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S2 licensed
Quote from Falcon140 :I love Airplane

Hell yeah... Airplane is such a classic. ... _2PKM&feature=related
S2 licensed
Quote from BAMBO :It's Fo' shizzle mah nizzle in thah hizzle, foo'!

Shittttttttt.... = Golly.
S2 licensed
Real first and last name: Nolan Scott
Username: BigTime
Car Number: 16
Team: CoRe Racing
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
Straight gangsta!
S2 licensed
This goes down as one of my top 10 favorite videos. Glad you reminded me...
S2 licensed
Movie of the year, hands down. :bowdown:
S2 licensed
Quote from r4ptor :/me runs away

S2 licensed
If it's done just release it now. LOL.
S2 licensed
Quote from imthebestracerthereis :This thread is bad and you should feel bad.

S2 licensed
After that large debate, I completely forgot to congratulate Daszkiewicz on a well deserved race win. Great pace at the end of the race, when it really mattered.

Might was well post the
pole lap, though it wasn't used for the broadcast.

S2 licensed
That camera work gets an A+.
S2 licensed
Well, his drifting doesn't totally suck, but it's certainly a little different.

And yeah mate, turn ABS off.
Last edited by BigTime, .
S2 licensed
Quote from TexasLTU :Its for germans AFAIK.

You'd be right... Still a great series. Only one I keep up with besides the ones I run.
S2 licensed
Wow, just saw the images. Great story BTW!
S2 licensed
Quote from evilpimp :Cool. Didn't understand a thing but still seemed cool heh.

Yeah, wish I could read it because I'm interested in the series myself.
S2 licensed
Pretty sure I'll be at the track or at the shop that day and time, but sign me up anyways and I'll try to let you know in advance if I can't make it...

LFS-licence ID: BigTime
Real Name: Nolan Scott
Starting Number (between 02-99): 16
Country (Using ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 standard): United States of America
Team Affiliation: CoRe Racing
S2 licensed
If they aren't going to continue developing the game like it should be developed, then they need to start allowing a little more game modification from outside sources.

I've said it for years, this is one of the poorest managed game development groups I've ever seen. Everone says, "Well you have to remember it's just three guys..." The thing is, there should be a lot more people working on this, and the reason their isn't is management. The problem is, they've waited so long to do anything about it that it's almost a lost cause if they want to catch up with iRacing.
Last edited by BigTime, .
S2 licensed
Mercury/Xfusion/LFSLA/nFinity racing is an awesome team with a great promo.
Last edited by BigTime, .
S2 licensed
Not bad for a first...
S2 licensed
Quote from N I K I :whatever man, i don't recall we had any issues and you know it's not my fault, at all. You tried to hold the line, but you were in dead angle of my mirror so i didn't see you and automatically assumed you were going to the left as anyone normal would do and you shouldn't have tried to pass me there at all, one pass per straight is enough

Niki, even if I would has squeezed you down to the inside, I had that right since you already blocked off that side of the track. You have to remember that you moved the car all the way to the right, thus any movement of mine that clears your car automatically gives me the right away. The fact remains, when you came across the track you went from the hard right hand side of the track, nearly to the curbs on the left. You and I both know you didn't need to come over that fast, nor did u have the right away.

And Niki, don't you remember XSCC? I'm just thankful you can drive around a road course better than you could those ovals...

I've only had one race with you in which we had equal paces, and where you didn't ruin the race with your "Niki" tactics. You sit here defending this, and it's a clear cut case of aggressive driving. Don't you even have an excuse for why you came so far up the track so fast? I haven't heard one yet, and that's pretty much the only thing I give a damn about, because unless you have a clear cut reason for doing so, you crashed us out of this race. It's just that simple Niki, Admins, and everyone else keeping up with this discussion. Until anyone gives me a reason and a cause for those actions, that's that. Hell, look at the meter markers... We weren't even that close to the corner entry when you came up.
Last edited by BigTime, .
S2 licensed
Will this be broadcasted?
S2 licensed
Sorry for the delay.

The resolution isn't perfect but there is nothing we can do about that without distorting the video. Overall I think it looks good and you have showed me how good this format really is. I think I'll be making the switch from .avi to .mp4, cause it's works great.

Man I just noticed, the commentary seems a little quieter in this version... Did that change?
Last edited by BigTime, .
S2 licensed
As Phil said, this is a one-off event that really isn't worth bickering about. Let's learn from this and move on.

My opinion still stands.
Last edited by BigTime, .
S2 licensed
Quote from FireFox86 :Enjoyable video. Full of action nicely sync with the music. Noticed some nice smooth camera action any use of CarFocus Camerapath?

No Car Focus or Camera Path yet, but they will be used eventually. I haven't quite had the need for them yet, mainly because the clips are so short in this one.