The online racing simulator
Lapper connect problem
(2 posts, started )
Lapper connect problem
Lapper connect and disconect (appears the welcome message)

heres the log:

5/5/2015 7:15:17 PM
The target array is not long enough to copy all the items in the collection. Go to the contents and the length of the array.
em System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
em System.BitConverter.ToInt32(Byte[] value, Int32 startIndex)
em System.BitConverter.ToSingle(Byte[] value, Int32 startIndex)
em InSim.Decoder.pakGetFloat(Byte[] pak, Int32 first) em c:\LFSLapper6.014\src\InSim4.cs:line 920
em InSim.Decoder.STA..ctor(Byte[] packet) em c:\LFSLapper6.014\src\InSim4.cs:line 1159
em LFSLapper.LFSClient.Loop(Connect insimConnection) em c:\LFSLapper6.014\src\LFSClient\loop.cs:line 1089
em LFSLapper.LFSClient.doloop() em c:\LFSLapper6.014\src\LFSClient\lfsclient.cs:line 561
em LapperInstances.LapperInstance.doConnection() em c:\LFSLapper6.014\src\LFSInstances\LapperInstance.cs:line 247
Void ThrowArgumentException(System.ExceptionResource)
Closing Instance...
No idea what that error means.

Best thing to do is to look in all the log files that lapper collects - there will be 2 /logs directories, possibly with 2 files in each (you've found at least one). Really, you are looking for one that ends ERR.log, and see if that has details of a .lpr file that has error, e.g.

8/30/2014 6:32:06 PM -> Error: Unclosed string on file : "./flags.lpr" at line #2584

(This is one of my error messages where I somehow missed a " symbol near end of a line).

If you are lucky, it will be something like that causing the disconnect, and it will point you to correct file and likely coding line, else all I could suggest is that you check everything you have changed from original lapper installation. If you haven't changed anything, then ...????

It may be, as you play around with lapper, that you will get error messages that point to a line of code in a .lpr file. MS Notepad does not (I'm sure) give line numbers, so may be worth downloading a text editor that does - PSPad is the one I use (see post HERE for further details) - see this post HERE to see how coding will be displayed if you follow Tim's instructions.

Lapper connect problem
(2 posts, started )