are both still studying....
I, personally, don't find education as important as my gf.

Good, in the way that I care about her, and i'm willing to risk a bit.

Bad, because if we break up, i'll have missed lots of work, which will affect my later life.

It's a tough choice tbh.
  • No more 2 chicks in the bed after parties. Its starting killing me in my age

And I second Becky with her statements on last page. Just try. Being rejected is natural.
You would not date every ugly woman .They feel the same about us

More for the young ones, wooo hooo
Keep being AWESOME!

The dreaded "NewYear's Resolutions" thread
(47 posts, started )