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I need help with my ipod nano
(40 posts, started )
I said most. There's maybe a couple smart and thin brits out there.

Most != All
That's mostly true.
appart from the grossly incorrect and over-generalized statement. then aye. true.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I doubt my Apple stuff will fail outside of my own misuse and abuse, which is the reason iPods do break. They're well made unless you're a 13 yearold girl who washes it, stomps it, sits on it and then decides "HEY! LETS THROW IT AT STUFF!".

Neither of my iPods were abused; never even dropped one out of my pocket. Never gone through a wash; hell, was never even in my pocket in the rain. They're just shitty products, in my experience.
Well your experience does not back up my experiences, therefore your experiences ARE WRONG!

Nah, the logical conclusion here is that I am right, and you are wrong. (You west coasters are always wrong when in the presence of us Torontonians )
well, at least i know who to ask when ever i'm all out of bullshit statements.
Quote from MAGGOT :Nah, the logical conclusion here is that I am right, and you are wrong. (You west coasters are always wrong when in the presence of us Torontonians )

It's OK. I understand that being from Ontario is tough, with all those factories and just over-crowded cities. It's understandable that you envy us West Coast with the lovely scenery, few people, and beautiful girls.

@Dadge: You have no opinion that matters, as you are irish.

aye, because that makes sense. please keep some of this shit for when i'm all out of mine.
I dunno, my load of bullshit is wearing awfully thin. Maybe you need to go recruit Harjun for a fresh batch?
indeedly doodley
Quote from dawesdust_12 :It's OK. I understand that being from Ontario is tough, with all those factories and just over-crowded cities. It's understandable that you envy us West Coast with the lovely scenery, few people, and beautiful girls.

thanks dustin for all your beautifull comments....*cough*

i abuse of my ipod, i use it almost 24/7... it fell on the stairs, snow, ground, home, inside of my trousers, nearly got a hole thru it coz of havin it on the same pocket as my keys, etc... but i never washed it. =) still.. for all the apple bashers, u guys are wrong, every piece of technology right now is built to break at some point, so that they get more money coz ppl like me would buy a new one instead.... so the lesson here is, f*ck all corporates.... and long live scavier... XD

Quote from dawesdust_12 :It's OK. I understand that being from Ontario is tough, with all those factories and just over-crowded cities. It's understandable that you envy us West Coast with the lovely scenery, few people, and beautiful girls.

@Dadge: You have no opinion that matters, as you are irish.

guys, i have lived on the east coast ( Montreal ) and on the west ( vancouver... more like richmond A.K.A China City ) ... and tbh.. both societies are sh*te.... both of them full of chavs, hypocrites, fanboys, racist ppl, beautiful girls.. ( only that in richmond they were all asian.... ) so there u go... why cant we be friends?
Because I live on the decent part of the West Coast, not in any major urban city.
decent? come on! nanaimo is a token town based around a shed called a '' ferry station ''

I need help with my ipod nano
(40 posts, started )