The online racing simulator
#1 - Goop
Fuel usage tied to setup and track
Hi, first of all, thanks to Hyperactive for keeping the log more or less up to date, makes it a hell of a lot easier to see if things have been suggested or not. I'm pretty sure this hasn't...

When ever I go to a track, i completely forget how much fuel I need per lap. Would it be possible to locally 'tie' average fuel usage to a setup, (edit: or, if that's a headache, an average for that car?) so that it's displayed in the F12 menu and/or in the pits?

Sure, I could write it down on a piece of paper, but I'd need another piece of paper to remind me where I put the original bit... I think you can see my problem :cyclops:

thanks, goop.
Fuel Control Online is good in this regard (see sig). I think the values were wiped when patch S/T/U came out, at least for some cars, so it might not be full of info yet, but you can help by uploading YOUR fuel load for whichever car/track combo you've been racing on.
#3 - Goop
Thanks, didn't know that site existed.

Still, it would be much more convenient to have the information right in front of you, and I don't think it would be that hard to do Hopefully one day...
Doesnt take long to do a quick lap and get a ball park figure for fuel usage, or you could ask on joining the server.

#5 - Goop
Nope, it doesn't, but one lap isn't very accurate, is it? Every other aspect of a car's setup is tied to each track; dampers, gearing, etc. Why not fuel burn?
Probably because the amount of laps can change.

Checking online or asking is easy but still annoying as this is one of the few things I find to be very trivial in LFS - and why even do a lap? LFS should remember how much fuel you use from previous x laps - even if you didn't race on that track for months.

Refuel load should then be defined in laps instead of procentage.
#7 - Goop
That's pretty much it, R4ptor, although when I was referring to 'fuel burn' I meant the percentage of fuel burnt for one lap. It would have a figure on the F12 menu as soon as you left the pits, and perhaps in the setup screen.

This might be similar to the information entry box in a setup that a few of us have requested. So maybe that is all we need, and then you could just enter this sort of stuff manually.

It would still be a nice feature I think, and to me it is noticeable in its absense. It kinda feels like it just should remember the fuel burn when you have done more than 5 laps at a place. I'm not keen on it telling me '5 laps of fuel', tho. I'd prefer either a percentage or volume.
Quote from Goop :That's pretty much it, R4ptor, although when I was referring to 'fuel burn' I meant the percentage of fuel burnt for one lap.

I actually meant that too
If we ever get a "comments" section in the setup screen I think it could solve this problem quite nicely. You could then easily record how much fuel you use per lap for an individual setup, as well as any other information you feel is helpful such as PB using that setup, who you got it from if it was sent to you, etc).

This seems like a much simpler solution, and one that solves more than just the fuel usage problem. So, it's (hopefully) more likely to be implemented.
Quote from Cue-Ball :If we ever get a "comments" section in the setup screen I think it could solve this problem quite nicely. You could then easily record how much fuel you use per lap for an individual setup, as well as any other information you feel is helpful such as PB using that setup, who you got it from if it was sent to you, etc).

This seems like a much simpler solution, and one that solves more than just the fuel usage problem. So, it's (hopefully) more likely to be implemented.

I like this idea better =) put it in the hands of the driver to store his fuel usage
I'd just like to be able to set a specific fuel value that is set in the setup, not in general.