The online racing simulator
Stock/Product listing website creation...

I've recently done a deal to buy various Toyota/F3 engine bits that I would hope to be able to sell in the UK and International motorsport scenes - whole engines, cam covers, cranks, oil pumps, camshafts, sumps, moulds, clutches etc etc.

Once they are collected, probably at the end of the month, I plan to ensure that I know what everything is (specifically - not just a camshaft, but a 1998 camshaft from aspec.x engine), photograph everything and put it all up on the web.

I'm not after e-commerce as such, as most people in the automotive world don't actually know what they want, so to allow them to order the wrong stuff would be counter-productive.

But I do want a fairly easy way to upload the details and photos of lots of things into catagories, and be able to maintain them.

But where to start? I'm too stupid to make something bespoke/from scratch, so I'm looking for an available 'solution'. The rest of the website (you know - the contact us, the abouts, the history etc) can easily be done directly in HTML by me, but that's about my limit, so I don't need something that can do everything, just list catagories, into which I can quickly put everything I need.

I use Joomla for my sites, as it's easy (mostly). But I don't think Joomla is best suited to this. The online backend is too slow to cope with hundreds/thousands of parts.

Anyway, suggestions please. It doesn't have to be free, but it does have to be good value for money if it isn't.
You'll need some sort of cart program....
For a school project I used

It's free and I managed to set up a cart page easily.
I used OSCommerce before for my (failed :shy e-shop...Seemed to work OK itself, you could tweak it slightly to your needs, although it has decent product listing as standard
Thanks for the advice all. I'll look into all of them. Currently having a play with Zen Cart, but need to try the others as well to see what suits me best.