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S3 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Everyone is talking about how sharing accounts is illegal but how many times have you let a friend play LFS? That's sharing. Either stfu or have one rule and stick to it religiously.

Letting someone play is permitted, giving someone your login credentials is not. Might be a good idea to actually read the EULA just about now, don't you think?
S3 licensed
The few lines bvillersjr quoted in the 4th post are all you get in terms of documentation. I guess they intentionally keep the ExtraData proprietary to use with their own motion simulators exclusively, or they consider the entire feature to be too exotic for anyone to really get into (it says it's untested after all).

At first I thought they probably packed a modified form of the OutGauge packet into it, it would fit size-wise if all the redundant info is omitted. I'm still investigating in that direction, but I don't think that's it.
€: Seems I wasn't that far off, sirnoname from x-sim seems to have obtained the necessary information from CM directly. Surprisingly, by calling the their customer support, which I guess makes them just about the only useful customer support people anywhere?
I guess one could simply do the same, or ask sirnoname, but I'll keep on sniffing and apply deductive reasoning just for the fun of it.

€²: bvillersjr, you're apparently on the X-Sim² BETA crew, you even posted in the plugin release thread for this about a year ago. Memory loss?

€³: Meh, apparently the ExtraData struct differs between products, the x-sim one I found is for DiRT2.
Last edited by morpha, .
S3 licensed
I'm looking into this now, testing it with GRID. So far I've observed:
  • GRID does not provide angular velocity (always zero)
  • GRID will always send an ID, meaning the packet will never be 64 bytes (as it is when sent by LFS without an ID).
  • The ID sent is 1094938452, which spells ToCa when interpreted as C string, which suggests that earlier CM titles (the ToCa series, obviously) already implemented OutSim.
  • ExtraData 1 will increase the size to 148 bytes, however the 80 additional bytes are not a simple extension but change the structure entirely. So no, Alex, that won't do unfortunately
€: Also, it's not OutGauge but OutSim
Last edited by morpha, .
S3 licensed
Or use a relay with conversion ability, like the one (simple python script) I posted in the CarSoundRemixer thread somewhere. It can convert Z25+ OutGauge packets to pre Z25 packets on the fly.
S3 licensed
Quote from Hallen :Windows 7 is very strange about what processes it allows to write to either of the Program Files directories. It seems to only allow Setup programs of some type to do that. After that, it disallows anything else to write there programatically. iRacing has massive problems with this with regards to its updates and their tech support is clueless about how to fix it.

It's not strange, it's actually a sound and simple concept. Point the tech support (and tell them to pass it on to the developers) to and they shall not be clueless any longer.
S3 licensed
Quote from MadCatX :C++ has it's own big-scary-monstrous things too BTW

If anything I'd say it's more monstrous. Simply put, C hands you a shotgun to shoot yourself in the foot with, C++ offers a wide array of weaponry. Some very elegant, some very bloody, but the end-result is still a missing foot.

Quote from Dygear :Well, that makes two of us, but I leave my suckieness out there (and my foot in my mouth for the whole world to see).

To keep the foot-analogy going, a foot in your mouth is a foot safe from being shot

Programmers need to shoot themselves in their feet though, best way to learn. Also, often times it's actually good fun.
S3 licensed
memcpy takes a pointer dst and will fill the memory from that location onwards with size bytes of src. The compiler doesn't know (well, it does, but by passing it to memcpy you're casting it to a void*) that the pointer points to an array (strictly speaking, to the beginning of it) of 3 chars, it's simply an address.

That's the C way though, C++ offers a much safer way already in the form of the STL containers. They take care of everything memory-related (allocation, reallocation on resize, freeing on destruction).

std::string c;

doesn't overflow, is properly initialised (empty string) and doesn't leak.

€: Obviously there are less error-prone ways in C as well, didn't mean to make C look completely hopeless :P
S3 licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :I can't see the camo cat

Pretty much straight down from the plant, in front of the rocks.
S3 licensed
Also, shouldn't you be more worried about your tyres? Actually more to the point, why the hell don't you just use the brakes? They're much more effective at slowing the car down, because, you know, they're kinda made for that.
S3 licensed
Quote from Krane :Huh?

Quote from Scawen :The story behind the new patch :

A few weeks ago I was working on some track editor improvements that Eric had requested[...]

S3 licensed
Quote from Mango Juice :That said, I think it would be easier if there were some track updates with this as well. Doesn't Eric have anything ready after nearly 3 years of nothing?

Eric requested the changes to the engine that allow the open configurations, I think it's safe to assume he's got something.
S3 licensed
Quote from jwardy :do they? mine isnt on 3g cos i dont want to pay roaming charges, they are a bitch in spain. only time im online is with wifi. so its not a very detailed journey of mine :L

You don't need 3G for GPS.
S3 licensed
So just to summarise / clarify, that makes it
struct IS_CON // CONtact - between two cars (A and B are sorted by PLID)
byte Size; // 32
byte Type; // ISP_CON
byte ReqI; // 0
byte Zero;

[B]word SpClose; // high 4 bits : reserved / low 12 bits : closing speed (10 = 1 m/s)[/B]
byte Sp2;
byte Sp3;

CarContact A;
CarContact B;

and (for example)
inline float closingMs(const word &SpClose)
return (SpClose & 4095) / 10.0f;

would give us the closing speed as float in m/s.

S3 licensed
Quote from Shotglass :lfs' graphics are updated at the physics loop steps which runs at 100hz
unless you have a monitor that supports 100hz or multiples of it (basically only supported by crts) which is unlikely as most run at 60hz some microstuttering is unavoidable

Worse still, some monitors offer (or are limited to) 24hz at Full HD resolution, so make sure you've got at least 60hz selected in Options -> Screen.
S3 licensed
It's been brought up before but no additional information was found, apparently.
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :But to understand why it is important, I'd like to know how someone would use clutch and handbrake information in a collision analysis.

Well I don't think it's important, but if your analysis takes driver input into consideration at all, it might as well take all available factors into account.

Quote from Scawen :Or of course I could extend those structures by 4 bytes each, leaving a bit of space for the future. Maybe that is the best idea, just in case...

Indeed, I'd go with that
S3 licensed
You could add handbrake and clutch as flags in the Info byte, clutch would be disengaged, slipping (some friction, enough to cause heat/wear but not sufficient to move the vehicle / overcome the inertia), gripping (slipping but sufficient friction to move the vehicle) or fully engaged, handbrake could be 0%, 33%, 66% or 100%.
S3 licensed
Quote from Velociround :By the way, could someone please help me understand that RGB graphs(something like that) next to the viewfinder and how to use them to my advantage in improving the pictures? Or just point me somewhere I can find this information

First then pretty much sums it up
S3 licensed
Even if it weren't in the OP, any normal person would limit their search to Scawen's posts within this thread, which brings the number down to 23 potentially relevant posts.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :/spec AINAMEHERE works for instance, why wouldn't /pit AINAMEHERE work? Didn't try though.

I think he means making the AI do a pitstop, not actually send (i.e. "beam") the car to the pitlane.
S3 licensed
The same kind of ignorance Dustin exhibits in the Driving habits thread. It's not about normal driving conditions, it's about the unexpected. You can compensate for some of the shortcomings, but by driving closer or at the limit of the tyre, you're lacking the margin of error a good winter tyre would offer.
S3 licensed
It's not just about snow, the temperature plays a mature role in how a tyre behaves. Winters will beat summers in temps as high as 8°C, unless it's really bone-dry, in which case the summers stand a chance.

I don't even blame any of those 95% or 85%, you simply aren't properly educated. Here in Austria, advanced driver safety training became mandatory in 2003 and to everyone who's gone through it, the importance of winter tyres should be painfully obvious. Even the most ignorant fools, like a certain someone here who thinks he's the uber-authority on things he doesn't actually know anything at all about, should get it.

€: See above.
S3 licensed
Quote from dj_hitas :Scawen, would it be hard to report lap or car change via InSim? I mean when an admin changes that.

The number of laps is reported via IS_STA, but I don't think there's anything for the cars, aside from reading the hostXXXXXX.txt file. Could be done via a SMALL.
S3 licensed
Try experimenting with your FoV and the "Acceleration shifts viewpoint" settings in Options -> View. With the correct settings on a reasonably sized (24" or more should do, maybe even 22") widescreen display, it's pretty immersive.
S3 licensed
If memory serves me right, you should see a list / drop-down box of available graphics adapters in either Options -> Graphics or Options -> Screen, I'm not sure which one and can't check at the moment. The selected adapter is the one fullscreen will go to, and it's also the one doing the rendering in windowed mode regardless of the window's position.
Last edited by morpha, .