The online racing simulator
Microsoft Force Feedback pedals stopped working

I have an MS Force Feedback wheel but my pedals have broke. The spring for the accelerator pedal has snapped in two. Has anyone got any ideas what i can do?

Does anyone have an old pair of pedals (can be game port version aswell) that dont accually have to work. All i need is a new spring and it will work again.

One chance could be to try to find similar springs. Other option would be to go to a tool shop and buy pliers and some wire and go home grinning
#3 - Vain
Welcome to the forums, saitrix.

Many broken pedal-springs have been fixed using a squash-ball or other sports-equipment of that sort. The components involved are a squash ball and a bit of tape to keep the ball in place below the pedal. This has the advantage that it even feels more realistic than a usual spring. You might want to give it a try.


The spring is not a standard shape im afaid. Also it seems a little too strong to do via pliers otherwise id do that.


Thanks for the welcome. Hmm a squash ball, I seem to recall hearing about people putting balls under the pedal. Do i tape the ball to the pedal itself then?

Thank you all for your help so far, really is appreciated.