The online racing simulator

Posted by Victor

New Version 0.6J

Hello Racers,

We are pleased to announce a new update of Live for Speed with some very good performance improvements. Various systems have been updated to reduce the work done by the graphics card and the CPU. The simulator runs more smoothly and you can choose a higher frame rate or run your computer more efficiently and consistently with a limited rate. This is a great help at the highly detailed Westhill environment released in the 0.6H update. We have improved the frame rate limiter (in Misc Options) so Live for Speed can run very accurately at the rate you set. There is a new live frame timing graph to help you see what's going on if you like that kind of thing!

For Oculus Rift users, we are supporting Direct mode and the 0.6 runtime. You can now enter or leave 3D mode at any time without restarting LFS. Just click the 3D button in View Options. In the LFS window that remains on your monitor you can see what the person wearing the Rift is looking at.

Read the list of changes and how to get the update on the 0.6J information page.

- LFS Developers