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In Other News: Water Is Wet
(23 posts, started )
#1 - amp88
In Other News: Water Is Wet
The flaw in Microsoft's Internet Explorer could allow criminals to take control of people's computers and steal their passwords, internet experts say.

Isn't that a bit too FOX news? When you either don't have sources or don't want to look into it just make your own "expert group"
Well it would have been a bunch of hackers who found it and it doesn't look good saying "a group of hackers say" so now they are Internet experts.
Teh expert of internet.
I feel like saying to them. No shit sherlock.
Lawl this will go nicely with my ICT GCSE homework about viruses and hackers
Quote from Hyperactive :The flaw in Microsoft's Internet Explorer could allow criminals to take control of people's computers and steal their passwords, internet experts say.

Isn't that a bit too FOX news? When you either don't have sources or don't want to look into it just make your own "expert group"

Agreed. It's the FOX propoganda shit all over again.
My dad heard this on the radio, and even though I tried to tell him "It's if the user visits the website that'll get them infected" he was like "Well this guy on the radio said download Firefox", despite the fact it's on the PC already.
Quote from John Curran, head of Microsoft UK's Windows group :I cannot recommend people switch due to this one flaw

Well what else was he going to say? Although, given all the other flaws, that could be read a different way.
Quote from Bob Smith :Although, given all the other flaws, that could be read a different way.

well which browser is flawless then?
Opera said that the new alpha achieves a perfect 100/100 score in the Acid3 test, which provides a reference score that indicates how well a browser complies with web standards.

too bad almost no webpage conform to these standards so everything will look rubbish with opera
Quote from Bob Smith :Opera 10, have you not been reading its press releases?

Or should that be, no one uses Opera as a result no one cares enough to find it's flaws as even if you do it isn't going to affect anyone.
#15 - wien
Quote from Shotglass :too bad almost no webpage conform to these standards so everything will look rubbish with opera

That's just nonsense. At least for the pages I visit. It's been many years since I've had rendering bugs in any of the "alternative" browsers.

What pages in particular have you found that don't work in Opera? I'm genuinely curious.
wikipedia for one... fonts smaller and everything looks like it shouldnt do
and imho a browser that doesnt even render wiki correctly is completely unacceptable
Quote from Bob Smith :Opera 10, have you not been reading its press releases?

Opera has always been amazing, the 9.6 version scored the highest score on acid3 test (85), and Opera 10 really achieves 100/100 (I have it )
Opera is the best web browser, I have no doubts about it.

Wikipedia here works correctly, actually I have no problems with any websites AT ALL using Opera.

Quote from Shotglass :[...]
too bad almost no webpage conform to these standards so everything will look rubbish with opera

That's false information you're giving here. I use more than 100 different websites on Opera, I buy products on the internet, I use it for flash applications, RSS feeds, even used it as my default mail program (I prefer Windows Live Mail thought), and I have never had any problem with any website, everything works as it should and is the fastest web browser I've ever used.

I have already tested:
Internet Explorer 7, 8
Firefox 2, 3
Safari 4 (worst browser IMO)
Maxthon 2.1.5

Opera is the best in everything that I tested.
Also, if you want more information
You can look at Opera and compare it to ANY OTHER WEB BROWSER. ANY of them on the list. Opera will always be the best, the one with more features, no security holes and the fastest.
Why do you think safari is the worst? What about it (if you've used it on a Mac, you'll appreciate it more) really ticks you off?

Honestly, I can't stand Opera, it looks and feels like it was designed by a retarded cripple who suffers from ADD and Autism who was given a broken crayon.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Why do you think safari is the worst? What about it (if you've used it on a Mac, you'll appreciate it more) really ticks you off?

Safari's screen seems to be low quality, you know when take a PNG picture in high quality and save it on JPG using MSPaint... I feel just like that... the screen has low/no definition, and the text and everything else is blurred. I didn't like it at all
And I had a lot of slowdowns while using it

Quote from dawesdust_12 :Honestly, I can't stand Opera, it looks and feels like it was designed by a retarded cripple who suffers from ADD and Autism who was given a broken crayon.

I don't get it
Quote from Velociround :That's false information you're giving here. I use more than 100 different websites on Opera, I buy products on the internet, I use it for flash applications, RSS feeds, even used it as my default mail program (I prefer Windows Live Mail thought), and I have never had any problem with any website, everything works as it should and is the fastest web browser I've ever used.

good for you that doesnt make it true in general though... even you will have to admit that of the big 3 opera is the only one that manages to render websites wrong at all
and it somehow manages to poll websites constantly in some way... a bunch of operausers managed to take down our intranet server at work while doing nothing unusual with the browser

Quote :no security holes

because its so unpopular no one bothers to find any
Quote from Velociround :Safari's screen seems to be low quality, you know when take a PNG picture in high quality and save it on JPG using MSPaint... I feel just like that... the screen has low/no definition, and the text and everything else is blurred. I didn't like it at all
And I had a lot of slowdowns while using it

I don't get it

That's just the Anti-Aliasing of the text, the "norm" in OSX land, but obscure for Windows users.

Slowdowns... You likely used the windows version which is... well, shit.

My last little phrase was just pointing out how awkward and horribly thought out Opera is.
#22 - wien
Quote from Shotglass :wikipedia for one... fonts smaller and everything looks like it shouldnt do
and imho a browser that doesnt even render wiki correctly is completely unacceptable

So when you say "everything will look rubbish with opera", what you actually mean is that the fonts on Wikipedia are slightly smaller that what IE6 renders? What you mean by "everything looks like it shouldn't do" I have no idea because the fonts is the only apparent difference I can spot.

You know what, we've had this conversation before and I just don't have the energy for another round. The fact is that if you're going to be pedantic to the level where differing font sizes (something which is influenced by the size settings within the browser itself, change it and Opera will look the same as IE/FF) qualifies as "looking rubbish", nothing other than IE6 will ever make you happy.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :That's just the Anti-Aliasing of the text, the "norm" in OSX land, but obscure for Windows users.

Windows has its own anti-aliased font rendering and Safari should be using that like every other Windows application. Apple porting the OSX font rendering and GUI widgets over to Windows makes every application they make look and work like shite on Windows. If Microsoft tried to pull a similar stunt with Office for Mac they'd get hamstrung by irate Mac users. It's quite frankly a pathetic effort.
interestingly enough 9.6 finally seems to be able to get wiki right
in my limited experience with opera ive often come across pages which get broken by the browser with images ending up in more or less random locations division lines extending to places they shouldnt etc... may have gotten better but it should never have been an issue in the first place

In Other News: Water Is Wet
(23 posts, started )