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windows vista update error 80070424
(20 posts, started )
windows vista update error 80070424
hi people, Since a month or something like that I get an update error. I have tried loads of things, like registering .dll's and checked for services, and things like that. But nothing seems to work. Does anyone know if this is possible to solve without reinstalling Vista? Or is it a virus? Please help me
I couldn't find a working solution on google, really annoying.


Gerben Bol
Take a look on THIS link I found. It stands differnet things you can check out. If nothing of this helps I think the only sollution is to reinstall the whole thing
That didn't work either. I really don't wanna reinstall, I just got everything installed etc . Some say it is a virus, could that be it? Windows defender, Spybot and avast didn't find anything.
It could be, but with computer today there is not really any good answers for anything

What was the last thing you did when you got this error? It's and update right, so did you do something at same point when it updated? It's an automatic windows update, or did you download it?
Other programs that you did install/download right before you installed or tried to install this update?

Try running all kind of searching tools to make sure your computer is clean. Use CCleaner (or what the name is), Spybot - Search And Destroy, try getting Norton Antivirus.. Either legal way or pirate, I don't care but it is the best program out there. For the one saying it's crap it has been imporved a lot lately and demands less than many of the other programs.
Either way, the more info you can put up, the more likely there will be someone that can help. I would say reinstall windows, but post everything you got and we'll put our heads togheter!
Thanks for helping TVE, Still no succes. I'll just wait, and check for more virus things. Or just get Windows 7.
This is usually some service error, it doesn't mean windows needs to be repaired. Simply restart the related services (BITS, Software Licensing, SL UI Notification, Windows Update) and try again.
Tried, but that did not work
#8 - STF
This may work.
Quote :Please try the following:

Click Start >> Run >>
Type the follow command in the Open box.
"net stop wuauserv" (w/o quotes)
Press Ok

Repeat the same for the following commands:

regsvr32.exe wuapi.dll
regsvr32.exe wups.dll
regsvr32.exe wuaueng.dll
regsvr32.exe wucltui.dll
regsvr32.exe MSXML3.dll
regsvr32.exe qmgr.dll
regsvr32.exe qmgrprxy.dll

net start wuauserv

Restart the machine and try again.

Quote from STF :This may work.


regsvr32.exe wucltui.dll
regsvr32.exe qmgr.dll
Both gives an error.
Quote from Bose321 :Tried, but that did not work

Did you start them manually or have you set them to "Automatic" ??

I've had a problem with updates not working in the past and it wouldn't work until the services , (particularly the actual "windows updates" service), were set to "automatic" and running rather than just in a running state. No idea why.

Found THIS on the MS website.

More updates related errors HERE
If it's not a virus then Windows System Restore is your friend
Quote from gezmoor :Did you start them manually or have you set them to "Automatic" ??

I've had a problem with updates not working in the past and it wouldn't work until the services , (particularly the actual "windows updates" service), were set to "automatic" and running rather than just in a running state. No idea why.

Found THIS on the MS website.

More updates related errors HERE

That both did not work. It was on auto, now on manual.

Quote from Becky Rose :If it's not a virus then Windows System Restore is your friend

Will I lose my apps and files then?
I'll just reinstall Vista. I hope it works, or I will go slap Bill gates
Quote from Bose321 :I'll just reinstall Vista. I hope it works, or I will go slap Bill gates

How did it whent mate, did it solve the problem? (I guess so, if not someone is really really wrong lol)
Hehe, solved. Thanks for your support anyway
Bottering that it needed a re-install, but with Faildows you never know when you need to re-install it.
Yeah, If other OS' would be able to play games and all programs, i'd take that
Unless you do the work arounds I have no experience about it, but know there are programs to "trick" other OS'es to think it's Windows, and therfor be able to use certain programs and games.
I'll see when vista stops working again
Quote from Bose321 :I'll see when vista stops working again

You know it's a matter of time

I have little experience with Windows7, and I must actually admit I like that one. Finally a worthy OS after XP in my opinion. Worth checking out when it goes final. (hint yarr!!!)

windows vista update error 80070424
(20 posts, started )