cool short vid but the effect is very nice. most noticable is the contrast between the car chassie on the left and the road ahead might be worth "playing" with FOV for deeper feeling.
could you make each clip black and white, then convert one to red, one to green, and super-impose them over eachother? this way ppl can create cheap stereo glasses with cellophane. i might try it myself from your vid
Haha, it's only a frame or two behind sometimes because it was recorded twice. Those are very minor differences. I can't see how that would prevent you from seing the big picture when it is blurry anyway from crossing your eyes.
ok, here's the youtube version of my red-green suggestion:
as you can see, it's pretty synchronized, but it ain't 100%, something to look for
if anyone's interested, here's the avisynth script i used over the original file:
Cross-eye 3D test video - 2d to 3d convert or filmed with 2 cameras?
Hello Funnycat,..
your Cross-eye vid is excellent and easily viewable. Was it made with 2 cameras or is it a single camera video converted to 3d stereo?, and if so how did you convert it?
Great work either way,
Jeff C
I'd be happy to see a race/hotlap, etc like that.
It works just fine since i got some experience in this kind of stuff (used to watch stereophotos for hours on flickr, and also made my own:P)
Good Luck!