The online racing simulator
Node.js - jsinsim - InSim library
jsinsim is a InSim library for Live For Speed, written in javascript runtime Node.js.
This library allows you to create socket connection to the game server and share packets trought TCP stream.

Current version is 1.0
Current InSim version is 9


RequirementsRequired dependeciesSource of this project
jsinsim is free to all, you can clone, fork repository and make changes to it. (do whatever you want with this).

I will be very happy if you will use this library and will help to improve it, comment or share your code, create issues threads, write improvement suggestions. This library always will be updated to a newest InSim version.
(this library not giving his full potential, i am talking about OutSim, OutGauge, not every packet for InSim works right now.)

Added Classes
Right now this library have a list of classes that will help you program faster and simplier, don't be scared to use them, those classes will be updated and there will added more functionality to it.Multiple hosts
jsinsim supports connection to one host, two hosts or even 10 hosts. All packets have info about his host, premade classes uses hostName in some functions to make clear which host will be affected.

First code

// import InSim library
const InSim = require('./module/insim');

// init InSim connection
host: { // host name used only in module
ip: '', // your host ip
port: 53330, // your host port
admin: 'admin password', // your host admin password
prefix: '!', // command prefix like (-> !command)
pps: 12 // vehicle info update per second (max: 12)
}, (hostName) => { // host name defined above
InSim.Server.message(hostName, '^2InSim: Node.js connected.');

jsinsim have a list of examples how to use some classes, this list will be updated.
Github Examples list

Do you have questions?
Find me at discord Vidmantas#9888 if you think you need help in private. If not just let me know in comments and i will help you and answer your questions.
Quote from iamproplayer7 :jsinsim is a InSim library for Live For Speed, written in javascript runtime Node.js.
This library allows you to create socket connection to the game server and share packets trought TCP stream.

Current version is 1.0
Current InSim version is 9


RequirementsRequired dependeciesSource of this project
jsinsim is free to all, you can clone, fork repository and make changes to it. (do whatever you want with this).

I will be very happy if you will use this library and will help to improve it, comment or share your code, create issues threads, write improvement suggestions. This library always will be updated to a newest InSim version.
(this library not giving his full potential, i am talking about OutSim, OutGauge, not every packet for InSim works right now.)

Added Classes
Right now this library have a list of classes that will help you program faster and simplier, don't be scared to use them, those classes will be updated and there will added more functionality to it.Multiple hosts
jsinsim supports connection to one host, two hosts or even 10 hosts. All packets have info about his host, premade classes uses hostName in some functions to make clear which host will be affected.

First code

// import InSim library
const InSim = require('./module/insim');

// init InSim connection
host: { // host name used only in module
ip: '', // your host ip
port: 53330, // your host port
admin: 'admin password', // your host admin password
prefix: '!', // command prefix like (-> !command)
pps: 12 // vehicle info update per second (max: 12)
}, (hostName) => { // host name defined above
InSim.Server.message(hostName, '^2InSim: Node.js connected.');

jsinsim have a list of examples how to use some classes, this list will be updated.
Github Examples list

Do you have questions?
Find me at discord Vidmantas#9888 if you think you need help in private. If not just let me know in comments and i will help you and answer your questions.

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