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Frex SimConMotion cockpit forsale
S2 licensed
FOR SALE OR TRADE is my Frex Cockpit, sadly I am moving for work and can't take the cockpit with me.
I will part it out since I know most of you have cockpits already.
Everything Works perfectly and I can demonstrate if needed.

I have included the price of what it cost new so that you can make me an offer that is intelligent, but I am going to be very fair on my pricing (anywhere to 40%-60% of original price, and if you bundle I may throw stuff in for free)
What I have is:
Frex SimConMotion (with Damper kit)
Frex SimConBase (includes Frex Dead pedal and Frex keyboard holder)
Autometer Analog Tachometer w/Shift Light
For all of the Above It would cost New $2900+ not including shipping from JAPAN!!!
Recaro Seat New $800 (also willing to offer it in the Frex SCM for free if its available)
Gstar 4 Point Harness (used to keep you as snug in the seat as possible to feel the motion more) New $80
i-Vibe (better than a buttkicker, you cant see it in the Pics because it is hidden in the seat cushions, new $180
Logitech G25 Wheel
TripleHeads2Go setup w/3 dell 19" monitors I will even throw in a a Table
Also for sale is my PC its not bad plays LFS very well and is the game I play most when I used the cockpit

I know What I paid for everything and am willing to take any good offers, but everything is up for negotiation and willing to bundle I Live in Central NJ

As for trade I am looking for mostly apple products, like a (NO G5) Mac Pro, Mac mini, Macbook Air/pro, iPad, AppleTV, iPhones, iPods, iMac and accessories
Also looking to trade for PS3/xbox System, LCD/LED TV, video games, monitors, Maybe even a Car/SUV
PM me and I will give you my Phone number and maybe we can work out a deal.
Last edited by OmniMoAK, .
S2 licensed
It was in engadget ... ake-your-retirement-fund/

and ForceDynamics beat them to it

Though this site has some nice stuff, better motion than frex at less cost
S2 licensed
Engadged mentioned LFS does that mean its mainstream...... ... ake-your-retirement-fund/
S2 licensed
Id rather they just fix rally racing. I know hopefully when the physics are fixed it should make driving on the dirt feel more like the dirt. But much is needed to make it feel real or at least like RBR. Smoothness of the tracks is ok (but I'd like that fixed too) for regular racing, but who ever heard of smooth dirt... Looks very bad and feels worse. Tracks now need more bumps, sharp turns, tighter courses, mud, and a lot more.

In LFS rally racing needs the most fixing, if LFS is still in alpha, then rally racing is just developmental demonstration to prove proof of concept. People just use it cause the other 2 options for dirt racing is Dirt1/2 and RBR is more of a hassle than LFS

And here is a question, is the grip on dirt the same as grip on grass?
S2 licensed
I have mixed feelings about the Differential in LFS parts of me feels like the Diff type should be locked to its particular car like cars like the XFG can only have Open diffs or the XFG can only have VLSD. But for different racing that is unacceptable...

Maybe doing this can make the cars have a more distinctive character.
S2 licensed
Well if the time has come that most people have 2 or more cores maybe its time for that rewrite and if that can be done why not also write in for a newer DirextX.

Because its getting mighty hard to buy a new computer with one core.

I know people are on both sides on switching to a new DX but most would agree to use more than one core.

heck the computer i salvaged from my company has dual core and it was being thrown away. Athalon 4400 slow but I can get it to play games
S2 licensed
I would like the skid marks to stay the whole Race, maybe I am wrong but they disappear as soon at a threashold of marks are reached
S2 licensed
I just want to be wowed to the point I am glad I stuck with LFS because when the next update (be it S3 or a patch), otherwise LFS will turn me even more off and want to switch sims. NKPro, Arca Sim, iRacing or even back to RBR.

For all this waiting LFS better be back in leauge with those sims otherwise its just a disappointment waiting to happen. Because even if its good but not up to par with other competing sims, how much better will other sims get in the time for their next release? rFactor 3 may come out faster than LFS S4 hell nkPro .99 to 1.03 which was killed for its long dev time is being superseeded by this LFS (patch or S3)

BTW I love LFS physics as is, could it be better sure, could my wife be prettier sure, but I am am happy with her. Like I said in the improvement suggestions forum, more of my happiness with LFS could be had by improving FFB, graphics, different tracks (hillclimb up and down), cars, forcing stock setups (happy its on the dev list), then Physics.
Last edited by OmniMoAK, . Reason : added Physics related comment because I dont want to be a troll
S2 licensed
When NetKar pro reaches LFS levels in amount of different cars/tracks I will probably make the switch as the main game I play for racing. As its physics are equal too if now better than LFS.

I have posted it before about how much I love LFS physics and at this point IMHO more enjoyment would be gained in the graphics department (also FFB but that is another topic) as well as multi core than updating the physics.

Its like having a girlfriend who is not a looker in any way but she has a kind heart and fun to be with. But hey you are not married to her you really dont owe her anything keeping you to her. So if a younger, hotter girl with an even better personality and even more or the same fun comes along what do you do?

And hey when shes continues to say shes getting VW Sciracco, it aint going to cut it when she already has an Fiat Arbath.

You may argue with my feelings with DX9, but my analogy is dead on and I bet most of you would agree.
Last edited by OmniMoAK, .
S2 licensed
To be accurate there is also no windshield, at least from the inside of the car. Ever notice that there are is no glass distortion or cracked glass when you total a car.

Add to the fact that there is no rain, windshield wipers would be rather pointless.
S2 licensed
To simulate slipping you would need to control an actuator that releases tension on the spring of a pedal. And really more trouble that its worth.

Somewhat related Frex's H-Shift and Pedal + clutch have a wire that will not allow you to engage the gear without proper shifting. Even though its purely mechanical I hear it does a great job simulating the effect.

A FFB pad/cushion would be a better idea iVibe has something like that but who knows if they will ever get their stuff straight. I know I have one and with promises made many many years ago of a LFS plugin, I use it as a Bass shaker now. Works pretty well in simulating engine vibrations, better than a buttkicker.
S2 licensed
Oh, I have read those suggestions on to make it better, but I am proposing what I think is a quick fix.
Most damage improvements suggestion are "just make it better"

I am saying:
XRT no damage model = current wing setting
XRT body deformation model 1 = +2 degrees of wing angle.
Body Damage linked to Wing/Aero adjustments.
S2 licensed
My simple idea is to get some form of Aero damage. The idea is to have the amount of damage (to the body) linked to the wing angle. I know it is not a perfect simulation of body damage = aero drag, but its better than body damage = no aero drag.

To explain further; if you hit your front bumper the wing angle would adjust 1-5 degrees; if you total the front bumper (and maybe more) you would max out the wing angle. Since LFS models damage in appearance shouldnt LFS know the extent of the damage and maybe link it to a wing angle.

This may also be accomplished with pitch and ground effect.

Guess it is an idea to keep us happy till better damage modeling can be implemented.

The only down side is if you are in a car with no front wing after a hit your car would lose front tire grip, But I guess the Devs can add in a hidden front wing setting that is only affected by damage. And who knows, if possible add left and right settings to be able to direct the body damage for a more accurate damage model.
Last edited by OmniMoAK, .
S2 licensed
Quote from blackbird04217 :Unfortunately at this time it is not possibly to detect if a wheel is locked or spinning rapidly via Insim/OutSim or OutGauge. I know this because I have been looking for a way to do this for my AI project.

That said I really like the idea. I've been hoping for FFB pedals for quite some time. Though the brake is really the one that could use FFB; especially with brake-fade and the pedal just drops to the floor! That would make even a simulation experience scary!


From Fanatec website:
"Vibration motor on brake pedal to indicate blocking tires (only in games which support this feature)"

Fanatec pedals (I believe all versions) and Frex have a FFB motor. Although FFB to sim lockup is not quite right, but that said I would love to try it.

If insim/outsim cant detect a wheel spin how about just ABS for the FFB motor.

My hope is that if LFS can simulate brakefade (one day..) that a FFB brake pedal can adjust pressure required for 100% braking. But that is a long long away, LFS and the hardware vendors are not that advance yet.
S2 licensed
Quote from Whiskey :I didn't tested this, but it could be what you are looking for

Just letting everyone know, I gave that plugin a try. I must say with a little more work this should be what LFS feels like. Steering now requires more work and is more lively. That said its not perfect needs some smoothing out, but a heck of a lot better and FFB is set to 25%.

In SO City when you drive over the rails you can feel it now through the wheel. Before you felt something like a light rattle, now you can feel the distinct ---__-__-__--- when the front wheel go over the tracks. Although in real life you do feel it through the front wheels, its more pronounced in the rear tires (shock from the seat of your pants), but I understand hard and incorrect to simulate that through the steering wheel.

In BL_GP when you go over the kerb with the right side of the car the steering wheel pushes much harder to the left cause of the camber of the road. Before even at 60% FFB you could hold the steering wheel straight without even realizing that you were off camber.
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :From a purely conceptual point of view the way LFS' force feedback is implemented is already pretty much optimal. It only reports the forces that the simulation generates at the steering rack - nothing more, nothing less.

So then maybe the magnification needs to be set higher? And is that magnification what FFB percentage is in the options. if that is true setting it higher than 55% doesnt really make it feel better.

Well there is one canned force that most of us wish felt better and that is the rumblestrips. right now its hit or miss depending on your ffb setting around 30% its feels good but you dont feel the road as well, at 50% its hard to feel at all. If the rumble strips not canned then maybe using canned forces may be better in this instance.

Grand Turismo had a canned effect for wind which felt good though, not quite real, it was the effect for drafting in GT4 (rumble strips felt good too the variance was speed and L or R tire dependant). While in the draft steering was a little lighter with every fraction of a second you felt some wind in the way of very slight hardening of the wheel.

I feel that canned effects are not always bad as long as they implemented realistically.
Last edited by OmniMoAK, . Reason : fixing words
Time to improve Forefeedback for steeringwheels users
S2 licensed
Now I agree LFS should be LFS but there are some points where I wish LFS was more like iRacing and NKPro.

After playing those 2 games the FFB in my G25 feels numb. (BTW I also have a DFP and it too feels numb when compared to iRacing and NKPro).
I use the settings that are in the wheel wiki and use FFB @ 55%

I used to think LFS felt good and on par with RBR, rFactor and GTR2 in terms of FFB, but now I feel LFS has some catching up to do.

1 the crisp feeling you get when you play iRacing and NKpro need to be imitated, right now on general driving feels sloppy in comparison and need more forces added.
2 Now driving a XRG and BF1 do feel different, but not different enough. BF1 should require more force to turn the wheel
3 LFS simulated alignment problems great but NKPro just does it better (this is probably related to 1 not being crisp enough)
4 FFB when you collide need to be improved right not you have to tune how you feel the rumble strips (too much FFB and you cant feel them too little and you cant feel forces while driving) dont know how iracing and NKP do it but it works in those games.
5 "The death wiggle" in LFS when you are about to lose control the wheel is still subdue pushing left and right, while in iRacing and NKP its violent, angry at you.
6 Track feel (maybe i am wrong about this one) in LFS you really only get 2 feelings(3 if you count when your wheels are in the air) 1 on the track and 2 on the grass. In the other games you can feel the differences in the graininess of the track, you can feel the tire sticking (or lack of it) to the road. and tarmac and concrete feel different. I know visually LFS has the smoothest roads on earth but does that mean if feel the same way though the FFB of a wheel?

Please chime in and tell me other ideas where LFS FFB is lacking or where I am wrong (and I suspect I am)

Now even if the Devs dont do a thing I still love the FFB but I hope they know there there is room for improvement there too. But who knows maybe the new tire physics will fix it, or maybe when and if they do go to a newer DirectX (or OGL)
S2 licensed
Quote from matijapkc :Imagine a car hitting a wall at 160KM/H (100MP/H) and then... Only thing left is rear bumper... LoL ... vestating_car_crash_1.jpg

In LFS it would still be drivable.....
S2 licensed
I do like the paint scratching idea.
Imagine seeing a car that got hit with missing paint in the dented areas.
S2 licensed
I agree the lag text is too eye catching
S2 licensed
Quote from Bob Smith :Maybe with Windows 7 proving popular, XP machines will start to reduce in significance much more quickly, meaning it would be sensible to switch to the latest DX version in maybe just a couple of years.

That was my point exactly Bob, I just assume its closer than most people see it.
I just think there are a lot of people that play the game that has better eye candy. Like I love Half-Life 1 but with HL2, Crysis,... I have have no motivation to play HL 1. I am not saying push graphics to the limit, but get back to par with rFactor, GTR2, iRacing, NKPro and to any of you who says "who cares LFS is more fun", well yes you are correct, but isnt LFS even more fun when there 20+ servers to choose from with 15+ people in it?
Instead of an average of 3
S2 licensed
You could replace them with new pots or you can get hallpots sells these:

I am pretty sure these will never wear.
S2 licensed
Get this for your brake

then use your brake pot for your throttle and switch the springs
S2 licensed
I got one for my 2nd rig and I must say it is so simple and awesome.
and for 40 dollars well worth it.

Does it make you any faster? Well YES! because it feels more real.

I suggest you swap the + and - wires so that you do not have to invert it in windows or LFS, that way you can still use it for Playstation
S2 licensed
I like the idea (not the pic of the idea however). Many times I have been (no gay jokes intended) right up the ass of the driver ahead of me and even though I know the brakepoints my line is going to alter due to his actions. having a 3rd brake light would aid in adding another way to anticipate his actions, as I may not be able to see his rear lights due to being so close.

Plus all cars made after 1986 in the US and 1998 in the EU require them, Thanks Elizabeth Dole!

I guess you could argue that the XRT & XRG are pre 1986 cars and as such should not have them...