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S2 licensed
I occasionally think about getting 4od, then I remember how sick the quality makes me and just download a rip in a few minutes.

iPlayer is ok I guess, again horrible quality but as it's instant and web-based I put up with it.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :Show me a picture then - please!

FTR i've owned every GTA (although I got I and II free) and can't wait to buy GTA IV.... on my PC.

I imagine between the time you first posted asking for a screenshot, and now (several hours) you could have gone onto one of the hundreds of game news sites and seen as many screenshots as you wanted.

Regardless, you really don't get a sense of the atmosphere the game creates without playing it.

Having owned the past 3 GTA titles on both PC and Xbox each, I'd say it plays much better as a console game, this installment I feel will be no different. You're going to need a pretty wacky key layout to perform some of the commands.
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Does anyone have Audiosurf btw? I'm considering getting it, how is it like? Is it good or bad?

Its a good laugh for 5 minutes. Then the fun wears off.
S2 licensed
Quote from aroX123 :You got only Css?

Have played all the Half-lifes etc but don't have them on Steam. When I had Steam CS:S was the only title I ever had installed and played.
S2 licensed
CS:S, used to play a LOT and was pretty good but completely stopped since Easter to focus on work.
S2 licensed
Quote from jibber :I still enjoy this game a lot. The driving physics... ragdoll physics, damage model... it's simply too much fun to get old quickly.

Who else thinks GTA4 has the best car damage model (yes, compared to all other car/driving games, including LFS :razz?

However, there are things i'm really missing in GTA4...

What about the military for example? Tanks anyone? What about car tuning shops? Buying property? Etcetc... you get the idea. IMO they left out soo many fun features from previous GTA titles.

It's not such a big deal after all. It's still an epic game. But sometimes, with all those things missing, it feels like GTA4 "Prologue".

Yer it feels like they've stripped it back to GTA3, but then it's completely rewritten. That's not a great description because it's a truely awesome game.

Apparently they took a lot of things out to make it a more enjoyable game for more people, less complicated if you like.
S2 licensed
There are hundreds of screenshots around Jack, no need to post one here.

Youtube should never be used to judge anything.
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :I really can't see GTA IV being that hard on a PC as it still doesn't look much more advanced than GTA SA. is.
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :Ebuyer? I ordered mine on monday and it arrived tuesday. Only £7 extra.

Amazon, was part of a big order but got sent seperately. Never mind, gave me a chance to get on with revision today (where revision = Forza 2)
S2 licensed
Quote from mcintyrej :I got this game yesterday. I'm only 13% through it and havn't played proper online yet but its brilliant.

If anyone's up for an Xbox 360 game on Live give me a bell and we'll have a game.

Damn you! Mine still isn't here. Knew I'd regret ordering super saver delivery
S2 licensed
In Bruges is the best film I've seen lately, before that it was probably There Will be Blood and No Country for Old Men.
S2 licensed
Mummble grumble can't afford it as a student grumble.

Also with the rising cost of fuel, so the cost of everything that relies on that is increased, such as food. I guess however this'll just mean the cost of living will increase significantly, and for that to happen successfully wages will have to increase (that's the only positive thing I could think of Dan :P).
S2 licensed
Lol defo agree with that Jack. I've spent many a night with mates round on PGR2 with some beers, getting progressively worse as the night goes on. Forza is definitely worth getting too. Leave the FPS' for PC I reckon. edit: Fair play Sam, you can get Slayers disc from the internet if you want to give it a go, just burn it onto CD, pop it in and see what the options are. edit2: wtf editing messes up formatting.
S2 licensed
Check out the sYk walnut dash
S2 licensed
Probably means somethings broken somewhere. If you haven't already, you need to 'lock' the hardrive you have replaced the original with, otherwise the dash probably won't boot. Can't remember how you do this, but I'm pretty sure Slayers EvoX disc did it back in the day.
S2 licensed
Got my 360 today, but GTA4 has been sent seperately and not here yet
S2 licensed
Yer sounds right actually. I know what you mean about the boxes changin ggear the whole time, makes for a very jerky ride.
S2 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :But in regards to using a shifter, you could use certain gears to put into P, D, R, 2, 1 and N. And even use reverse for a handbrake.

I can understand why most buses are automatic as stopping and starting all day long would get a bit tedious having to throw it in gears a lot. And for passenger comfort I guess, newer buses have pretty smooth gear changes. The bus they mostly use on my regular journey (43 in Plymouth) use Merc Citaro's, and as far as buses go they're quite smart. The rest of them are old Dennis things.

Don't they also have a plethora of gears? Most heavy vehicles are at least semi if not fully automatic I think.
S2 licensed
The new Pendulum album.
S2 licensed
Classic lerts
S2 licensed
It's either the chip that will have a switch on it, or like with mine if you hold power hold for 3 secs its boots from the original EEPROM bank and loads the official dash etc.
S2 licensed
Quote from andybarsblade :Unlucky

I bet the tarmac was fooked after that little blaze

Once my dad and his friends were travelling down to Cornwall on their bikes and one of them caught fire. The tarmac melted and the frame ended up as part of the road afterwards.
S2 licensed
Here's a reply I got back from correcting someone saying it's a sim:

Quote from ubernub on another forum :Its not gone arcade way. In real life a car would be like that. Plus thats only 1 type of racing, the finished one could be different

S2 licensed
It's an Audigy 2 ZS, with rather better speakers than those (but still piss poor on the whole as they are PC speakers). I didn't buy it to get an increase in sound 'quality', I bought it for its ASIO capabilities back in the day when real time input processing was more difficult on standard home PCs.

I don't know what those effects do, they sound a lot like marketing terms to me, and I'm pretty sure card will do them. I expect a lot of them could be acheived with some careful equaliser setup (and can be having just quickly read about this Crystalizer).

I'm sorry but I'm not going to take the claims of someone who says the X-230s are amazing speakers very seriously.
S2 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :

Idiot... OR guy who won't get his bike stolen by that theiving little pikey again.