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S3 licensed
Quote from kyler :This may sound weird but what will i really gain by doing this? besides making a nice foot heater?

If you're thinking that way (and also wondering if overclocking is for you) then it probably isn't - you need to be wholly confident that it's the right thing to do AND you also need to know what you're doing. Another thing to consider is that it'll likely reduce the lifespan of your parts, especially if you start overvolting to get more overclock out of things.
S3 licensed
Quote from Riders Motion :Well I still wouldn't call it a mid-range car... Mid range is more like 8600GT than a HD4850 imo.

The 8600GT is a budget card now. (It was never much better than low-mid range to start with, so how you can say it is now is beyond me)
S3 licensed
Bit of a silly test IMO, but anyway...
S3 licensed
SoftTH needs 2 video cards on dual-head cards such as the GTX260 - if he wants 3 screens off one card then it needs to have the capability of running 3 outputs - the GTX260 certainly doesn't have that
S3 licensed
Quote from samjh :Nice. What distro are you using?

Last KDE version I tried was 4.0x, and it was somewhat crash-happy.

Arch Linux - and it's still crash happy in certain circumstances. When it works it's really nice though
S3 licensed
If google shows nothing at all you don't need it. What's more important is finding the cause of the error and eradicating it
S3 licensed
Decided to play with KDE4.2 a bit - Second screen's not on the screenshot to save space (it's just the same background)
S3 licensed
Quote from h3adbang3r :Nothing is overkill. You just won't have to upgrade as soon.

Sorry I can't save it into a wishlist, I don't have a .ca account.

Motherboard- ... aspx?Item=N82E16813128362
CPU- ... aspx?Item=N82E16819115041
Memory- ... aspx?Item=N82E16820145197
I tried putting together an i7 build for you, but it goes to over $1000.

(You will need more than just 2gb of memory.)

Hate to burst the bubble there but you've coupled an LGA1366 board with an LGA775 processor. Bit of a no-no, since it won't work
Assuming no SLi is needed, might I suggest ... aspx?Item=N82E16813131347 as a replacement for the motherboard?
S3 licensed
Quote from J@tko :You can easily get enough to play LFS half-decently for $1,000.

Some info:

That article is way out of date. If you look at the URL it says Aug 30th 2004. 4 years is a hell of a long time PC-wise

Had a quick look on the 'egg and found ... aspx?Item=N82E16834220340 - exactly on budget and looks well specced enough for LFSing etc.
S3 licensed
I've got my Q9400 (essentially the same as the Q9450, just with half the L2 cache) comfortably to 3.4GHz with a Freezer 7 Pro on stock volts. If I want to go higher I'll need to get better RAM (I'm on DDR2-800, didn't originally intend to overclock it).
S3 licensed
If we're talking weight too, I'm a little over 50kg - built like a twig, me
Last edited by JohnUK89, . Reason : Er, wrong word completely at one point
S3 licensed
Bah, tall gits, the lot of you.

At time of last measurement I was 5 ft 6.
S3 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :Cheers for that, I lost everything I'd typed in my other browser tab.
Post reported. Sorry, but it's too annoying to be funny. Wouldn't have been so bad if I'd been using IE either, but it took the entire damn thing.

Now now, you should have looked at the link first, really

Anyway, back on topic: Brundle for the BBC is great news. He really knows his F1 (mainly due to having driven in it himself) and was EASILY the better commentator ITV had.
S3 licensed
Quote from DC2 :a geforce 6600gt since 2003 :>

Impossible, they weren't launched until April 2004

EDIT: nVidia GeForce GTX280 here
Last edited by JohnUK89, .
S3 licensed
I'm only aware of having dual screen setups with the ability for a single accelerated window to span them all. When you go from 2 to 3 you need to start using seperate X screens with Xinerama (instead of nvidia's Twinview or MergedFB) to get the ability to span windows. Of course, this kills off any and all ability to run LFS in them, since OpenGL acceleration gets totally hosed. So, you're pretty much limited to dual screen, which if you're using TwinView/MergedFB it'll create one large virtual desktop that the LFS window can span across.
S3 licensed
Sell it on eBay as spares? Seems the best idea for it, you may be able to get some money back...
S3 licensed
And BTW - Office 2007 REALLY won't like a 633MHz Celeron ULV CPU
S3 licensed
The 701 is slow, small and has a VERY poor battery. You'll be lucky to get 2 hours out of it. (I have one myself, put ArchLinux on it and put a 1GB RAM stick in. I've tweaked the system for battery life and yet get about 2 hours 10 at most). Personally I'd have gone for a 901, better battery life, faster AND more storage space. Well worth the extra money.
S3 licensed
Quote from Furiously-Fast :I went to internet explorer on the PS3, then went to to download it, but only one prob: I press the download bar, nothing happens. If only I could play it on the PS3 too... it is way more powerful than my PC. Only in terms of graphics/gaming though.

As has been previously said it will not work. You're wasting your time trying.
S3 licensed
Quote from Forbin :How so?

Quote from Call of Duty 5 Release Date :November 11th

Notice anything odd? Only Remembrance Day?
S3 licensed
Regarding the 2004 one: Isn't it funny how Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, Nevada AND Ohio ALL voted Democrat, as did Florida. A purely unscientific observation, but
S3 licensed
Quote from major_syphillis :it's one of those things that happened. what would be the outcome if Russia was still in Afganistan? Can't really predict...

Well let's just say it's the Americans (AND British, you're not alone over there) that the Taleban are bombing, not their own. And it's not "one of those things that happened". It happened BECAUSE the Americans (and Brits) went in. How can you bomb that which is not there?
S3 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :Which countries?

I can name one: The United States of Afghanistan. Of course, it was caused by the US going in to start with...

And before anyone goes off on me for what I called Afghanistan it's obviously a joke. Get over it.
S3 licensed
I can hack my 17" CRT to somehow do 2048x1536. How it does it I have no idea at all, but it does :P