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I was like, "Some one has DR skin on OMG!" Then I saw it was the n00b!
S2 licensed
Yeah hotmail servers can be a pain in the arse at times with going down, took me a couple of hours to get on MSN after work!

Been on fine for half an hour now or so however! *Crosses fingers*
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Jakg, Brits used LHD since your head exploded earlier today.

Oh, and becuase British and Genius is the largest oxymoron on this planet, even larger than "George Bush" and "Intelligent"

Thats why a lot of the Geniuses from the world of the past and present are British

Back on topic, that was somewhat silly of her! In a moment she will try and put it straight into the engine from the pump
S2 licensed
All looks to be going well Dan, I see your getting there with the Demo racers
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Quote from Kid222 :<- Here's the enemy!

Yes please!!!!111
Or attack me...
S2 licensed
Quote from Greboth :Skin looks good I think the formula D needs to be the otherway round as its 'upside down'. Also i would remove the sunroof but thats a personal opinion. I guess its a drift skin add some nice sponsors and it will look very nice

Off topic - 3 DR replies lol.

Off topic - Greboth is also gay...
S2 licensed
Looks pretty good! I like it, nice work. BTW Blaeza above is gay!
S2 licensed
Quote from johnfromsunnymull : she just said to me she never gonna buy me it even if it is my own money grrrrr >

Cant you borrow a cheque from a friend and give them the cash?
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Thanks to James (Mr. Rowe) for pointing out EBuyer to me - they have an HP laptop for £275+VAT (£323) that would fit the bill. It's not a great computer by any means, and probably has several problems that would normal make me look elsewhere (I don't know - poor battery life, crap graphics, whatever), but for what we need it's okay.

I suspect I'll be getting this, or something very similar soon.

Cheers for your replies!

No problem, I almost brought one from there. A bit more money however, in the end I went for a dual core with some bells and whistles... So did not need it for internet use and web programing etc Oh well, I like it sitting on Linux
S2 licensed
Well I did say I would not post here again, but I could not resist looking at my poor driving as replay.

I will admit with all honesty that my driving was awful, you can see that by the jurky actions that its a bad joystick. I was still getting use to it also.

Every driver I saw in my mirrors come up and I saw a blue flag as you may have noticed I let past, at times I went onto the grass!

I watched closely when DR Spankymeyer caught me up first time, I let him past and duvel fine!

The other times were also all fine, if you notice in the race that when others caught a back marker, it took half a lap to a full lap to pass at times!

The only time I will confess to pure idiotic ability and sense was my lap 10, or about lap 42/43 for spankmeyer and Duvel. I let Spankmeyer past with ease and sped up a lot, I should have waited back and let Duvel through but I totally forgot about him being around, only thinking to not take out my team mate! I had him behind me in the fast twisty bits in mid lap, I remember now thinking its not wise at all to slow up here! It might cause an accident and that would have been a lot worse!

As soon as that was all over I ran wide exiting a corner letting Duvel through, to be really honest with you all, I did not hold him up on perpose.

Oh and I rememberd my waiting on call, when i rejoined I was quiet away ahead from the battling trio, if I had really intended to slow duvel up I would have not attempted to continue at my pace around that lap would I?

I also had to pit at least once to qualify the result under the rules, when I pitted out from first pit I let a stream of traffic past. Sped up and that was when them two were passing, came out just behind spanky, when the corners were over I let the rest pass! I hardly held anyone up in the race

Well that is my last opinion, I wanted to share that after watching the replay guys. My view on it, read it if you like. Sorry if I did hold anyone up
Last edited by jamesrowe, .
S2 licensed
Tetris was fun, when I was young... rhymes

Use to love Driver when it came out on PSX
S2 licensed
Quote from Greboth :Its good to see people read my post I wasn't going to post here due to this being just a flame war but I am. I have known james since MG which is about a year ago and have raced him since then, through my time in mg, also while in cP and now in DR. I will say this, and this is in no way a defence of what happened, but i know he does have respect for other racers. It was more as r4ptor said that he wasn't prepped and using a different controller to normal. You could sum this up as no respect for other racers but it isn't that because i know he does. As i have said i was due to be racing had it not been my n00b ass not getting my wheel working again. I know from talking to him on msn before the race he started the race to be the second driver, with the hope of competing. I don't know why he left but i do know that he re joined and saw that from people d/c points were on offer which he got (well maybe we shall await the verdict.) I will probably get flamed for this but i am not saying it is right or wrong.
"Sorry" will not change anything but i do apologise for the actions taken under the Dynamic Racing name. Note - I am not and will not apologise for james, that is his decision, i am apologising from a team perspective.

Now this flaming could go on and on as im sure there are many people who dont like other on this forum. I am sure many people don't like me but i wouldn't get into personal insults about it. This was a discussion about the race and it has turned into a flame war of forum members against james and james against forum members. The incidents described are for the steward to decide does it really matter what people think. By this i mean in a personal way.

That pretty much sums it well, I respect everyone here! Even Tristan at the end of the day, even though every turn I make he is there to pounce

I was far from ready in that race, just wanted to come last and get a few points. I kept spinning as there was little control with the controller, and I have said sorry many times already. Once again very sorry to Duvel, and anyone else I affected in the race! I was a complete and utter noob, only wanted to finish.
My phone should have been off, I would not have taken the call if it was not important! Sadly it was, I thought about pitting or spectating at the time, but the road seemed ok where I "parked".

Last time I will say it as it will keep on falling onto death ears, I'm extremely sorry for anyone that I affected in the race, especially Duvel. It was not ment to turn out like this.
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :You don't get a lot for two hundred nicker. £350-ish could get you a mid-range Celeron D with 256Mb or 512Mb RAM on the high street, but I don't think you'd find a new laptop for any less than that.

You can get some good ones for around £400ish... Ebuyer etc might be your friend!
S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :If u weren't this lame, I would have liked you to join us clowns... You're funny guy, James :elefant:

I know. Sorry Jack, that was below the belt , sad thing is I'm telling the truth about the incidents with phone calls etc
Last edited by jamesrowe, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Clownpaint :I knew that would be your last ditch reply, I saw it coming a mile away!

I've heard such things too many times to care anymore, BNP supporter and proud. Maybe we could do a house swap and you could experience the diversity of out-dated religions and increased crime while I chill out in your lovely boat you own in the countryside.

Im quiet happy with being on my own boat in the peaceful countryside thanks, I know I started it so I'l finish, end of offtopic in here.
S2 licensed
Quote from Clownpaint :I decided to check the replay for myself, often accusations of such tactics are down to paranoia... but this, my god. You've really out done yourself this time James.

I agree with all the sentiments so far, find something else to do in your spare time James. Your tactics were disgraceful whether they involved planning with your teammates or not. Nothing excuses what you were doing, repeatedly. Not a faulty joystick, not something in your eye or whatever you want to come up with next, nothing.

I think if DR want to maintain an ounce of respect from the LFS community they would do the right thing and kick James out of the team. Honestly, why would anyone keep someone who drives like this? I know if he was in my team he would be gone in a shot.

EDIT: And I couldn't help but feel the lyrics to this song sound like they were written about you James! ... csa/songfile/GREATPRE.HTM

Well because of all this I have asked on our own forums privately if they would still want me, it was rather one sided decision 100% from them!
At least I am doing something right for them all to want me...

Edit: - Removed due to off topic and out of order. Sorry Jack (clownpaint)
Last edited by jamesrowe, .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :It is only ridiculous because you are of the opinion that you did almost nothing wrong.

Watch the replay mate, and see just how appalling your driving is.

I can only hope the rest of your team see sense and kick you out of DR (or form their own team), because you are a disgrace.

That is what you would love, to see me gone and make anything that I am to do with fail! Get a different hobby then harrasing me Tristan.

End of discussion from me, over and out.
S2 licensed
Right, I leave it entirely up to Josh and whom ever runs BOTT. I'm not going to continue to participate in this ridiculous arguement any longer.

Edit: @Jack as I just noticed his comment, I continued to race as alowed in the limited BOTT rules. I did make it pretty easy for every one in my eyes, even Duvel. I tried to get out of the way, but in the fast corner bits where it would be dangerous to slow down and let pass I continued, until it opened up into a straight and then I let him past. I had every one lap me about 3 times while I was on track, including Spankmeyer.
Last edited by jamesrowe, .
S2 licensed
Quote from DuVeL :I'm already a bit tempered down in the meanwhile ...

My point is/was a serious sanction against JAM'ez (no, you won't talk your way out of this by testing-, phone- or other crappy evasions).

It's up to the referees to decide this matter, but I'm surely not demanding that Spankmeyer will lose his 4th place, nor any sort of team ban.

Yes I was gaining space on Spankmeyer, but there is no way of telling if I would have reached him without being JAMez'-ed.
Even if I should be able to reach him, there is no way of telling I could have passed him. I had a proper battle against him last race, so I cannot see why it would be different this time.

Apart from the possible sanction / degree of sanction, I can only hope that team 'Dynamic Racing' will draw its conclusion. Having people in your team like the one described above won't do you much good.

Note to the referees: I'm not interested in the fact that [DR] loses points or [Elite] gains points. Since the league is almost over, our team is mainly battling against "1st Racing" for second place, so it wouldn't make much of a difference.
What would make a difference though, is the removal of external factors that unpleasantly interfere with our nice and clean battle against "1st Racing" and other teams.

Right well lets leave it to the panel as such, I tried my best and as the state of Blue Flags are, you should make the move to pass! If it was say F1 or any other motor racing, watch them trying to pass a back marker. It can take half a lap or more! You was behind me a few times for a couple of corners, then I let you pass safely by pulling right over!

But lets stop being childish and bickering, Fusion's decision as such.
S2 licensed
Quote from Kalev EST :Don´t know about respect but points were coming to his way because you can rejoin in this league and still get points.

Not if Mister Duvel and Elite feel so strong about it, I dont mind giving the little points to them
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Why bother - points or respect were not going to come your way
If your joystick was so bad then why did you not do the decent thing and leave completely? The race would have been fine - no, it would have been BETTER, had you not been there.
It's quite alright to give your team mate a bit of extra room, but the difference was too startling to be a coincidence. Now, I know Spanky - he's been around a long time - and I have no doubt that he wasn't part of this - he was driving his race in a skillful manner that should make DR proud. James is a disgrace to his team, and has never at any point shown the slightest bit of driving talent. I am glad someone has officially complained against him, as his taking part was negative to the race and the BOTT series.
You DO know what a motor race is, don't you?

Get rid of that smiley at the end, you ignorant anus. If it was dangerous and unresponsive (which you surely knew beforehand) then WHY did you take part. Sitting there sucking a lemon (AKA the squashy thing that passes for a brain in your head) would have been a better contribution to BOTT.
I feel your heart is not in driving in leagues. If you are in a league you race. If you would rather speak to your mother about how mean some people were to you at school today then don't enter leagues - simple!
I can't comment if Spanky deserved his 4th or not, but I doubt he was involved in the blatent holding up of other people. My vote would go to leaving Spanky out of any penalties, and simply treble James' penalities - life time ban of LFS, full wrecker barricade membership, and having everyone poke fun at his lack of skill (just for the record, I don't mind if you are slower or worse than James - but at least you don't enter leagues and take people out)
You aren't sad in the slightest. If you were really apologetic you would write some eloquent apology and not need to use tacky smilies. And you'd never enter leagues again.

This is not an area for you to comment in, you have nothing todo with BOTT as far as I know, thus please leave me alone! I can not be bothered to waste my time reading your comments!

Duvel: If you are really that bothered even though I attempted to get out of your way on all occations, you can have my 16 or so points! If that makes you feel better, alot more then the points difference from 5th to 4th! Its your call, im not going to groval anymore... Said sorry and reported my side.
S2 licensed
Right, well I came back after technical faults and rejoined! I thought this was ok due to a 1st driver did it the previous round!...

Spankmeyer and I had no contact what so ever in any bott rounds, I did not try to help or slow anyone down. Yes I pitted because I wanted to play around with my set in F12 because I was in no race, I could not drive fast as I had little control with a joystick compaired to being use to a wheel.

Ok maybe I did give spanky a wider gap then others, its only to be expected as he is in my team. But I fairly let everyone past, at one stage I almost accidentally took Fizzy out as my joystick decided to go very sensitive as it does. I ended up having to spin it onto the grass to make sure I did not hit him!

Edit: I was slow out of the pits to let a string of traffic past, seeing a gap to go for I went. Im not going to sit near'ish to the racing line like that for to long. Only letting it easier for them and myself.

My throttle was all a bit heywire, the joystick was unressponsive and damn right dangerous! And as such, its in a bin bag waiting for the dust bin men to remove it

I did stop for a lap or 2 as the phone rang, it was about business and as there was no reason to continue and ignore the call, so I decided to stop for a few minutes and rush the call!!!

Do what you want with my very low 13th, but I had nothing todo with spankmeyer's 4th! Did not talk or think about him much in the race, only thing I was thinking about was getting out of the way of every driver safely with my dodgy joystick.

Sorry if I held you or anyone else up Duvel, was not ment to be . I'm somewhat sad now to think I might have made the result different in anyway!
Last edited by jamesrowe, .
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Enjoyed that race - some great driving in there!

And, I have to say (and I probably wouldn't have posted this just to say well done), James cannot drive for crap!! It's so bad it's funny. He claims he started slow to drive around the accidents, but he took out someone in T1, and rarely if ever strung more than 3 corners together. When he did, he was about 1 second per CORNER off the pace.

Sorry James, but I think stamp collecting is more suited for you. I'd love to be able to say that all the past accusations were wrong, and that you CAN drive, but the truth is you can't. Skill and James do not exist comfortably in the same sentence.

But thanks for the laugh - every race series has to have a complete and utter noob, and it just so happens you're it in more than one series

Sorry for my very very very bad driving! I told everyone to be careful of me as I was racing with an old faulty joystick as I have no wheel at the moment! I was only there because no one else could have raced, really didnt want to with an Fo8 + Crappy old MS joy stick that needs to be binned = Bad driving

When I had a wheel and raced say the LX6 round, I was not so bad :S
Edit: I also had no practise with a wheel for cornering speeds etc, was all spair of the moment to race. Hence the joystick!
Last edited by jamesrowe, .
S2 licensed
Quote from shaGuar :Shut up James !

Shut up Kasper !
S2 licensed
Quote from LFSn00b :Great job Mr.Rowe, you only lost 30 laps

I got DC'ed, thats not David Coulthard'ed

At least I made an effort to finish it, even though it was over 30laps behind