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Removal of BlueFlag during practice.
S3 licensed
I dunno about anybody else, but I think blueflag while in practice mode is pointless...
S3 licensed
Quote from hansonator69 :Doesn't affect gameplay...

neither does languages, graphics updates, dashes... Not everything is game play, eye candy counts for a lot!
S3 licensed
ps. joos CTRA 1
S3 licensed
Right oh.

Now heading off to accept in game, read it on site .

haha, you should reenable it, then my face will be on site all the time. HAHA!!
Driver of the moment error
S3 licensed
Problem with Driver of the moment
S3 licensed
Well, if there is anything that you need editing or anything like that and is written in PHP I really wouldn't mind giving a helping hand buddy.

Just created an uploader script for LTC infact, that does aspect ratio resampling, seems to be working okay so far!
S3 licensed
how about putting the hand on the shifter, when near the end revs, and near the lower revs. That would catch most.

I wrote it yesterday? *shrugs*, I need more sleep
S3 licensed
Quote from SamH :The image you upload is resampled and stored as a 180x240px image.

Why not keep them aspect? I wouldn't mind tinkering with the script for ya mate . I love PHP myself :P
Visible Gear Shifting & Pedal Usage
S3 licensed
I think that when you use a shifter, or paddles for that matter the driver should move too!

Same for the legs and peddals

No more explanation required I don't think! :P
S3 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Corrected.

Thanks mate
S3 licensed
well, all I know is that it was on an earlier version of the game, and I think it would be good to enable it again.

Because I'm sure they still have all of the files and config for the cars, maybe I'm wrong *shrugs*
S3 licensed
mind you, due it to being only three chars long, you can't search for it :P
S3 licensed
Quote from zeugnimod :There's an "indifferent" option missing.

I wouldn't drive it so I'm neither for nor against it.

But hasn't there been a thread like this already anyway?

oops, should have used the search function *hides*
Bring back the LX8
S3 licensed
I think that the LX8 should be brought back into the game, noticed it was in 0.5f (which I would like to unlock, but can't, boo hoo at you!).

What do you guys think!
S3 licensed
Quote from wsinda :Cheesewiz

you can tell? cause of the little arrow? hmmm!
S3 licensed
Insim: Ping/Latency, not just a "oh this person is lagging" flag.
S3 licensed
Ain't about Cruise servers. I never mentioned Cruise once. .

Seen it happen with CTRA a few times too.
Registration of Server names
S3 licensed
I think it is about time that the server names can be registered or at least locked to an IP address.

The amount of times that there have been fake LTC servers brought online is getting beyond a joke.

Yes yes, I know I should just let everybody know that it my server names are "blah blah blah", but that is not the point.

Isn't it about time that you allow us to say register "[LTC]%" to a certain IP address editable via lfsworld.

Don't come by and say "but people will register just '[' or something". There is a SIMPLE solution to that - moderate it! If you don't want to waste man power on that, just as a few of the reg's from the forum here, I'm sure they wont mind - I know I would not mind helping it out!

It has gone beyond a joke. It really has.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End : Because you never ask me, if you see me online on same server, ask - and I'll send you the best setup I got for that track =)

Fair do's.

I do quite well in SS1. Surprising tbh Normally top 5, at least.
S3 licensed
Quote from The Very End :Don't feel sad you can't race as fast as the aliens
Remember that most of them have like 4 years experience, and I'll bet you can catch them if you give it some time.

I think CTRA is a great place to start, as I also mentioned to you yesterday on CTRA Race1 server. And you seemed to race ok to me.

Tomorrow I think I got some time to race online, let's race togheter on CTRA. I'll show you some lines and give you my setups, and I'm sure we can get you to a steady and fine speed

Btw, using a wheel?

Hey now,

How come I don't get sent setups from people like you? :P

Got any decent SS1 setups?
S3 licensed
I Race, Cruise & Drift.

Filters are there for a reason - use them - quite simple.

S3 licensed
LOL, back to VB code there.

If PLID does not equal 0

or you could do If PLID is greater than 0
S3 licensed
PLID can be a 0, if the user has spectated .

Just do a simple if PLID <> 0
S3 licensed
I most certainly are. Which is also written in PHP :P
S3 licensed
MySQL replication to a network drive with a linux kernal

Not that I altered the firmware to boot with it, or anything!