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Quote from Bilcrossfoto :The reversed grid is perfect! It's just up to us drivers to behave. We know it will be hard to overtake. Then don't crash into someone. It's easy! Keep reversed grid!

Thank you. Saved me time from typing the same.
S3 licensed
Circuits of Live for Speed: Rockingham (Episode 1 of a Video Series)
S3 licensed

An informational as well as promotional series about and for Live for Speed

In this first episode we explore and show the track environment of Rockingham inside the LFS racing simulator game.

Every layout of each track environment is driven around by the TEST DRIVER (an AI for this episode).

As well as every layout variation has it's own introduction and small little story.

I hope to receive a lot of feedback from current LFS drivers. As I want to represent LFS as best as possible.

Next up is the Blackwood environment, feel free to submit idea's for stories about each variation of the Blackwood Circuit.

Credits for the LFS Layout drawings to: MButcher / TC Pete
S3 licensed
#camfile #01 by unknown???

#camfile RO2 by cholover7

#camfile RO3 by lucaf

#camfile RO4 by n3ox

#camfile RO5 by cholover7
LFS TV Director 0.3 (2020 Complete Content Pack Edition)
S3 licensed
First of all let me make clear that the original creator of this software is Soeren Scharf and the original topic is here:

Now with that out of the way, let me introduce what I have packed/combined/made:

I guess most league racers and especially the hosts and streamers remember and might still use Soeren Scharf's TV Director 0.3. As it is a very well aged program, with minor efforts even working on the new Westhill V2, Blackwood V3 and Rockingham.

The original program comes without much content, and content as in .cam files and up to date .pth files are spread all over. Since LFS is still relevant, and thus this program. I decided to make a "complete pack edition" fully functional on the current LFS version.

My personal "patchnotes" for this special edition:

10.01.2020, Version 0.3 (2020 content version)
- added .pth (path) files for every current track + several open-configs
- added .cam files for every current track + several open-configs (WE4 and WE5 combo's excluded for now)
- added ALT .cam files for various tracks as well
- created simple .txt tutorial to create your own custom camera's
- created a simple .txt guide how to use open-config .pth files and how to create .cam files for them
- created a list of all .cam files included and credited original creators and editors where known

With my "Up-to-date" update package, this program can now be used on EVERY track and track combination. (apart from WE4 an WE5 combinations for now).

And eventhough it's basically TV Director 0.3 with a complete content package and some minor tutorials added. I feel we can use a new topic.

Also I would like to invite anyone to submit their newly made .cam files that are not yet in this package in this very topic. You can do so by renaming the .cam to .txt and uploading it as an attached file.

As I made a few .cam files myself, mainly for the updated and new tracks. I will soon also make posts "showing-off" each .cam file for tracks. Starting with Rockingham soon TM.

Without further uphold, the complete package is attached below as a .zip file. Simply unpack, launch, configure, connect and enjoy!

Once more all respect and credits to Soeren Scharf for this very well aged piece of software.
S3 licensed
After re-reviewing the protest against Car #63 by the independent stewards not linked to any involved party.

The conclusion is simple: Even with the old flawed and definition lacking rulebook. Driver of car #63 breached rule 6. of the Racing Rules code.

The rulebook stated nothing about a protested party having to be included in the stewards process.

And even if the penalty would be (but isn't) turned undone, the stewards team would breach rules 6. and 1.2 of the Basic Rules code themself at the time of incident.

Therefor the decission and penalty point on the license of Car #63 is final and can't be undone.

This specific case, as it was the first one concerning the old rulebook, we considered to possibly be undone, and was therefor on hold untill further notice. But the clear explanation is above this.

For future cases, we just released a new and incredible rulebook, that will make things clear to and for everyone. So that in the future, anything is clear at any time, once you've read through it.
S3 licensed
Round #2 skin for car #10
S3 licensed
Quote from AeoIus :How is this still alive Uhmm Although I'm very happy it still is Omg omg omg

It has been ages since I played LFS as I saw no development/progression after playing for years and people just left and servers were emptying. Plus I never got the knack for driving the RWD cars in LFS which really limited my options. Although I can still very clearly remember racing in Aston with the FXO GTR having the time of my life against RWD cars as my corner exits were amazing Big grin and that is still one of my fondest racing and gaming experiences Heart

I just picked up racing again on AC after buying a new G29 wheel but the online experience so far does not compare to LFS although I am better at driving the RWD cars and am definitely in the learning stage again.

If nothing else I also need to thank ScaViEr for bringing simracing in my life as an accessible and incredibly fun experience that I still treasure.

Nice to here Big grin

Welcome back!
Then join in on the fun with the recently started LFS TRR. Championship 2020 ! Big grin It'll run the entirety of 2020 and will have livestreams from most of the races:

S3 licensed
Penalty for Car #63 (warning and 1 penalty point on license) is under re-review due to mistakes made in the process by the stewards team. The penalties are deemed false/undone until further notice.
S3 licensed
"Saley1611 #06" confirms attendance to Round #2
S3 licensed
"rockclan #07" confirms attendance to Round #2
Round #2 LFS Mini Prix' of Westhill - Attendance Confirmation Topic
S3 licensed

Requirements before confirming your attendance:
  • 1. You are signed up to the championship.
  • 2. You have submitted your skin(s) for this specific round.
  • 3. You have TRULY read the championship rulebook and accept the consequences if you don't follow them. (A new completely revised rulebook will be posted very soon, so as long as you read it before round 2, you can confirm this step).


There can be as much as up to 99 drivers signed up as well as confirmed. Server is open with the default password for any signed up driver to join till it's full. Max. 40 drivers per round on track. Server is limited to 40 guests and 2 admin slots. So be in time!

Confirm your attendance to the round here by posting the following:
"insert username and carnumber" confirms attendance to Round #2

S3 licensed

The podium for race 1 and 2 Smile
S3 licensed
Last edited by rockclan, .
S3 licensed
And we're open for Round #2 or beyond skins to be submitted! Smile

For historic reasons like HQ replay recordings and what not. A skinpack of all submitted Round #1 skins is attached to the OP. Smile
S3 licensed
Protest time over. Topic closed
S3 licensed
Quote from mikey 1990 :protest against number car 63 s.silva for divebombing at race 2 at lap 12

(this protest is make up by number 99 m.baggen with an ok from number 13 trr hydro18nl

After investigation by the stewards team.

Car #63 S. Silva receives his 1st warning for causing avoidable contact, causing Car #13 Waslander/Hydro18 to lose positions.

Car #63 now has 1 penalty point out of 3 on his license.

Once a driver reaches 3 penalty points, a driver is excluded from the next 2 races.
Round #1 Protest topic
S3 licensed
Read Rulebook before you protest another driver
S3 licensed
Quote from Bilcrossfoto :Thanks. Then i think i understands the rules better.

No worries.

For example:

Look at the replay of my Run, I took every legal cut basically.

Including the big grass part, and the uphill grass banking.

Then you have an idea of where to cut. And where not. I am slow but I do every allowed cut.

Or look at wrcking his run. We basically reworked the original SS01 layout by McGherkin to be up to Dutch Rallysport standards as well as prevent cutting in places, and allow it in other places.
TRR. Race and Practice servers
S3 licensed
Team Rock Racing offers 1 dedicated race server which we'll use for every round: TRR. Racing #1
This server will always run the series password and is for registered drivers only. "TRR2020"

Besides server #1 we also run TRR. Racing #2 and TRR. Racing #3

#2 and #3 will always be public and run the next 2 combinations to practice for the series.

So currently #1 runs AS1R with UF1, #2 WE2 with FBM and #3 runs RO8 with FXR. Smile

Join in the fun! Big grin
Last edited by rockclan, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Bilcrossfoto :Before i post my replays now. How much can we cut. exempel. The corner at the gas station. Over the big grass. Can we cut over there?

All that is not going "completely off course" is allowed if there is no objects clearly blocking you from doing so.

Your 2 examples are ok.
S3 licensed
Submission of TRR. skins for Round #3
S3 licensed
Submission of TRR. skins for Round #2

Edit: updated with #88
Last edited by rockclan, .
About to begin: the LFS TRR. Championship 2020
S3 licensed
The first round of the LFS TRR. Championship 2020 is just around the corner!

Get your skins in and confirm just in-case (Confirmation NOT required but, skins are!)

For registered drivers, join us on Discord for extra communication between other drivers as well as the organisation:

AND be sure to have read the first version of the rule-book:

NOTE: This rule-book will undergo a massive re-work as many things are not specified. But we expect gentlemen's respect and respectful driving in general, no weaving, no cutting of corners and alike!

If you haven't signed up yet, be quick and do so now here: