I see alot of emotions in your posts.
Of course people with a rank difference of less than 3 can vote against higher ranked people. Higher ranked people will never be "superior" - we have many regular players on the server who can vote against players being 1 or 2 ranks higher. To be precise: we have 5 rank levels. A noob with rank 1 cannot vote against rank level 4 and 5. Rank 2 can already vote against rank 4 - and guess how long it takes for an experienced driver to get to rank 2? Maybe an hour or two. I can assure you, at any given time there will be enough people with a sufficient rank who can vote against anyone.
The "vision" you have of a stupid system wich enables high ranked people to do what they want is simply not true. You are more than welcome to spend an hour or two on our server and see for yourself.
There are servers, where you cannot vote at all. Would you prefer that? Making every player superior and enable them to do what they want? Or would you prefer being vote banned because during race you slightly touched a ban happy kid, supported by other ban happy kids who blindly press 1 no matter what? The system is a good compromise.
As you already know, we run a tight ship. Idiots would have been long banned before getting to rank 4 and 5. I dont know anything about the problems between you and Deko, but Deko has proven to be someone who doesnt need a ban or kick vote, you can always have a chat with him and discuss the things wich went wrong in an adult way. I am absolutely sure that quickly putting up just two simple words would have been enough to prevent people from voting against you: "can't pit". It could also be that Deko simply didnt know you and just thought "another idiot". Unfortunately there are many idiots on the server who dont have the slightest clue and only connect because it says 40/47 players on the server list. Of course, this frustrates those people who try to have a serious race and it may even lead to an unjustified vote. Nobody is perfect.
The system is also not perfect (no system ever will be), but it has proven to work.
Trust me, the majority of the regular players dont really care about ranks.
What you experienced was arrogance because there are some people who think they are "gods" not because of the rank they have on the server but because they got fast hotlaps on LFSW. This is a common problem mostly teenagers have in every online game. I try to keep the arrogance to a minimum on our servers - but that requires monitoring races/racers, and that is a job nobody pays us for. So it cant be done 24/7.
And regarding CTRA, as far as i know one of the reason it was cancelled was the fact that it required alot of admin work, reading all the complaints, watching replays, banning people etc. - that takes alot of effort and sooner or later even the "best" admin gets tired of that. So there really is a need for a system wich keeps the admin work to a minimum - unless you pay admins on an hourly basis for the work they do. But that will never happen.
I hope that the chill pill you took is in effect now and that you can look at things from a more logical point of view. Stop by on our server and get a proper rank (

) and maybe even assist us with sorting out the idiots - there are plenty of them.
See you around!