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Quote from Zipppy :I am sure that car is based off of the Scirocco, Seat is owned by VW.

Wrong way around. The new Leon has been out a couple of years now, so it predates the Scirocco by some way.
S2 licensed
I haven't read the whole thread so appologies if this has already been posted.

Firstly, thanks for the new car, looks really nice.

My question is this though. Given that this is the first "real" car in LFS how will the sets work with this car? I would hope that they are essentially fixed and have no adjustments past things like TC on/off, tyre pressures/choices and amount of fuel. I really think going through all the time and trouble to code physics of this car with its stability system, TC, etc would be a complete waste if someone can come along and change it's handling to something completely impossible for the real world car.

So I'm hoping that there will be little to no adjustability in the set up of this car. ie no gearing changes, no steering changes, no camber changes, no ride height changes etc. Sure that'll probably mean that the cars handling won't suit everybodies driving style but IMO if LFS wants to really present itself as a realistic driving sim these things have to be exactly like on the real car with no option for changing them except in ways that would be possible on a production road car (ie practically none).
S2 licensed
Quote from Dizzydarryn :

anyone with any opinions on the Omnia, I hear its brilliant, cept that its screen is poorly lit in sunlight and its a tad slow. but it is rated higher than the iphone and the diamond on just about every site ive been on...

I have never owned an Omnia but someone I know did. I was thinking of getting one until I had a go on a live one. After that I changed my mind because:

a) We couldn't work out how to make the "iPod looking" menu page be the default homepage. The adverts seem to give the impression that it can be but we spent a good 20 minutes trying to find the config to allow it but it isn't there. This would have been a selling point for me so that was one nail in it's coffin.

b) That stylus thing is unfortunately pretty much essential to use the phone in practice. Given that it's on a stupid laynard separate from the phone that was another nail.

c) I was hoping it wouldn't be neccessary to get involved with any of the WiMo parts of the phone in everyday use, (maybe for just initial config), but just playing with the phone for an hour or two you quickly realise there just isn't any getting away from the horrible WiMo interface and all it's fiddly little Microsoft foibles, such as insisting on thinking you must have mistyped when using predictive texting and presenting you with word options that have letters in you never even typed instead of the option to spell a new word which is what every other phone in the world does. Or insisting you put the contact in first when writing a text rather than letting you write the text first and then enter whom you want to send it to like every other phone on the planet does ! Not being able to keep your "phone book" separate, (and integrated with the phone function), from your contacts list, (which is full of other junk eg work contacts). It's little things like this that drive me up the wall about WiMo devices. It's the usual Microsoft knows better than you what you want to do that I really hate about WiMo devices.

I want a phone not a portable PC, that's what PDAs are for !!

If you need connectivity have you considered a Symbian device?

The Nokia E51 gets good reviews, (it's what I really wanted for work but we weren't allowed anything but WiMo).
Last edited by gezmoor, .
S2 licensed
There is only one question that needs to be asked when thinking about getting a phone.

Do you need it for work? Does it need to be able to sync with your work exchange server and let you know when you've got meetings or if you have recieved a new email as soon as it arrives??

If the answer is no to the above, do not under any circumstances get a Windows Mobile device !!!! I can't stress that enough. WiMo is utter crap !! (unless of course you like all the junk/issues associated with running a microsoft OS on your phone). I don't know about you but I want a phone that is small, light, has long battery life, (and no I don't consider 3-5 days a long life), can send and receive texts and is simple to navigate and use those functions and that's it and I can tell you now none of the Windows Mobile devices fit that bill. They are all, bar none, a windows OS first and a phone a very distant second, (and yes I include so called smartphones) , no matter how hard the likes of Samsung try to cover up the fact its WiMo underneath.

If you must have other junk like a camera, music player etc on your phone, (though heaven knows why they're all nothing more than gimmics), then there are plenty of models from the likes of Nokia, SonyEricsson etc to choose from. The iPhone looks alright, but I'd only get one if I really had to have an iPod, (which I already have so it would be pointless for me), as they are actually quite bulky/heavy phones with not very good battery life. Although I must admit I do really like the interface so it has to be the size it is I guess.
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Average: 0.199
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Quote from Jakg :What? I haven't upgraded my PC in quite a while, and this 8800GTX has been owned since launch - It still plays everything (Crysis etc) on max. I haven't had to spend $500 every 2 months...

Err yeah but the 8800 is not even a mid range card let alone a budget one. It was high end when it came out, (and with a cost to match), and is still pretty high end in terms of actual performance even compared with the latest cards, (the 9xxx and 2xx etc haven't moved the game on all that far from the 88xx series cards).
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Hahaha, Crysis is nothing mate.

Check out Dead Space, courtesy of RC10Racer.


Actually Dead Space looks like a cartoon. Where that Crysis screen shot is (almost) photo realistic. So I'm not quite sure what you consider to be "high quality" graphics. But for me it needs to look like real life, as in just like a photo would. None of the screen shots in the thread you link to look even slightly photo realistic.

Another plus point for consoles and that is the ease of availability of games. If I had an XBox, Wii or PS3 I could go down to my local high street and pick up a game, (from all sorts of places, even Woolworths !), with a good chance of finding one that I actually wanted. If I want a PC game, I pretty much have to order it on line or find a major HMV etc retail outlet.

So if you're the kind of person that isn't too worried about best price but just want your game today, consoles have a far better chance of being able to deliver that than the PC.

Despite all that, I'm not interested enough in games to go out and buy a dedicated games console so I'll be sticking with the PC.
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Quote from ATC Quicksilver :So you can have intercourse with it at car shows. Duh.

Duh ... of course !!
S2 licensed
Quote from RocksGt :Is this the first RWD from Audi?

Yes : ... -GT3-2008-first-pictures/

Personally I think the huge spoiler at the back completely ruin the lines of the car. But I guess it's a neccessary evil in racing, though personally I hate spoilers on tin tops (with rare exceptions) they just scream boy racer Saxo driver to me, even on million pound super cars.

Take the spoiler off it though and I think it's a very nice looking car. Though for the real road I much prefer the production version, (in my dreams of course ), where the 4WD would make it much quicker point-to-point on diesel slicked UK roads.
S2 licensed
Quote from S14 DRIFT :Very nice. Hopefully they'll give us an Audi RSR8 or something

Which of course you'll rush right out and put a deposit down on right??

Why hope for a manufacturer to bring out a car that you can't and will never be able to afford? (unless you're extremely lucky in life).
S2 licensed
Quote from ebola :

It shows the steering trace of Schumacher through Bridge. Quite interesting.

But that isn't the definition of smoothness. Smoothness is to do with the lines you take, (particularly entry in to corners and linking corner combinations), and the aggression of braking/throttle and steering (when entering the corner). All the above video shows is that Schumacher is closer to the limit of traction and is continually correcting for small slides, which Herbert would be doing too if he was as anywhere near the limit as Schumacher is. It's the difference in throttle in this particular comparision that is the difference between smooth and agressive. Note Herberts comment about Senna being very "jabby" on the throttle compared to Schumacher.

Essentially smoothness is defined by more progressive control inputs and more gradual turn in to corners as opposed to an aggressive style which uses more dramatic/larger control inputs and later turn in to corners.
S2 licensed
Quote from Forbin :@gezmoor: I'm an engineer at heart, not an artist. If it's not functional, I don't see much point. Why even bother calling it a motorcycle if it has no actual wheels but rather suggestions of wheels?

Ah yes I agree, being of an engineering/science background myself. But art has the ability to stimulate the imagination and without imagination even engineers would be reduced to just copying existing designs. There would be no progress. As for the functionality. Well it's not functional, Today. Who knows about tomorrow with science and materials technology advancing all the time something very similar may become possible. People were complaining about it's lack of suspension in the comments in the link. Well who's to say the materials used don't have the right properties to allow the front wheel to turn and the wheels to move up and down. That's what I mean when I say peoples thinking is too rigid, too limited to the now.

Quote :
As a matter of fact, the rest of the bike is fairly contemporary and certainly nothing earth-shattering. The production 2006 Yamaha R6 was way more of a fresh design than that Honda thing.

Which is why I don't object to it. As you say, it's not even that futuristic. But you have to admit it does have very clean lines and is the ulitmate expression of where (sports) bikes have been going in the last 5 years no?
S2 licensed
Quote from GFresh :To those trying to suggest that Hamilton struggles with technical sections...
Ever thought he may just enjoy the corners he's suggested more than technical sections? I imagine the high G corners are quite exhilarating, perhaps he finds techincal sections boring in comparsion?

I'm sure that's true but it's a well understood psychological human trait to dislike those things you struggle with.

Quote :
I love it when amatures or completly inexperianced drivers try to judge racing drivers talent, it really is a funny show to watch!"

I find the Irony of that statement just as amusing, or should I be getting out my F1 scrap book to get your autograph?

I'm not trying to suggest that Hamilton isn't a supremely talented driver just find his choices of sections illuminating that's all.
S2 licensed
Quote from peterules :I agree to some extent about the above but then wouldn't make more sense to make race 1 into bronze? And the UFBR to entry level? That would clean up race 1 as the cars are are a little faster than the UFBR'S...

I hate the fact that i've opened a can of worms here, but all the hard work that people put into race 1/UFBR to earn a silver licence seems a bit excessive... but if you think about it harder, the rewards are pretty ok! i'm sure many people would agree that something needs to be done about race 1's quality of racing.

Personally I would rather see the opposite. ie Bronze/National B only racing servers. Somewhere where people can get away from the Coppers and Clubmans of this world and try and hone their racing skills in preparation for getting Silver/National A licences. Something that's a bit difficult if your race is forever being disrupted by inexperienced drivers crashing and ramming behaviour.

I'd also like so see a bit more car choice for Bronze/National B drivers, seems to me that only the much more experienced driver get all the fun cars to drive (and yes I understand the rational behind the limitations).
Personally I'd like to see a couple more options for this level of license.
ie Restricted XFR and FOX to sit about halfway between the UF-BR and XFR; FBM and FOX pace wise. I think SS2 is underpopulated because for a lot of people it's a bit too much of a jump between FBM and FOX and a restricted XFR that was a bit more of a challenge than the UF-BR would be good practice for when people finally get to Silver license level in tintops.
S2 licensed
Quote from JJ72 :define "techincal sections"

those he named are all pretty good.

Ones that require you to alter your throttle to avoid loosing grip or sharp turns of direction such as a chicane or where the car goes light over the brow of a hill or where braking is anything but slam on the brakes.

Read through the article linked and you'll see that most of his favourite sections have one thing in common. Pedal flat to the floor, high G Force corners that so long as you take the right line in pretty much require, (relatively), no seat of the pants feel or skill in keeping the car balanced on the limit or any quick direction changes etc. Not much there to upset the car or require any actions of the driver to keep it set.

I think his choice of sections is very informative to his attitude to what makes a "great" driver, (the immaturity of youth maybe? only speed and physical prowess count??), and also probably indicative of his own perception of himself and his own weaknesses.
S2 licensed
Quote from robt :notice that he doesnt like anything under 3rd gear? only corners where downforce does the work for him.

Yup. Complete lack of any technical sections too.
S2 licensed
Quote from becky Rose :

<php (people Homosapiens Program)
If( Dna=='human' ){
Else {

S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :I thought it looked like Tron too.

Reminded me of Akira, though it looks nothing like it.

I like it. I can't get over how adverse to modern design a lot of you people are . I'm the old fuddy duddy here, it should be me complaining about modern stuff not all you kids
S2 licensed
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Woolworths and MFI.

Could probably throw in Lehman Brothers too
S2 licensed
Problem with PC's is their generic hardware/software environment and requirement to have mid-to-high end graphics cards to run any relatively new game, ending up with needing a lot more money just to play new(ish) games.

Also apart from the obvious, (eg LFS etc), there are advantages to the consoles input devices in some games. For example in God of War II you need to spin or turn things sometimes to solve puzzles or defeat your foe, the thumb joystick is perfect for this as it requires at least a little bit of skill to use one to do the task rather than just holding down a button to turn something the right way. Just adds a slightly different element to the actual way you interact with the game.

So the way I see it is, if you're a serious gamer and are prepared to spend a lot of money to get the absolute best graphics and performance in modern games, (and have to have every latest title as soon as it comes out), then a dedicated gaming PC is the way to go. If on the other hand you're just a part time gamer that uses games as a bit of fun and relaxation, (meaning you're not buying every latest title when it's released), then I think consoles are by far the best value for money.
S2 licensed
Quote from amp88 :In practice people don't get indicted or convicted on the basis of DNA alone. There has to be some other evidence linking them to the crime, even if only circumstancial. Aside from that the law in the US only requires level of proof beyond reasonable doubt. A doubt of less than one in a million is way below the reasonable level. Link.

The problem with that of course is that, (unlike fingerprints even), DNA is transferable. In fact it is entirely this property of DNA that allows it to be used as evidence in the first place, but it is also exactly the property of DNA as evidence that makes it so fallable as evidence. There are a lot more innocent methods of transfering DNA on to an object than there are non innocent ones. To my mind DNA should only form part of the physical evidence against a person, to use it as the only form of physical evidence is entirely unjust IMO.

This is where DNA evidence has fallen down in the past, (and probably will continue in the future too), so much so that a couple of relatively high profile cases that were reversed on appeal were supposed to lead to a review of all other cases where DNA alone had been used to convict someone. As far as I am aware this hasn't happened. A situation that can't be tollerated IMO. ... %5D=92&type=editorial
S2 licensed
Quote from Storm_Cloud :MotoGP does not place extra emphasis on winning:

25 divided by 2.5 = 10

20 divided by 2.5 = 8

16 divided by 2.5 = 6 (rounded down )

Good point, I have to admit I hadn't looked at it in terms of proportionality just absolute points.

Maybe then 1st place should score 30. That would be the same advantage to winning as the pre 2003 F1 points system, but actually put some motivation in to making up places lower down the order.
S2 licensed
Quote from SamH :I've just been through the config files and checked. Ouch. The restart delay command was absent from the UF-BR config file. It's now there, set at 4 minutes, and the server has been relaunched.

Thanks for looking in to it. Hopefully that will help improve the situation.
S2 licensed
Quote from Velociround :Update

@ gezmoor: This other thing too!

Now THAT is impressive !!
S2 licensed
Quote from bob Smith :funny, I'd Never Worry About Getting An Lx6 Pregnant, And I Can't See Having A Collection Of Lx1s Driving About The Place Being Such A Bad Thing Either.

Pmsl !! :d