Well...this is not ment to be offencive to anyone..!
When you hear about things in the news, tv etc.. about racism its allways either a white person and a dark person (all though we are just the same!) or someone of a British religion (christian!) to any other religion! You hardly ever see this the other way around! As i have thought my self it looks as if the other religions and coloured people have more protection of racism! Like if you called a Scotsman a Jock then you are nto racist but if you call a Pakistani a Paki then you are not racist...now this is confusing to me! I mean we are all the same and names shouldnt matter and now a days if you are caught saying anything about other religions and coloured people you are been called racist!
They Are Ruling Our Country's!
I have a cosin of the age of 5 and has just started school in Kent...and there are soo many other religions that my cosin has to learn Punjab and Hebrew! Just because they have moved here and dont know our language! We should not have to waster our lives learning other peoples language when there is no point! I understand learning French because it is one of the worlds main languages! but having to learn Punjab and Hebrew i think is a discrace! If they want to move to this country...THEY should have to learn our language not the other way around!
I would love to hear your thoughts on this or even have a wee argument if you think different!