(76 posts, closed, started )
yeah, i really wanna try this out! night drifting..
can anyone put up the link again please?
the link is offf

please put a new linkk!!!
anyone going to reup this please
there are some problems with that website yes. it belongs to a friend of mine.. please be patient as i try to put it on a new host.
you could just put it on rapidshare or megaupload or somthing
finally! thanx bro
i get this error : could not load font. what to do?
yes i see the problem.. this is the nightmod.. i forgot to remove the exe file.

unpack everything EXCEPT for the "LFS.EXE" and "WLD" folder.. since these files are from a pretty older LFS version and its causing corruption.

so reinstall latest LFS.. and then unpack as described above..
k, i'll try that
works now, but i cont see the "NiGHT" option on blackwood, but i dont care, it looks damn nice like it is now! and south city at night ftw! i recomend everyone to try this out!
The night option was hex-edited in the wld folder "blackwood.wld".. since that file was also from a older LFS version it may cause corruption.. but like you said the night option is not important.. as long as you can see nighttime ingame
Heres a mirror that will never be deleted and it will provide much better speeds for everyone

links dont work cant wait to get this mod does any1 else make night mod???
(Lible) DELETED by Lible : Old version
i dont see a download anywhere
work on z?
Yes. It should work on Z.
umm...where is the download link
This thread is closed

(76 posts, closed, started )