The online racing simulator
DEDI server can't connect to master server.
I wanted to setup a dedi server, but it displays Could not connect to master server in red.
LFS can connect to it nicely, and i have no firewalls, and i have all ports opened.

Where can be the problem?

Quote :/host=^7MRT Fun
/admin=you don't need to know that.

mode needs to be

I tried bots s1, s2, S1, S2, none were working.
demo / Demo / DEMO doesn't works, too.
don't you have to 'register' it through lfsworld or something?
AFAIK DEDI server doesn't haves to be registered.
only InSim applications which uses LFSW PubStats.
could you please post your complete setup.cfg?
would be nice, thanks.
#7 - amp88
Something else you could do is to log the output from LFS to file (by typing /log logfile.txt into the server chat). You'll see a file named "logfile.txt" in the same folder as your dedi server which may give you/us more information about solving the issue.
2Heiko: that was complete setup.cfg
Quote :Feb 14 17:08:04 LFS DEDICATED HOST : 0.5Z3
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 ?
Feb 14 17:08:04 load bans
Feb 14 17:08:04 load font
Feb 14 17:08:04 -----
Feb 14 17:08:04 create english file
Feb 14 17:08:04 initialisations
Feb 14 17:08:04 tables
Feb 14 17:08:04 load objects
Feb 14 17:08:04 start intro
Feb 14 17:08:04 South City
Feb 14 17:08:04 end of initialisation
Feb 14 17:08:25 Could not connect to master server
Feb 14 17:08:28 shutting down
Feb 14 17:08:28 free objects
Feb 14 17:08:28 free languages
Feb 14 17:08:28 free font
Feb 14 17:08:28 kill graphics
Feb 14 17:08:28 save config
Feb 14 17:08:28 free mouse
Feb 14 17:08:28 EXIT

#9 - amp88
What happens if you try to ping the master server from the same PC you're running the dedi server on?

Open up command prompt, type "ping" and copy the results in here.
i would better say upgrade to Patch Z10.. because the host will not more hosted on masterserver i think.
Heiko, newest version of dedi is Z10.

amp88, i can't get it. WTF?!
It does NOT pings!
But LFS retrieves server list nicely, tried 5 mins ago!
Can you ping other sites (Google, Yahoo etc)?
sorry but i must dissagre you Shadowww...

on your log file it stand:

Feb 14 17:08:04 LFS DEDICATED HOST : 0.5Z3

so its Z3.. try to remove the actuall LFS.exe and insert the new one from patch Z10 (dedi host)
Heiko, go to, only DEDI i found was this.

amp88, woaw?! wtf is with my PC?! Even google does not pings!
Same for LFSforum, yahoo, etc.
You must have a firewall on that's blocking traffic (even though you said you didn't in the OP). Windows Firewall, Zone Alarm etc.
you should go on Patch TEST Patch forum and download this Dedi Host:
2amp88: No, i have no firewall (COMODO, but it is disabled).

2Heiko: didn't fixed the problem
then please show error log again
Quote :Feb 14 22:27:24 LFS DEDICATED HOST : 0.5Z10
Feb 14 22:27:24 timer resolution 1 ms
Feb 14 22:27:24 read config
Feb 14 22:27:24 get command line

log.txt (/log=log.txt):
Quote :Feb 14 22:27:24 LFS DEDICATED HOST : 0.5Z10
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 ?
Feb 14 22:27:25 load bans
Feb 14 22:27:25 load font
Feb 14 22:27:25 -----
Feb 14 22:27:25 create english file
Feb 14 22:27:25 initialisations
Feb 14 22:27:25 tables
Feb 14 22:27:25 load objects
Feb 14 22:27:25 start intro
Feb 14 22:27:25 South City
Feb 14 22:27:25 end of initialisation
Feb 14 22:27:47 Could not connect to master server
Feb 14 22:27:49 shutting down
Feb 14 22:27:49 free objects
Feb 14 22:27:49 free languages
Feb 14 22:27:49 free font
Feb 14 22:27:49 kill graphics
Feb 14 22:27:49 save config
Feb 14 22:27:49 free mouse
Feb 14 22:27:49 EXIT

Problem solved, COMODO was somehow running without showing up in task manager.

Launched it, added server as trusted app, woohoo, works.