The online racing simulator
Disappearing sound bug
(4 posts, started )
Disappearing sound bug
Hello mod users,

I will need to fix this issue, where certain setups of certain mods, then driven in a certain way, can cause a physics glitch that results in a sound problem that affects all users who are within range of that vehicle. There may be a bad sound then a total loss of engine sounds.

So does anyone know of a simple way to reproduce this? If necessary, I could trawl through an MPR from a cruise server but my job would be a lot simpler if this can be reproduced on demand, or in an MPR with just the one vehicle in it. It's a lot easier to track down something in the debugger if there is less going on.


EDIT: I did fix this in the past for some vehicles. It was something to do with the golf cart. As it had small wheels their rotation could go wrong on remote computers with some gear ratios or final drive ratios. It was not intended by the user driving the car and it came with a graphical glitch too.
(kristofferandersen) DELETED by kristofferandersen : witchunting
This happened a few times on tc today when someone was using this mod
I have no idea how to reproduce it consistently but you might be able to get some clues from the replay and the way the game behaved around the time.

The sound would permanently cut out randomly if you were within hearing range of them. Shift+W would not fix it. If you spectated them after it happened the entire screen would be red when using some of the views (I think it was cockpit and follow). When looking at them using one of the working views or from another car it looked as if physics was not applying to their vehicle and it would teleport around frequently.

You can find it at around 1:06:30 in the replay, the person using the mod is MEYSAM but it doesn't seem to happen if you spectate them directly. If you spectate T r i s at that time it does happen but looking at it in the replay seems to be inconsistent, sometimes you just hear a loud bang, sometimes nothing happens. Sometimes the sound does cut out but no red screen when spectating them, when this does happen their engine appears stalled while they are driving. I also saw it once at that time when spectating
[TC]›Blacktop‹ instead, this time before the sound died a massive plume of smoke came from the person using the mod.
The replay exceeds size limit so here's a link ... B1njMxJW/view?usp=sharing

It also happened a 2nd time a few minutes after reconnecting but it does not seem to happen when viewed in the replay and it seemed to only affect me at the time. I'll also give that replay anyway. It happened when I was passing him around the 2:50 mark. ... VQQL5_Fw/view?usp=sharing
Thanks, yesterday I worked on two sound issues.

1) With the bus. This is at least partly related to "anti engine brake" which was able to add more than 100% throttle. So that will be fixed in 0.7A3. This fix has been verified on Tristatron and chucknorris replays.

But I thought I should mention, this is a feature for F1 cars. It involves adding throttle (burning fuel, of course) to counteract extreme resistance from an engine. This was necessary on F1 cars some years ago with fairly large, high revving engines (I don't know about the modern ones). I don't think it is realistic on a bus and I don't think it should be necessary. I think if there is excessive engine braking, the resistance of the engine should be reduced instead.

2) A separate bug reported by kristofferandersen that seems to be related to a position packet exploit or hack, also could kill sound on remote computers.

Disappearing sound bug
(4 posts, started )